Howard Johnson

Sometimes feel ready for the knacker's yard already Kri. Perhaps I've been in training with a well-known north-eastern trainer...

I'm waiting for awful headlines like "Has Ho-Jo lost his Mojo?" or, from The Sun, "It's a Load of Anabolics!"
Howard carried out an atroscious act on one of his horses (that let him down that day) a number of years ago after he came back drunk to the stables in the evening.

The BHA will try and nail him to the cross for this incident and I sincerely hope that he gets a ban which is sufficiently lengthy that it results in the end of his training career.
How is it that a years-old story surfaces now, which was never an issue at the time it allegedly happened? What the hell is it with racing people that they clam up the minute someone behaves detestably towards his horses - think Mahdi, Quinn, and now this fucker, etc.? Where are the appalled members of staff, the jockeys who ride out every morning, even the owners who must visit and see some things are not right?
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"Wylies stand by Johnson" - now, there's a surprise! What else are they supposed to say: that they've known all along that they've put their money with a rogue trader, and God knows how many more skeletons might come rattling out of his cupboards?
The case for the defence has a decidedly hollow ring to it.

"The operation was done because the horse was hurting," Wylie told the Daily Mail. "He actually won three races after he had the operation. He was not put down because of the neurectomy but because he had severed a tendon.

"This is the first time Howard has done this to a horse. I give away over 20 horses a year to good homes and now wish I had done that with this horse.
"If you go up to White Lea Farm [Johnson's stable] and see them work, Howard always does what is right for the horses."

On the subject of the positive steroid readings, Wylie said: "They tested about 100 horses that morning and not one was positive. From how I understand it, something was picked up in the medical records that had been administered on veterinary advice."
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