Horsey Question

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So as it is totally harmless, eat some and prove me wrong. In the countryside where people apparently put up with the smell because "it's the country after all," maybe it doesn't need to be cleaned up but in a city, with young children around, it should be.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jul 22 2007, 01:12 PM
I can't believe you're even asking why it is ridiculous for riders to clear up after themselves! Ok then, answer me a few questions then. Firstly what is a rider to do with all the manure they collect on a ride? Make a vain attempt to tie a sack onto their back?? When they dismount every 5 minutes to clear up some droppings what do they do with the horse? Bang on the nearest house door & ask someone to hold their horse while they untie the shovel that is strapped to their back and clear it up?? What if they can't get back on again? Should they then lead the horse back on foot, carrying the shovel & sackful of manure??

Now, can you see why such a comment is ridiculous?? Townfolk!!!! :laughing:
How much manure is deposited per hour on a ride?

Take a sack and a spade and do your bit to clean the country up. If it is so good as a fertiliser you should take it home yourself. Of course it isnt ridiculous to ask a horse owner to clean up, get a grip and accept that you are defending a losing position
Eh? Of course it is harmless, it's totally organic matter! Facetious comments about eating it are pointless - for starters it wouldn't do one's health a lot of good to eat tarmac but that's not outlawed, is it?? Should everything be harm tested by eating the stuff before it's allowed out in public? Are you seriously expecting kid's health to be harmed by the presence of horse manure - are you seriously suggesting that all kids are going to eat it as well?? Maybe as kids in towns are so dumb that they'll put anything in their mouths they should be taught in schools not to eat everything that's not tied down?? :laughing:

Oh forget it - I can see that this must be a teaser for a comedy double act with your brother, it could only possibly be a wind up!
Mike, horses can (and do) defecate maybe 4/5 times in an hour whilst they are being ridden.

Defending a losing position???? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You two have to be on a wind up as I'm sure that two people can't possibly be as stupid as to seriously waffle on about such nonsense making themselves look like complete tits. I've gotta give it to you both though - it truly is hysterical! :clap:
so is it unreasonable to ask you to clean up every 15 minutes?

Maybe calm down for a second and just consider the original point. Horses crapped all over a childrens play area and the riders did not clean it up, if it had been dogs there would be uproar, the same rules should apply to horses since children will not understand the difference between different forms of shite.

The riders were inconsiderate to not clean up
So horses should simply be allowed to crap where kids play? As anyone with half a brain knows, kids pick things up and put them in their mouths. Never mind law, manners should be enough for people to understand they should not do this. This is not a town vs country knowledge thing, despite you trying to make it so. It is a health risk which is the reason I asked the question. Instead you have managed to turn it into a slanging match and a chance to ridicule other people's opinions. Well done.
You still haven't answered my questions as to how riders should dispose of their horse's droppings and the practicalities of strapping a shovel & a sack onto their back!!!

Fellas, you're killing me - what's your next sketch about??
It's not a health risk - it's organic matter!! As I asked before, are city kids not educated that jst because something isn't tied down it shouldn't be put in their mouths?

No, you win - you have me in stitches here. It'd make a comedy sketch Smith & Jones would be proud of. The Chuckle Brothers mark II? :clap:
Once again, ridicule instead of argument. Trudi has already mentioned some countries making horses wear nappy style coverings. There's a possibility.
My answer is that is is easy to carry a small spade and bags in a saddle bag and carry it with you. As for disposing if it you could put in on your garden, i hear it is quite a good fertiliser

Your turn now
Again, ridicule, not argument. Kids can be educated until the cows come home (and crap everywhere...) but they WILL pick things up and put them in their mouths. Arguing they won't do that is ridiculous.
Easy to laugh, less easy to answer questions to which you have no answer.
Sorry, have you fellas been hanging around waiting for me to reply to posts I hadn't seen (I do have other things to do!) ? My heartfelt apologies!

Mike - what question did you ask? As I see it you last stated that riders should all ride complete with spades & sacks at which point I nearly killed myself choking through laughing so much.

It's easy to laugh as you two just have to be on a complete windup. What questions am I not answering? Haven't seen any that haven't made me cry with laughter yet, let alone warrant a serious response.

Jeez - I'd better get onto HSA - the town of Newmarket must be a toxic health threat of enormous proportions what with its vast amounts of hazardous material contained within! :laughing: :laughing:
1) So who should clean it up then? The mother of one of the children did it this time. Next time it happens we will throw it at them for being selfish knobbers.

2) Do you think that horses should be allowed to crap where children play?

Oh and I have now answered your question. You clearly didn't see (or didn't want to see) Trudi's answer earlier about the nappies.
Originally posted by PDJ@Jul 22 2007, 03:43 PM
Once again, ridicule instead of argument. Trudi has already mentioned some countries making horses wear nappy style coverings. There's a possibility.
You should raise the subject with your local Envionmental Health Agency (or whatever they are branded these days) if you believe it to pose a danger. Hell, why not cut to the chase and go to your MP ?

If it really is a health risk, these horse nappies would be the obvious solution.
PDJ, I actually seriously think the pair of you must be on a wind up with this thread but will humour you slightly by answering your two questions.

1) Horse manure is biodegradable, organic, non-toxic matter than breaks down in a few days. Does it really need clearing up?

2) Eh? Are you now suggesting that riders can control where/when their horses defecate?

Enough already - I can't believe I've gone along with your blatant wind-up for so long.
How about this then??????????????? :laughing:
Yes it does need cleaning up. It isn't a wind up. Other people can have different opinions to you without it being a wind-up. Obviously horses cannot control where their horses crap but unless they have no control over them and allow them to run away with them all the time when just doing a little exercise, they have a say as to where the horses go. I don't live in the country so the idea of being knee deep in horse crap doesn't appeal to me. It does to you. Fair enough. If they do it in this road again though they will have it thrown at them. As it isn't harmful, we will aim to get it in their mouths.
Originally posted by PDJ@Jul 22 2007, 04:42 PM
Yes it does need cleaning up. It isn't a wind up. Other people can have different opinions to you without it being a wind-up. Obviously horses cannot control where their horses crap but unless they have no control over them and allow them to run away with them all the time when just doing a little exercise, they have a say as to where the horses go. I don't live in the country so the idea of being knee deep in horse crap doesn't appeal to me. It does to you. Fair enough. If they do it in this road again though they will have it thrown at them. As it isn't harmful, we will aim to get it in their mouths.
###### slinging surely isn't the answer. Why not just follow my reasonable recommendation ?

EDIT: Banned word, used quite responsibly in this instance, was $hit.
It's been reported to the neighbourhood watch group and we will see from there.
Most horse poo is dumped on roads, therefore humans shouldn`t be trodding in it. There is a saddlery near me in Farrington, Leyland and i see horse poo a lot. It doesn`t bother me one bit.
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