How Are You At Pricing A Race Up?

In fairness to Shadow Leader, she's ***** hot at laying a horse as well

Just go for the one she backs....
tdk, the horse would have still won a minute over the 6 furlongs if his jockey had ridden with just an ounce of brains or panache. It was the thickest and most pathetic ride I've seen in ages.

you price races up as I understand it, have you no comment at all re pricing races up?

or it is it a black art you unwilling to divulge?

fair enough if it is the latter

I'll have a look at Tamagin tomorrow

sometimes a horse can show a lot of speed at 6 but then not look as fast when dropped back to 5..could this be the case with Tamagin?
Agree that 5f will be the making of Tamagin, I said that after his last run at Newmarket behind Capricorn Princess, I was amazed he saw the race out as well as he did given the gallop he set. It says plenty about the training nous of David Evans that he never tried the horse at sprint trips.

Ideally there wouldn't be quite so much opposition to him from the front, though most of those other pace horses are out of sorts and would struggle to lead him anyway. Can see Matsunosuke being overbet against him. All this horses best form is on stiff tracks. He's a strong traveller that just doesn't pick up, but cruises past the stopping pace horses on these stiff finishes. Can't see them coming back to him at Wolverhampton.
DJ. I was quite pleased that there was some supposed pace opposition to Tamagin, as it may mean that the price might just be that bit bigger. I will be disappointed if he doesnt win tomorrow.

it's rude enough taking a thread over with stuff that has nothing whatsover to do with there any need for being ignorant as well?

i asked you a perfectly reasonable question, why the need to totally ignore it?

if you have a problem, which you seem to have had like a few others..since TRF...spit it out

..can't be doing with snidey stuff like you have done on this thread

lets be hearing your gripe
Or maybe when he's not working, he doesn't need to justify himself to anyone as to why he doesn't want or can't be arsed to explain what he does at work? Just a thought!
The thread is supposed to be about how to price up a thread, if he can't be arsed to comment on that then why post up tips?

Growing up..interesting comment David

Is that the grown up..where because you carry a grudge against someone..from a bloody purposely wind people up or ignore them?

You don't seem to be giving the grown up advice out to enough people imho.

If the guy has a problem..which he has displayed in quite a few responses to me on this board..then I would rather know what the gripe is..rather than the silly games played.

This thread never actually got started ...never mind run it's course..due to the silly games that apparently grown ups play. All i have done is ask someone if they will post about the topic in hand..and I get you and SL coming at me like some protective brothers...can't TDK answer for himself?

Now if this is just another cliquey carry on a la TRF..then fair least I know where I stand.

Maybe I have read the forum wrong, I thought topics like this might be of interest..looks like I was very wrong.

:laughing: Dear oh dear EC1

The thread developed away from "how are you at pricing a race up" to discussing the horses originally in question.

"Thread development" it is called - happens quite a lot on forums I think you will find......

I could have started another thread specifically about Tamagin, but frankly didn't think anyone would be bothered if I continued on this one.

I haven't got any grudges, problems or cliquey tendencies ~ and couldnt really give two tosses whether you think otherwise. I was merely trying to offer some opinions on some 6f handicappers - this is a racing forum after all. :laughing:
why not respond to a simple question then TDK?

it's not a developed thread, it never started developing because the main subject never got discussed.

I get the general drift on here from the responses or non responses from people, the general drift to an outsider like myself is that you can be invisible on here for good periods..whilst general in jokes and banter fly around.

If it's just an incrowd meeting place..then thats fine by's not really encouraging for outsiders to post though imho.

Fair enough, thanks for responding anyway.
I answered for two reasons EC1 - namely that the thread developed into discussion about a specific horse (Tamagin, in this case) as these threads invariably do, so to mention the horse again here should certainly have caused no offence.

The other reason is that you had a similar pop at me at the beginning of the thread, ie for not explaining about pricing up a race. Now I'm not famous for being the most patient of people and I'm afraid that next to "what do you fancy then? Givus a tip!", "how do you price a race up then?" is second in my list of questions I groan at every time they are uttered on an inevitably regular basis when people ask about what I "do" for a living. Others may not feel the same as me (eg tdk in this case) but I do feel that to have a pop at someone as they haven't immediately responded to your request that they detail what they do for a living and how they go about it [in their free time, no less!] is just a tiny bit precious.

In my case, I just can't be bothered to go into it I'm afraid (not least as I have had so little free time in recent months that I tend to veg out completely when I do get it!) - and that's not a dig - not through malice, but because it's not an exact science, different people do it in different ways and when I'm not working I don't especially want to go into work details in depth, I want to relax! So, apologies!
but I do feel that to have a pop at someone as they haven't immediately responded to your request that they detail what they do for a living and how they go about it [in their free time, no less!] is just a tiny bit precious.

hang on SL

I didn't have a pop because he didn't respond immediately..he responded to it looked like a purposeful ignore to me. We haven't always seen eye to eye so I assumed he was throwing a deaf un on purpose.

The fact is that I only just realised TDK did this for a it on TRF just a few days I didn't know he was an odds complier before that. In all the time I was on TRF..I never one ever said.

So it doesn't seem unreasonable to request that it might not have hurt him to share ..just a little knowledge..on a thread he's happy to post tips on..about the topic title.

I am informed it's a racing forum..pricing a race is a racing topic..or so I's not like I said.. you're a dentist TDK..fancy answering a few questions about fillings...over on a racing forum.

If I'm being precious about this..I'm could be worse..I could be precious about discussing racing topics on a racing forum.

I just find it odd that it seems somehow offensive or out of ask someone about a racing topic..when he happens to know a lot about it.

I'm real sorry here for any offense caused trying to get a topic discussed by people who know a bit..silly me.
seeing as how the thread has developed in to discussing one horse - Tamagin

I wouldn't want a short price on the horse tomorrow - it has lots of pace pressure in the shape of a few other on-pace animals


race could be set up for a finisher like Inter Vision, Matsounuke or Jack Rackham who won that race at beverley earlier this year when the pace collapsed.

thats my childish view anyway
Yes - that is true EC - there is plenty of pace. However, for me it depends whether you think those horses are as quick as Tamagin. I certainly wasn't fancying him on the basis that he might nick a "soft" lead, more that he would be simply too fast for the others....

As to all the other stuff - yes you are being far too precious about it.
Originally posted by EC1@Oct 1 2007, 08:54 PM
seeing as how the thread has developed in to discussing one horse - Tamagin

I wouldn't want a short price on the horse tomorrow - it has lots of pace pressure in the shape of a few other on-pace animals


race could be set up for a finisher like Inter Vision, Matsounuke or Jack Rackham who won that race at beverley earlier this year when the pace collapsed.

thats my childish view anyway
Good analysis as it turned out EC1...

On today's evidence Tamagin isn't "all speed" and I was very disappointed that he seemed to struggle to lay up with them early doors.

Still - he ran a creditable race without ever looking like winning and can maybe pick up a handicap over a stiff 5 or easy 6. That said with lots of 1s and 2s next to his name, he is unlikely to be an exciting betting proposition next time....
watched the race TDK, I think 6 is his trip, he stayed on at one pace late on..but did well to do that as the pace was killing

but another shot over 6 would be fine I reckon.
Hopefully they'll turn Matsunosuke out under a penalty. Can't see him getting a race run to suit like that again for a while and he's sure to be pretty short given how well handicapped he'll 'look'.