Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

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Not on here, but then there was never any suggestion that it was going to. Robin's hosting it on the BHA web site, and will notify us when its up and running. I think it's probably safe to assume that they'd rather have editorial control of it themselves and who can blame them quite frankly, if some of the stuff posted about them on here is a sample of what they could expect
There are many shrewd judges on the betfair forum. They've been banging on about selective and overwatering for ages and every jockey that had their wrist slapped by the BRA were flagged up as serial offenders years before the clowns at the BRA brought any charges.

That's because every jockey has been flagged up as a serial offender on the Betfair forum :)
There's a different conspiracy theory every hour on the Betfair forum. Everyone's a crook, everyone's a crap jockey/trainer, everyone's pulling horses, everyone's bent, they're all out to get us.....
Not on here, but then there was never any suggestion that it was going to. Robin's hosting it on the BHA web site, and will notify us when its up and running. I think it's probably safe to assume that they'd rather have editorial control of it themselves and who can blame them quite frankly, if some of the stuff posted about them on here is a sample of what they could expect

I'm unsure why you regularly have such an issue with the BHA being taken to task on here. If it's a case of any criticism will lead them to stop frequenting these shores, that would be disappointing. Frankly, they should be taken to task a lot more than they are, and exposed as the bunch of incompetents they so clearly are.
There's a different conspiracy theory every hour on the Betfair forum. Everyone's a crook, everyone's a crap jockey/trainer, everyone's pulling horses, everyone's bent, they're all out to get us.....

That's because every jockey has been flagged up as a serial offender on the Betfair forum :)

I'm talking about where there has been a body of opinion regarding serial offenders. If you're a forum regular you'll have a rough idea of whose opinion can be trusted and who's pocket talking. The latter are often taken to task by the shrewdies although on the flip side there's an apologist for racing on every thread.
Never been on Betfair and no desire to go. I am, for good reason very anti laying horses to lose or other sports for that matter and I think events that seem to have occurred for close to a decade now have shown, if anyone is to cover the entire cost of all this including the police trial, it is Betfair.
I couldn't possibly stomach the BF forum regularly, HT. I possibly have a quick look in once a year and within a few minutes I get fed up of the utter crap spouted on there.
I'm unsure why you regularly have such an issue with the BHA being taken to task on here. If it's a case of any criticism will lead them to stop frequenting these shores, that would be disappointing. Frankly, they should be taken to task a lot more than they are, and exposed as the bunch of incompetents they so clearly are.

There's a world of difference between taking them to task, and simply hurling abuse at them. If you can't separate the two, then i regard that as disappointing. If all you do is hurl abuse at them, you've pretty well lost any argument before it starts. It stands to reason therefore that if they're prepared to do a Q&A session as a regular feature, then they'd prefer to host it themselves (who wouldn't?) for that way at least you have a degree of editorial control. No one is going to engage with people who call them "corrupt inbreds" are they? (would you?). Consequently, anyone hoping to use TH as a platform to level direct and pointed questions at the BHA is going to be denied that opportunity for such as time as any goodwill is abused and if they come to regard TH as little more than a mud slinging platform. Doubtless the same people will be prominent amongst those complaining then about non-engagement.

Initially I rang the BHA to speak with Robin when the BHA first registered with the view to trying to set up a feature, but regretably this has been shown to be incapable of functioning in the way that either of us envisaged and hoped. Calling people names is easy, anyone can do it. TH is not the only forum the BHA have tried to engage. I take little pleasure in noting that other fora (not always renowned for their cordiality) have shown a greater degree of decency and accomodation.
If the BHA cannot expect or accept that there will be from time to time a "bit of mud slinging" I'm not all too suprised at how the Betfair trial panned out. Surely how they handle the mud slinging is what it comes down to. from what I gather from Robin's responses, I'm pretty sure he knows when to stand up for himself and when to turn the other cheek.
There's a world of difference between taking them to task, and simply hurling abuse at them. If you can't separate the two, then i regard that as disappointing. If all you do is hurl abuse at them, you've pretty well lost any argument before it starts. It stands to reason therefore that if they're prepared to do a Q&A session as a regular feature, then they'd prefer to host it themselves (who wouldn't?) for that way at least you have a degree of editorial control. No one is going to engage with people who call them "corrupt inbreds" are they? (would you?). Consequently, anyone hoping to use TH as a platform to level direct and pointed questions at the BHA is going to be denied that opportunity for such as time as any goodwill is abused and if they come to regard TH as little more than a mud slinging platform. Doubtless the same people will be prominent amongst those complaining then about non-engagement.

