Goodbye to Finalfurlong forum

I had a chat once with a compiler/ trader (whatever they did?) for a majorish firm about this, and they laughed their heads off at the idea that any bookie would use a forum to adjust their odds. In fact they went further, and suggested that if they were caught doing so, they'd likely be facing disciplinary action and at the very least would lose a massive amount of peer respect. The influence forum have on a price is very often in the imagination of the posters (albeit you can see influence small liquidity exchange markets). They did conceed the only time that compilers/ traders made any use of a fora (and this one was named) was when they could identify an owner discussing running plans and that was their primary reason for using it (intelligence gathering really)

That's correct but if for example, Gigilo were to put up a horse on a Sunday night for the following day in a Wolverhampton seller then its a no brainer that his post will cause the odds to contact because there is no liquidity in overnight or early price markets on that type of race.
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I once considered the idea of a sub-forum made up of the Celtic nations contributors would be a good idea. But since then the English have raised their game. PDJ and his brother left and Ardross seems to have relaxed a little. Having said that, I still think they have a bit to find.

I wish we could re-attract Barry, Brian H, Steve M and some of the other battlefield casualties we have lost through the years.

If I could ban one thing it would be posters using the 'real' first name of an alias. Nothing screams clique and elitism as much as this. I was talking to Art, Gearoid and Nick at Leopardstown and they agree.

About the essays. Why do people take my objection to them seriously? I've no problem with long posts per se but sometimes the point can be got across in a few sentences. It kills the flow of the thread. My history teacher advised us against answering questions on Irish social history in the Leaving Cert as it lead to pages and pages of waffle. i.e talking shite about a subjective matter.
I think you should just relax and follow DO's advice - stay out of Chit Chat.

I only have enough attention span for one bout of tautology per day and I save that for the Guardian Op Ed.

We don't all know what you are like though..there will be many people ..who might want to post...reading this thread that might get put off if they think its some kind of negative using a lot of words

thats all i'm pointing out really

AC says that when he was talking to you at Leopardstown you stopped listening after 140 this true?:)

We don't all know what you are like though..there will be many people ..who might want to post...reading this thread that might get put off if they think its some kind of negative using a lot of words

thats all i'm pointing out really

AC says that when he was talking to you at Leopardstown you stopped listening after 140 this true?:)

I'm here for me not to mollycoddle new posters in the door. If they're put off by certain posters than they need to man up and new some Google searches on creating an online persona.

We don't all know what you are like though..there will be many people ..who might want to post...reading this thread that might get put off if they think its some kind of negative using a lot of words

thats all i'm pointing out really

AC says that when he was talking to you at Leopardstown you stopped listening after 140 this true?:)

The Conor McGregor of TalkingHorses never even started listening, EC1.
Barry suffered the misfortune of getting a different job, and these people actually require productivity from him, so his time is limited to get on here. I text him about Dundalk one Friday a few weeks back and he replied to say he had been on a conference call for 6 hours and hadnt even seen the card.

I had been to work, had dinner out, played 18 holes, and was on pint 2 before the first race.....Where did it all go wrong for Barry? I think it was meeting up with career driven types like AC and the **** artist formerly known as Gearoid.
There was a time Barry was ringing me at 7.55am to see if there was anything to smash up with Bet365. His passing was a sad loss to the gambling community. He is dead, right?
Just had this message from David Cormack
Hi Roger - you will receive an email with a new password - there are 50k going out and taking ages but your email should appear today
I got an e-mail about a password* from TRF yesterday, DG, so I expect you'll get yours soon.

* I've no expectation that I'll be using it.
Same here; I can't log on. Methinks they have finally been able to give me the slip.... [sob]
"* I've no expectation that I'll be using it" maaaaan!!

Cormack here from TRF - DVDS delete this if you feel inappropriate, not looking to poach or encroach.
Just I know there are quite a few on here who play various comps on TRF (Bob's in particular). If you're having trouble logging in following our site migration (we have sent out new passwords but I think a lot of email accounts now not used, etc) then if you email me your username at and I'll sort it out - meantime mail me or Nathan (ta pal) your entries and we'll make sure they are honoured even if they don't get posted on the site for this weekend only.
Thanks DVDS.
feel free to post any 4PP selections on this thread too if anyones having problems, if anyone does I'll post a link for Bob.
"* I've no expectation that I'll be using it" maaaaan!!

