Horse Lost on firing range!

I can understand that, bit of a busmans holiday for you, but for us who work in more mundane jobs it's interesting to see the stables and the horses in the flesh.
PS didn't think there was a woman in the World who didn't drink tea!
I can understand that, bit of a busmans holiday for you, but for those of us who work in more mundane jobs it is is interesting to see the stables and the horses in the flesh.
If you do happen to get stuck behind Beddy feel free to hurl insults, she's nearly 30 years old and can shrug them off with no problem (I'm twice her age and I can still rare up though!)
I quite like seeing other yards as well but it's also a matter of time (having our own horses to get on with in the morning) and of course it'd be preferable to get to see any other yard without 500 people in it looking at the same time! :D
According to a post on the racehorse memories site Zimbabwe's body has been found in a ditch but no link to where the news came from
yes you would of thought that this news would have made the RP considering how vocal the trainer was when it first happened,

Maybe take it with a pinch of salt until something has been confirmed
According to the RP, they identified the remains as Zimbabwe as they found some fur in the same colour as him and tendon boots with the carcass. Am I the only person wondering what happened to the rest of the tack he will have been wearing - bridle, saddle and presumably a heavy exercise sheet due to the conditions of the time?
Oh no - it was thought this end too....

I was hoping someone else would think that a ditch could be a useful dumping ground - but maybe Im just too cynical !!
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According to the RP, they identified the remains as Zimbabwe as they found some fur in the same colour as him and tendon boots with the carcass. Am I the only person wondering what happened to the rest of the tack he will have been wearing - bridle, saddle and presumably a heavy exercise sheet due to the conditions of the time?

Mmmmm...... Call me a suspicious ole bird but it smelt fishy from the start and after reading about missing tack (a few quid there in itself) then there is still quite a bit of whiff about it. :confused: Will the insurance pay out on just that evidence or will samples be needed to test that they are definitely his remains....Oh there I go again, suspicion suspicion suspicion, I'm getting worse that Miss Marples these days!:ninja:

That poor horse though, I don't even want to imagine what the poor critter went through.
My first thought was that he'd be ID'd from his tack - so where is it? You know what he wears, what the bit/noseband are, what colour sheet (possibly with a logo). And it doesn't say that the ditch was on the firing range or if it was even near to where he was being ridden when the rider fell off. As for fur in the same colour... are they saying they found a skeleton, then, with no dried hide from which they could still obtain a microchip reading (from the neck hide)? Presumably the inference is that he has been eaten entirely by scavenging animals, with no hide left, and those same animals have neatly carted away his leather bridle and saddle to eat somewhere else? So what about the non-leather metal parts of the tack, the girth, and the sheet? I'm not convinced, either!