Initially I rang the BHA to speak with Robin when the BHA first registered with the view to trying to set up a feature, but regretably this has been shown to be incapable of functioning in the way that either of us envisaged and hoped. Calling people names is easy, anyone can do it. TH is not the only forum the BHA have tried to engage. I take little pleasure in noting that other fora (not always renowned for their cordiality) have shown a greater degree of decency and accomodation.

Fair enough, I didn't register that name calling. They are however, grossly incompetent, and these type of opinions/comments/observations need to be addressed, as frankly, racing has become an embarassment.
No one is going to engage with people who call them "corrupt inbreds" are they? (would you?).

I already said I would not waste my time communicating with them. Why would I want to engage with people who have given tacit approval to criminals who have robbed me of hundreds of thousands of pounds over the last decade? (would you)?
In that case, why bother posting on the thread then in the first place? (I wouldn't)

You sound like a typical Brit. Take it up the @rse without a cross word. The French would be blockading the ports if an organisation like the BRA allowed its members to shaft them without punishment.

If Mari Antoinette had happened in Britain she would've been voted back in for another two terms.
I note that Roy of the BHA has hit out at Hills, Pot Kettle Black spring to mind. However as he is the chair I guess he only has himself and his buddy Coward to blame for the way the BHA is percieved by many.
Why would I want to engage with people who have given tacit approval to criminals who have robbed me of hundreds of thousands of pounds over the last decade? (would you)?

Fair point, but why are/were you betting on such dross racing (i've read your contributions on the Fallon thread).
Fair point, but why are/were you betting on such dross racing (i've read your contributions on the Fallon thread).

Overall I make a profit on the dross racing. Not betting on it would be akin to shutting down a profitable shop because of rampant shoplifting that the courts were punishing with fines that were a fraction of the amount earned from shoplifting.
You sound like a typical Brit. Take it up the @rse without a cross word. The French would be blockading the ports if an organisation like the BRA allowed its members to shaft them without punishment.

And you're really fighting the good fight, aren't you? Hurling a few insults from behind an anonymous username and sniffing about "hundreds of thousands" robbed.
I already said I would not waste my time communicating with them. Why would I want to engage with people who have given tacit approval to criminals who have robbed me of hundreds of thousands of pounds over the last decade? (would you)?

Robbed you?

Gun point or knife point? Or have they accessed your bank account and relieved it of funds? If the BHA have robbed you, then I suggest you report it to the police rather than Talking Horses

Or...... have you lost some bets under circumstances which you aren't happy with and think they've been derilict in their duty to investigate and find your favour? There's a lot of people who fit that description, without having to throw round nationalistc insults to over the half the forum either.

And in answer to your would you? yes, I probably would, as probing exposure would do them more damage than throwing insults around in cyberspace
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Robbed you?

Gun point or knife point? Or have they accessed your bank account and relieved it of funds? If the BHA have robbed you, then I suggest you report it to the police rather than Talking Horses.

On this basis should the BHA have given Betfair the same advice. Or did Betfair get the BHA to do the dirty work so Fallon couldn't take a defamation case against Betfair?
What has this got to do with betfair? And in what way at all could Fallon launch a defamation case against them?
If Mari Antoinette had happened in Britain she would've been voted back in for another two terms.

Now I'm truly lost.......:confused:

Unless you're trying to present yourself as an avenging latter day version of Maximilien Robespierre that is?
What has this got to do with betfair? And in what way at all could Fallon launch a defamation case against them?
Toobe should really keep all his randomly vague anti Betfair conspiracies on the same thread, so we can at least follow them, even if we can't exactly follow them.
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