Senior Jockey
910k.... jesus.
910k.... jesus.
Presumably he will need to build the gallop which will take time. Also, as Ger Lyons found out, changing gallops is an absolute nightmare and you can lose a season or two out of it.
I have noticed this before with a few different trainers, is it that they have to learn all over again what is required to bring a horse along and get them fit on the new gallop ? The have to 'get to know' their new gallop.
I'd also be interested to hear who is financing the deal. Could be himself, his missus or one of his owners. Or a combination!
Is Annie from a wealthy background ? She would need to be if she is providing the finance.
Is Annie from a wealthy background ? She would need to be if she is providing the finance.
I memtioned this thread to someone who chats to Gordon Elliot. He relayed the story to him. Elliot says he will be building the exact same gallop and no horse wilk go to the new yard until it's 100% finished. That could mean him being in his current yard for the next 12 months.