Gone But Not Forgotten
some interesting posts in here and not what I expected when I made the topic!
I personally don't think a forum with 2 members is a forum, you may as well set up a facebook private group, or just use some messaging app, or text each other if that is the case, same with having just a dozen members, but each to their own, just my opinion. What do you do when people leave though, how do you replace them? People's lives change. 20 years ago I used to spend hours on form every saturday morning, and hours for the big meetings, now I have a family, I don't have time, my lifes changed to where priorites have changed, which is why I rarely post about racing now. I'm sure that happens to others too. Many many reasons why people might not contribute as much over the years, if you never get any new members, how do you replace them?
I think one advantage we have is that, due to the nature of the forum, and its name, people who find us are genuinely interested in racing (or betting), so new members do have a genuine opinion, rather than a lot of forums where you get a lot of trolling.
Regarding the moderation, surprisingly there is VERY little required on here, there tends to be little spurts where theres loads to do all within the space of a few days, then theres nothing for months. I know some think I'm too laid back, but its worked 99% of the time for 16 years now, yes I might get it wrong on occasion, in fact I'm sure I do, but everyone makes mistakes. When i have bowed to pressure in the past, I have always had pm's afterwards saying they thought I was wrong, so just goes to show you can't please everyone all the time. A notable example was Phil, reading the forum you would think everyone wanted him banning, I banned him and got over 30 pm's from different people saying they though he shouldn't have been banned! I could ban a few members just from this thread alone for rule breaches, I don't think anyone wants it to be like that do they?
What happened to Atacanta, is it still going?
Before I upgraded the forum we had full facebook integration, along with tweet this post buttons and suchlike, I don't think any of it got used, I certainly didn't notice it, and haven't had any requests for it to be put back since the upgrade. You can like posts on here, again, not sure anyone ever does, quite unsure as to why no one does use it tbh.
Lack of use from what I can see, which comes back to the first thing I posted above. People move on, when they do, if you don't replace them, you have nothing left. Ted always kept the forum private, you had to join to view posts, I don't think I've ever joined a forum where that was the case.
Thats a bit unfair, just because stuff isn't discussed in the open it doesn't mean nothing was done in private.
Agreed, but when things are on a screen in front of you it isn't that easy to know if its said in jest or not. It's espcially difficult for moderators when something kicks off big style, it has been ongoing for months, but no one has bothered to click the report button to let the mods know whats going on! Moderation has to be part members responsibility, mods don't read every single post, every forum replies on reports to alert mods of any trouble brewing.
I personally don't think a forum with 2 members is a forum, you may as well set up a facebook private group, or just use some messaging app, or text each other if that is the case, same with having just a dozen members, but each to their own, just my opinion. What do you do when people leave though, how do you replace them? People's lives change. 20 years ago I used to spend hours on form every saturday morning, and hours for the big meetings, now I have a family, I don't have time, my lifes changed to where priorites have changed, which is why I rarely post about racing now. I'm sure that happens to others too. Many many reasons why people might not contribute as much over the years, if you never get any new members, how do you replace them?
I think one advantage we have is that, due to the nature of the forum, and its name, people who find us are genuinely interested in racing (or betting), so new members do have a genuine opinion, rather than a lot of forums where you get a lot of trolling.
Regarding the moderation, surprisingly there is VERY little required on here, there tends to be little spurts where theres loads to do all within the space of a few days, then theres nothing for months. I know some think I'm too laid back, but its worked 99% of the time for 16 years now, yes I might get it wrong on occasion, in fact I'm sure I do, but everyone makes mistakes. When i have bowed to pressure in the past, I have always had pm's afterwards saying they thought I was wrong, so just goes to show you can't please everyone all the time. A notable example was Phil, reading the forum you would think everyone wanted him banning, I banned him and got over 30 pm's from different people saying they though he shouldn't have been banned! I could ban a few members just from this thread alone for rule breaches, I don't think anyone wants it to be like that do they?
What happened to Atacanta, is it still going?
I think it's possibly this last point that a lot of fora were perhaps slow to repsond to as things like SEO, social media, share buttons, and paid per click started to embed themselves across cyberspace.
Before I upgraded the forum we had full facebook integration, along with tweet this post buttons and suchlike, I don't think any of it got used, I certainly didn't notice it, and haven't had any requests for it to be put back since the upgrade. You can like posts on here, again, not sure anyone ever does, quite unsure as to why no one does use it tbh.
As for Final Furlong, what was the REAL reason it shut down.
One liners or even essays don't make a forum shut down, shurely?
Lack of use from what I can see, which comes back to the first thing I posted above. People move on, when they do, if you don't replace them, you have nothing left. Ted always kept the forum private, you had to join to view posts, I don't think I've ever joined a forum where that was the case.
The flip side is TH has also lost a few people (good people who make good contributions), in the last few months, and many others contribute less and don't engage the way they used to because of things that went unchecked.
Thats a bit unfair, just because stuff isn't discussed in the open it doesn't mean nothing was done in private.
Moderation is a thankless task, but when there is consistent namecalling and constant aggressive posts, and it's not in jest, there comes a time when either moderation is necessary or the risk of more people walking increases. There is a substantive difference between vigorous debate with tongue in cheek riposte, and abuse and aggression and it's not hard to see or read, particularly as it's behaviour that repeats time and again.
Agreed, but when things are on a screen in front of you it isn't that easy to know if its said in jest or not. It's espcially difficult for moderators when something kicks off big style, it has been ongoing for months, but no one has bothered to click the report button to let the mods know whats going on! Moderation has to be part members responsibility, mods don't read every single post, every forum replies on reports to alert mods of any trouble brewing.
Yes we lose people from the forum but is that any different to anything else in life? I don'd drink in the same circles as I did 5 years ago. People move on and your circle of people changes all the time, usually for the better.