Grand National

That was a euphemism for likely retains more ability than the way he's run this season suggests because it would suit connections to get his mark in free fall.

What about the Shakalakaboomboom with a nice pipe opener in a jumpers bumper, that's a new one.
I like SAME DIFFERENCE. Ran well last spring over a trip in big fields on decent ground. Battled like a streetfighter to get up at the Festival. Hopefully Twiston-Davies has got the National in mind now he's got his mark down this winter.
At the weights my picks are Cape Tribulation / Burton Port / Mossey Joe. Will MJ run in the Foxhunters and the Grand National? Anyone know for sure.
The new owner said he had asked Enda Bolger to train him for both races on one of the racing channels a week or so ago.
I've got a feeling that Mossey Joe will forego The foxhunters and be kept for The National.
Shame, I'm a big fan of this horse. He'd run a decent race in the GC IMHO. He is improving all the time.
I've got a feeling that Mossey Joe will forego The foxhunters and be kept for The National.

Not that you would take anything written in The Sun as gospel
but there was a national weights section in yesterdays paper
and Enda Bolger was quoted as saying Mossey Joe will run in
a point to point as a prep for the national.
I took a quick look at the weights yesterday but Haven´t done any figures yet. Maybe next week. However, my immediate impression is that it´s an absolute cracker of a race in prospect. So many well known entries and any number of potential long-term plots.

Can´t wait...
The fences at Haydock, am I right in thinking they're using stiffer ones than the portable efforts they had last season?
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Do believe they are, Euro, but they are almost transparent and about as effective as toilet roll strung across the course.