House building in Thailand

I always tend to nod off before the end which is very annoying. My favourite one was the house built from an old water tower. There was an all white one the other week that would have made me feel like I was living in a morgue. Takes all sorts, I suppose. Have often wondered how much people get paid to appear on the programme [could cover the entire cost of your build!].
Back to Sunny Issan tomorrow..........bloody freezing up there in the mornings........haven't laid a brick in my life but those superblocks look easy.........think I'll give it a go and post a pic of my effort later in the a quote for a patio/sliding door today scared the friggin life out of me. Including those outside and inside I have 6 to buy and a load of is Sprinter Sacre running I need some dosh LOL
I really don't want to see a pic of you laying a brick. Especially after 10 guinesses and a curry
Flying back to sunny Bangkok on Sunday.

Had a bit of a problem with the roofer...dumb as dog **** I told him to bolt the course.

Arranged for my friends sister... Yes Sister( amazing the amount of good tradeswomen here in building) to bring her people from 300 miles away over today.

Internal block walls for toilets laundy and kitchen will be finished on Saturday and I have arranged for the outer wlls to be rendered and the roof to be done while I am gone.

Probably won't do much more until after the Cheltenham Festival as I have other commitments and want to be here for the internal work.

Ordered all my windows so I might have them installed

Place is bloody bigger than I thought.....anyone wanna rent a room :lol:
