Getting older

Congrats to Colm, sounds lovely

Good luck to everyone with their day to day battles too.

Tanlic, CH with those protective gloves may not be the best hope but I do wish you well and hope you still enjoy Thailand
Currently laid up with a ruptured eardrum...pain like which I have never felt before and that includes regular migraines which can be severe and also multiple broken bones from horse falls.

I caught an Covid like infection on the train to Gatwick two weeks ago. Had a rubbish holiday in France as a result with two day’s in bed. Flew back a week ago and the flight was bumpy so my ears struggled. Friday morning I was in screaming agony. Go to pharmacy where 12yo assistant said Beconase (I didn’t have any congestion at this time). I managed to get triage nurse at our surgery to see me later that day. She said outer ear inflammation and prescribed steroidal spray. I administered four times but this morning the pain was something else. I was weeping with pain. So I went to A&E and I have a badly ruptured eardrum. I shouldn’t have been given the spray at all as it’s set up fluid inside ear for infection. So good job I went to A&E...have to say they were fantastic (this is Musgrove Hospital in Taunton and I’ve always found them exceptional). Doctor was so kind and caring so now I’m on heavy duty painkillers and oral antibiotics.

It’s taking a while to kick in and the Arc was watched still in agony so apologies to Marb who was texting me his good news that I wasn’t more with it!
Yes, get well soon, Jinny.

And here’s hoping that our other members suffering ill health can also get better or at least improve.
One thing I've noticed as I get older is the increased time it takes to heal injuries.

I was always a very quick healer but I notice nowadays that bruises tend to linger longer.

One thing, though, that does concern me is how long it takes for my shins to heal. My shins have several little spots that have been there for years, caused by anything touching them. For example - and this has happened a few times - when I lower the dishwasher door and the top edge of it touches - not hits, bangs, etc - I'll have a mark soon after that just seems never to heal. Most of the time I'm not even conscious of the contact but I certainly am of the consequences.

The doc says it's just because the skin over my shinbone is so thin.

Changed days from my young footballing 'career' when I thought guys that wore shinpads were cissies. I always had my socks folded down to my ankles (except when I played for the school team because the coach insisted on a dress code on the pitch: shirts tucked in, socks up, boots polished), at least until I started playing weekend amateur stuff when I realised some of the opposition were more intent on playing the shin than the ball.
Speaking of shin pads,they didn't do we any good when playing one of my old teams. Scored twice and beat them easily but taunted a wee bit too much and didn't see the tackle. Luckily it was side on but bottom of leg below knee all the colours of the rainbow with a massive bruise. Got a week off work so not all bad news.🤣