Grand Prix de Paris

About Montmertre, it is exactly the opposite, the fact of the 2nd, 3th, 4th and 5th were in rear of the field and the time very being very fast suggest the race panned better for the others rather than for him.

About New Approach on 131, really funny, I can have him in more than 125 at the moment and I rate Montmartre on 131p for yesterdays (including 3l value).

So what you`ve done with Montmertre is correctly give him extra value based on the way the race was run and not done the same for New Approach who never settled at Epsom.
I didnt give him any pound for the way was run, it is because Soumi dropped his hands when 8l clear of the field, I think he could have won by 3-5 l more, I took the conservative one and allowed him just 3l.
Fair enough, but we all know that if New Apprach had settled better in the Derby and conserved more energy he`d have destroyed that field.
I don't compile my own handicap but I would think it's very dangerous and potentially misleading to produce ratings based on hazarding a guess at how much a hard-pulling horse might have won by if it had settled better. It's very different from seeing a horse being eased down and rating it accordingly.
Of course, and that is why New Approach`s rating after the Derby whatever it maybe should have had a + in front of it.
I dont see too much improvement in NA, he has had too many hard races and is not a one to trust, also many doubts about the injury, we all know when Bolger has a horse alive he runs it in every place.
Would definatekly agree with that, but going always a big factor in the arc and best left alone for AP bets. But Youmzain at 10's? The way the race is run suits his style and being such a tough race, i do tend to prefer these slightly more seasonsed campaigners

Who knows how bad NA's injury is? Would be a brave man who takes Bolger at his word. As impressive as he was in the Derby, it is so very difficult to win the arc after a tough early season campaign
would go as far and say that we will not see NA again, and can surely not see any difference in his performance and montmartres. would certainly not agree with sunny bay as certainly a race cannot pan out any better than for an (visually) imressive winner ?

He won the KG, and I loved Manduro THEN better THAN I'd ever loved him :)
Maybe you can remember from that!
Well I love Montmartre even if I did stupidly forget to back him! We have a broodmare who shares his Granddam. Probably as close as we will ever get to greatness.
The thing about Montmartre is he will have been trained to peak in October. It is difficult to argue the same thing about New Approach. I haven't done the French race yet but I'm a huge admirer of Montmartre's trainer. I think he's possibly even better than Fabre.
I've had a quick look at the bare form. I tend to agree with the counter-argument above. It looks like those makingthe pace have done themselves in yet the winner has quickened off it - always the sign of class.

My provisional figures put Montmartre on 129+p. I have New Approach on 129+ for Epsom. With Duke Of Marmalade and Soldier Of Fortune on a similar mark it's heartening to have real strength in depth in the middle distances.
I can´t see him being stiff now having an impact on any race to be run in october. royer-dupre is just a very careful guy. In fact every entered horse might miss the Arc, just think what could happen every day ..... Racing Post just needs a headline ;)
Depressing start to the flat season.

Not sure how many good older horses there will be this season. Apart from Youmzain, I'm struggling to think of any.
Indeed, very depressing... if not the best thing at Longchamp since Sea-Bird, he was the best since Zarkava...