Cormack here from TRF - DVDS delete this if you feel inappropriate, not looking to poach or encroach.
Just I know there are quite a few on here who play various comps on TRF (Bob's in particular). If you're having trouble logging in following our site migration (we have sent out new passwords but I think a lot of email accounts now not used, etc) then if you email me your username at and I'll sort it out - meantime mail me or Nathan (ta pal) your entries and we'll make sure they are honoured even if they don't get posted on the site for this weekend only.
Thanks DVDS.

I see that you are doing your upgrade on the cheap. TRF is not a shadow of the forum it was when Craig was running it. Of course it was his baby and you just got it passed on to you for nothing- and it shows. Good luck.
Somebody told me there was a thread on Talking Horses about the demise of FF, and although it's a few weeks later, curiosity finally got the better of me, and I decided to take a look.
The first thing I noticed is that he should have said that there is a long thread on Talking Horses, and that much of the first page or two was about the demise of FF, :lol:but to be fair, even that is far more than we probably deserve.
The fact is, and rather embarrassingly to be honest, that we haven't quite yet ridden off into the sunset.
Our costs for the next two years should we choose to continue, will be close to £200, and for a forum in FF's situation, that is about £199 too much.
This sum of money is due in about two weeks time, and if we cannot get that sum dramatically reduced, then the forum we have now will certainly go, there's no doubt about it.
Of course the things I found most interesting on this thread were the views of people who have said they will be sad to see us go, and those who have a view on where we went wrong.
To those sad to see us go, thanks I appreciate that, and to those who have a view on where we went wrong, I know where you are coming from, I have known we have been heading for the exit door for years, but stopping that is very difficult.
I was most amused by the description of the "extreme right wing views" of some of our members, aimed mainly at me no doubt. I would counter that by saying that anyone who finds that to be the case, probably has very extreme left wing views, and is totally intolerant of people who have a different opinion, but probably the less said about that the better.
There are a large number of reasons that FF has died on its arse, and I'm probably responsible for quite a few of them, but by no means all of them.
We had a period of time where we had a number of members who it seemed, couldn't make a post unless they were slagging somebody else off. It seemed to me that they were the type of people who could start a fight in an empty room, and when you're faced with this situation, and you have them all sending you private messages blaming everyone else and demanding that this person be banned and that person be banned, that rather ferks up the atmosphere of the whole forum. The follow on from that is that a number of people decide to leave, and we certainly lost one of our long term and best members because he was sick to death of all the squabbling.
There are so many other reasons, the fact that we had done just about every racing subject to death a hundred times, and that we all knew most of everything we wanted to know about each other, and the fact that I didn't have a bloody clue who would win the 3.00 at Great Leighs, and neither did anyone else on the forum, they didn't know and they didn't really care it seems.
You can't force people to discuss races that they have little or no interest in, so we ended up with people who only wanted, or were only prepared to talk about the weather, politics, or the price of a loaf of bread.
We had, and still have a number of people who log in regularly, but who post once every pancake day.
I see someone has said that the forum was often closed to non members, I've had various people tell me that we should force people to log in, and that we shouldn't force people to log in, and the decision to do that at various times, was one I made. But sometimes you might see that you've had 50 guests and 4 members looking in, and I've wanted to know just who is looking in, just to make sure I wasn't ferking talking to myself.
You also can't post if you're not logged in, and it was supposed to be a forum after all, not a newspaper, so that's why I did that.
Anyway, what was almost the final straw for me, was when I saw we had not had a single post of any description, on any subject for four days.
That had never happened on FF before, and I guarantee it's never happened on here. On seeing that, I more or less gave up and started using Facebook a lot more.
That in turn led to people noticing that I had given up, and we also had the extortionate bill for the forum coming up, so it was decided that enough was enough.
We decided to close on March 1st, but then knowing that we didn't absolutely have to close for about ten weeks, we decided to stay around for the Cheltenham festival.
The Cheltenham festival revived my enthusiasm a bit, and at the same time, I realised that trying to switch to Facebook was a complete non starter, a total waste of space.
So here we are, we're still just about going, and we'll almost certainly see Aintree through, after that it's anybody's guess as to what will happen.

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I wish you well whatever you decide Ted. I'm sure the last thing you want to do is close down, but ultimately if people aren't posting for whatever reason it's just not worth it. There are very many people past and present who, even if it's unsaid, appreciate what you've given them for a very long time.

Ultimately a forum usually dies if people don't post, and people generally stop posting because of very loud obnoxious people who ruin good discussion. It happened just like that at Neigh, and ultimately that's what the central issue was at FF.

It's been more prevalent here recently and I seriously hope the current quiet period is maintained as some very good posters have exited stage left, and others keep their participation to a minimum now. Hopefully they'll come back or post more because their excellent contributions are missed.