Goodwood Live, and Ask the BHA

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I already said I would not waste my time communicating with them. Why would I want to engage with people who have given tacit approval to criminals who have robbed me of hundreds of thousands of pounds over the last decade? (would you)?

I'm sorry Tom, but I have difficulty feeling sympathy for anyone betting the sums you describe. If you take those sorts of risks/rewards, you have to be mature enough to take your beatings when they come and not display such levels of bitterness. We don't live in a perfect world, and as one of the " big players " you should have been factoring that into your business model.
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I thought it was something to do with Alistair Downe and the Spoting Life and who Fallon took to court. Was that not a lible or defamation case?
And you're really fighting the good fight, aren't you? Hurling a few insults from behind an anonymous username and sniffing about "hundreds of thousands" robbed.
I stand accused because, unlike yourself and some of you're buddies, I'm not drooloing over this BRA guy like some starstruck schoolgirl in the presence of Leonardo De Caprio. "Oooh, aren't we so lucky and important, someone from the BRA want's to speak to us".

Robbed you?
Gun point or knife point? Or have they accessed your bank account and relieved it of funds?
More typical brit thinking. No one has been injured, no one has been convicted so no crime has been commited. I suppose you don't think anyone has been ripped off by the banks and the rest of the financial sector either.

Or...... have you lost some bets under circumstances which you aren't happy with and think they've been derilict in their duty to investigate and find your favour? There's a lot of people who fit that description, without having to throw round nationalistc insults to over the half the forum either.
And in answer to your would you? yes, I probably would, as probing exposure would do them more damage than throwing insults around in cyberspace
FFS, what is wrong with you people. I referred to the BRA as a shower of corrupt inbreds. Regardless of the fact that a few of you have fainted because of your sensitivity and your apologist tendencies, that is the way most punters see it.

Now I'm truly lost.......
Unless you're trying to present yourself as an avenging latter day version of Maximilien Robespierre that is?
You're truly lost. I'm referring to the fact that the French know what to do with their ponces. They tend to go a bit further than Q&A sessions with people who have already made it abundantly clear what their stance is. Check out the threads on the betfair forum regarding the BRA's appeal for UK punters to boycott offshore bookmakers because they're not paying the levy. That will maybe give you some insight into how people actually feel about these people outwith this apologist backwater.

I'm sorry Tom, but I have difficulty feeling sympathy for anyone betting the sums you describe. If you take those sorts of risks/rewards, you have to be mature enough to take your beatings when they come and not display such levels of bitterness. We don't live in a perfect world, and as one of the " big players " you should have been factoring that into your business model.

I wasn't looking for sympathy chroniclandlord, I was explaining why I had no desire to engage in dialogue with people who tacitly supported massive fraud that I 100% believe affected me considerably. In the face of that, if you consider my calling the BRA a shower of corrupt inbreds to be excess bitterness then you're displaying classic Brit thinking.

In a civilised society some of these jockeys and trainers would've been kicked half to death by racegoers. Thatcher's children on the other hand can raise little more than a "tut, tut" when a senile pensioner is charged 25K for the replacement of a roof slate. "They should jolly well engage such boundahs in Q&A sessions".

"In a civilised society some of these jockeys and trainers would've been kicked half to death"

Great shout, brutality as retribution IS a hallmark of civilisation Tom. As is jingoism and mindless vitriol. Impressive. You've really shown us Brits a thing or two! Genius! :)

Anyway, the Ask the BHA page is now live, as promised. It is here:

As stated on the page, we will start accepting questions on Monday 17th August for two weeks, so feel free to ask away!

Apologies that we have had to start it on the 17th- as Im sure you will understand this is an initiative which will require time and attention from many resources here at the BHA and we want to make sure we get it right.


Why has the 'Ask the BRA' thread been closed?

FFS, can you not even get a decent argument on here any more? I was attacked by torch wielding racing insiders and I'm not even allowed to respond.
You were given many opportunities to respond, and with each one you descended into ever more bizarre, incoherent, abusive and embarrassing (for you) rants. In doing so, you rendered the thread effectively useless, hence it's closed.
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