Graham Lee

Just saw it on Facebook. My favourite jockey. Oh please let it not be as bad as it sounds….
Asking the press not to try and contact his family direct and enquiries to go via the injured Jockeys.

Like Moe Fingers crossed it's not a serious as it sounds
News is not good....not good at all.

Sorry to be so glum but no sense in false hope, I really don't like the sound of the fact he has an unstable cervical fracture damaging his spinal cord

A spinal cord injury can damage many or almost all of the nerves that allow us to walk.

Can only hope by some miracle he makes a full recovery.

His family must be going through hell :0(
From Herietta Knight

Visited my great friend Graham Lee today -
I’m pleased to report he is amazingly cheerful and we had plenty of reminiscences . He is not only brave but a fighter .
It was a humbling experience to hear such a talented rider expressing himself after his career ending accident - He has feeling and movement in this head and neck but nothing lower in his body - he knew he was in trouble the moment he hit the ground .
A lovely man in every way and still full of optimism for the future - He says he is overwhelmed by all the messages he has received and wants everybody to know that he would like to say ‘thank you ‘so many times - And for all that the Injured Jockeys Fund have done , he has no words . Just amazement and gratitude .
Love him dearly and flattered that he wanted to see me" 425294149_10161847288375312_6588973031999089982_n.jpg
I’d hoped beyond hope that the injury was further down the spine and that no news was good news. But pleased that he knows how loved he is.