Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

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Agreed, but if you look very carefully you'll note that I didn't address the question to anyone in particular!!!!!

Maybe, the BHA have shown by their response to a question, made through their policy, which taken their time to respond to the said question, may just indicate the BHA's policy in how they respond (or not as the case maybe) to all matters, up to and including security measures.
Be patient. Ask the question when the Q&A goes live on their site. Berate them on here if their answer is lacking. In the meantime, stop reading way too much into what the guy who runs their website has (not) said.
I didn't think that I was being impatient and certainly would not intentionally berate Robin.:( The BHA now thats a different matter especially when it comes to patience!!!:mad:
If the length of time it takes to bring a case against corrupt individuals is anything to go by, they may get round to answering your question in 2014.
Dear Toobe,

My apologies for any misunderstanding.

The comment about constructive posts was aimed at "Honest Tom" for calling us corrupt and inbred.

Your question is indeed a pertinent one, and another I would like to see answered when the Q&A comes around (this week probably).

The reason for my address to yourself was more to remind you that my post on this site isn't the commencement of the Q&A. As Warbler has stated, you made your original post and then gave less than 24 hours for a response before your 2nd, more insistent post.

I was just reminding you that my post stated that the Q&A will be coming soon, via the BHA site.

Glad it has sparked debate anyway and keep posted for when the first Q&A kicks off.

Many thanks

Dear Rob,

Many thanks for your response and the realisation by you, that indeed my question is one of pertinence.

I too am glad that this has sparked certain debate and naturally look forward to the answers to my questions, which maybe provided via the various mediums the BHA employ.

Incidentally, does the BHA currently have a complaints department? I have not seen this facility available and or, advertised on any of the BHA's media platforms. Yourself of course may not be able to answer this and I respectfully understand your position in this instance.

Kind regards

Shouldn't you change your name to the BRA (British Racing Association) as the organisation is full of t1ts? Corrupt inbred ones at that.

Security Team Member A: "Bloody hell, this account has a near perfect laying record yet there's no discernable pattern as it seems to be connected to almost every trainer and jockey in the country.

Security Team Member B: "That's our account dafty".
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Honest Tom- you've completely blown us out of the water, hands up!

We're all corrupt inbred t1ts, and what's more we all HATE racing and our remit is to do everything in our power to ruin the sport.

Toobe- if you have any complaints please email

Honest Tom- you've completely blown us out of the water, hands up!

We're all corrupt inbred t1ts, and what's more we all HATE racing and our remit is to do everything in our power to ruin the sport.

Toobe- if you have any complaints please email


BRA, you've blown me out the water with this Q&A session and looking into starting races on time. You people really do care about us, don't you?
Toobe, it gives me a warm feeling inside knowing that the government, the bankers and the BRA are looking after the interests of me and my family.
Where is this 'Ask The BRA' page anyway? I'd like to stick it up on the betfair site as there will be a lot of them game for a laugh.
The Betfair lot IMO, have been laughing at them for a long time!!!
Jesus H Christ, it's a sad day when the tossers on the Betfair forum are lauded. For anything.
Jesus H Christ, it's a sad day when the tossers on the Betfair forum are lauded. For anything.

There are many shrewd judges on the betfair forum. They've been banging on about selective and overwatering for ages and every jockey that had their wrist slapped by the BRA were flagged up as serial offenders years before the clowns at the BRA brought any charges.
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