Grand National 09

Well forgive, me, but imo if AP had really been concerned for the horse why the hell didn't he pull him up when his chance was gone, instead of risking his life? Was he just worried about improving his finishing record (5 only if you count the re-mount)? Choc, riding L'Ami who'd been going just as well if not better than BC, pulled him up at 2 out as he could see he wasn't going to be placed - correct decision.

With prize money down to 8th place, and some bookies paying out as far as 6th place, he fulfilled his responsibility to those who fund the sport: owners and punters.
Well done to Mon Mome and connections, watched the last furlong on CNN in hotel in Paris!
Real shame about Hear The Echo.
And I finished the marathon, thanks for the wishes from those who said so.
Horses that die of heart attacks after races are different cases entirely. Often the horses will be in great form mentally and physically. I hold the theory that many of these fatalities are due to aneurysms caused by red worm damage early in their lives most probably as foals on poorly managed pasture.

Interesting theory. I knew one foal who certainly suffered this and only managed to win one race later in his career. Clearly had problems with his lungs, had ability and attitude but physically weak.
Rambling Minster never got into it. I backed him along with the third and fourth and Black Apalachi (who I thought was still going very well when unseated).

I agree State Of Play ran a blinder as did the runner up Comply Or Die, who I backed last year, but thought had too much weight this year. My Will got the stuffing knocked out of him at a few and would have finished closer had he jumped better.

The winner travelled and jumped very well. The jockey deserves great credit. He did it really well I thought without messing about on him.
David Muir of the RSPCA is quoted as saying: "Use of the whip after the last should be curtailed and I say that because the perception of the public - and I agree with it - is that after nearly four and a half miles and 30 fences, horses should be brought home with hands and heels."

Whilst Richard Pitman might wish there'd been such a rule in place in 1973, it could lead to some interesting outcomes if applied rigidly in future. What do you think - is he right that "the public" don't want whips used after the last in the National? Slippery slope, or special circumstances?
Someone should ask Liam Cooper what he thinks of not being able to resort to the whip after the last...
David Muir of the RSPCA is quoted as saying: "Use of the whip after the last should be curtailed and I say that because the perception of the public - and I agree with it - is that after nearly four and a half miles and 30 fences, horses should be brought home with hands and heels."

Whilst Richard Pitman might wish there'd been such a rule in place in 1973, it could lead to some interesting outcomes if applied rigidly in future. What do you think - is he right that "the public" don't want whips used after the last in the National? Slippery slope, or special circumstances?

Slippery slope.

No, I don't think it is right that the rules be changed because some fluffy bunny at the RSPCA thinks 'the public' [the majority of which have expressed such an opinion have most likely never been near a horse in their life] decide they don't like whips.
Although the general public often seem to complain about the use of whips etc I think if they've had a flutter and use of the whip makes the difference between them having the winner or a placed horse I don't think you'd hear them complaining so much.
Hope you filled your boots

Don't forget the Greyhound Grand Nat. as well

HOTDOG JACK, Sole railer in The 8.45 at Wim. 3rd Semi final, 9/2 to win if he hacks up tonight and he could dip under 28.00 that price will be long gone Wimbledon's also his fav. track bags of EP. should see the other playing catch me if you can
:pHotdog Jack not only won his semi, he Drew T1 again in the final and won even after a chalalange down the retured SP2/1:<3::whistle:
6 jockeys banned

RP has:

"THERE were memories of the fiasco of 1993 after the Grand National was delayed by two false starts on Saturday.
The field eventually got away in a relatively orderly fashion only five minutes late, but six jockeys were stood down for four days each (April 18-21 inclusive) and will miss the Scottish Grand National.
"In the first instance Nick Scholfield on Cornsh Sett was found to have disobeyed the starter. BHA head of communications Paul Struthers explained: "Scholfield can be seen giving his mount a kick in the belly and leading them in before Sean (starter Sean McDonald) had told them to come forward."
The second incident occurred before the tape had even been repaired. Struthers said: "They were cantering in before Sean had called them in and five jockeys were found in breach - Davy Russell, Paul Townend, Robbie Power,Paddy Flood and Denis O'Regan."

I do hope they had a word with Mr McDonald, too, as he didn't quite seem to grasp the situation & be loud & firm with telling the jockeys what he wanted.
Mon Mome to have a race named in his honour at Cheltenham's meeting next week.

Not sure if it's just for this year since he will be parading there, or a continuous thing.
While the starter didn't cover himself in glory, the jockeys didn't help the situation.

Someone over at FF put up Mr Frisk's GN and they were all standing quite obediently at the start of the race. The new procedures were doomed not to work and whoever came up with the idea should never be asked for another.

As for the race itself, I've decided to rate it via Butler's Cabin, which I had on 147, the same as its OR for the race. It puts Mon Mome on 160+ for its win, 6lbs higher than its previous best with Comply Or Die up 4lbs on 2008. It puts Cerium within 3lbs of what had seemed an iffy Gold Cup mark but the fascinating other figures show some of the better horses wel down on other ratings, possibly due to the effects of stamina, dodgy jumping or simply the weight, although I'm tempted to rule out weight per se since the first two both - indeed five of the first six - carried 11-0 or more.

My Will (158 compared with his best of 172?) was well below his best, as were State Of Play (153+ from 168e), Big Fella thanks (150 from 161), Southern Vic (143 from 159?) and Snowy Morning (153 from 173?).

As I noted elsewhere, the front runners, with the exception of State Of Play, ended up well beaten and the principals came fro mid division or further back.

It will be difficult to conclude what chances this year's runners might have next time but I'd guess next to none since the handicapper will hike them up anyway.
I can't help thinking that several horses would have done better if they hadn't run at Cheltenham, inc Comply Or die, My Will, L'Ami and Butlers Cabin. And possibly Cerium! - though he didn't have a hard race there, which imo the others did.

I think there needs to be 4 weeks btwn the meetings, not 3 - I guess they do it because of Punchestown, but it's a big mistake. the GN is such a demanding race, asking a horse to run in those fast-run races at the Festival so soon before, is probably asking too much