Horse Lost on firing range!

Yeah I was there - long journey to get there too so think that will be my last trip to East Anglia for a Point in a while. Planning on either Whitfield or Detling this weekend (Sunday).

Ground was very firm - wonder the going never seems to get "soft" or "heavy" at these meetings, love the hill at Horseheath though :)
Allegedly Mr Sharp pretty much wins every argument by coming out with the line "my God visited me and told me to do x, y, z", so I've been told!!! :lol:
Has anything else come to light about the mystery of the missing horse ??? Did he die? Was he found?( Im assuming not as there have been no "its a miracle" type headlines...) Does he even exist? Did he ever go out there to be able to go missing?:ninja:

(anyone know how much he was insured for?? (just curiosity.... :whistle:)
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No idea but a tall bay pony has just arrived in my local riding school. And so soon after old Shergies passing...hmmm. ;)
One of the erc girls tried to contact them to ask...

Phone was hopless, so e-mailed and got this reply

Thank you for your kind concern. I am afraid to say we have not found him yet, but we have known a trainer who lost his horse for a month and then he turned up back at the yard so you never know.


What seems to be equally distressing is the MoD's failure to have scoped the area with a heat-seeking camera on one of their helicopters, and found even the last rays of life coming off the horse. As I said before, if that's the level of support our troops can expect... !

"Missing in action" would probably be correct with the MoD's finest equipment to hand - "We're sorry, Mrs Smith. We might've found Ronnie if someone had remembered to order the batteries... "
Horse found, whether on firing range or not! I haven't heard a dickie since ZIMBABWE was reported lost, but he's down to run tomorrow in the 4.40 at Fontwell Park! Curiouser and curiouserer....
Horse found, whether on firing range or not! I haven't heard a dickie since ZIMBABWE was reported lost, but he's down to run tomorrow in the 4.40 at Fontwell Park! Curiouser and curiouserer....

Tis a different Zimbabwe Kri, there are confusingly two Zimbabwe's trained in the UK!
:blink: Oh, NO! Now that really is a bit daft! It's bad enough remembering why I've wandered into the kitchen on an errand, without trying to keep up with dual horses! Thanks, Gamla. At least I won't make a total tit of myself tomorrow, congratulating the trainer on finding his horse... :confused:

... I can easily find another way to make a total tit of myself, I'm sure!
Ironically there are also two "Invisible Man"s running in the UK and two "Plum Pudding"s with a huge gulf in the abilities of them both, unlike the Zimbabwes'!
Oh, good grief. Bit of a nightmare if you get caught out, then. I saw PLUM PUDDING this afternoon, but now, I wonder, which one turned up?!
I remember being startled when Galileo turned up in novice hurdles a couple of years after going to stud.
:lol: Not as much as the 'real' one would've been! And BOOK OF MUSIC came back from the dead, too, to confuse the elderly.
The 'other' Zimbabwe has been quite a regular visitor to Plumpton over the years Kri,so you should have seen him in action on a few occasions.
The NH Plum Pudding has been doing rather better than his flat counterpart during the winter,albeit at a more modest level than the equivalent flat races.
And of course as well we have two very good Denmans at the mo.
Ah Galileo,remember his Sun Alliance Hurdle win well,sadly never did much after that.
We have two DENMANs? Who/where/what is the other one? Yes, I have seen 'a' ZIMBABWE on course, but now I don't know which! Dark brown all over is the one I can remember. However, the NH PLUM PUD today was a bit overcooked - finished last, I think. I do love foodie names for horses - I remember one of Gary Moore's staff saying that they got COLD TURKEY on the same day as CHEESE N BISCUITS! What with BEEF OR SALMON first - hey, wouldn't that be a fun idea for a racing pub or racing fans' dinner party? You could start with TURTLE SOUP, BEEF OR SALMON or COLD TURKEY, PLUM PUDDING, CAKE, and finish with CHEESE N BISCUITS. You'd be invited to TASTE THE WINE and enjoy the FINEST RESERVE, after which some guests might need EPSOM SALTS before saying 'TANKS FOR THAT' and going home!
The other Denman is based in Australia and owned by Sheikh Mo.
He has won 4 out of his 5 career starts including a Group One and has been partnered over there by Kerrin McEvoy.

The Zimbabwe you see at Plumpton is the rather reluctant staying chaser that built up a great rapport with Jay Harris a few years' back,not the ex Gary Moore horse currently missing.
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Denman is a small town in the Hunter valley, Aus. There are some nice wines that originate there. I usually keep one handy at this time of year in case I have to make a toast. :whistle:
"Bring Sweets" is another reused name & by the same trainer Brian Ellison!

Horse has run three times so far, born 2007
"Bring Sweets" is another reused name & by the same trainer Brian Ellison!
Ellison certainly didn't name the first one - it was with Barry Hills originally. On the other hand, Woodland Generators Ltd have owned two horses called Woodlands Genpower.