Hows Redhead?

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Where are you! What happened to the pet thread? Named after Dougal?

My families dog Cassy has 6 weeks to live, five years old and a diamond, third dog loss for us in 4 years. I'm shocked.
Cheers. The first thread got locked, that's the one I had in my head, so started one here.
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My favourite spaniel died when she was only 6 marb; it's heartbreaking, isn't it.

We have had to have both our oldie cats put to sleep recently, Jess aged 17 at the end of November & Tinker who was two weeks short of his 19th birthday died two weeks ago on sunday,

Spaniels are my favourite, we have three, two springers & a cocker, Rosie one of the Springers was diagnosed with mast cell cancer in July 2012 & given 3 months to live, after chemo & radiotherapy she is still with us 18months on
thanks guys, we, (myself and fellow owner mum!), could have kept her going another week, but she was such a spirited dog, we didn't want her to get too run down.

I've spent all week looking after a border collie puppy that someone couldn't keep locally that we've taken on,(been staying at my house), so quite tired, looking to the future with him, in a bitter-sweet sort of way.

I think I'm right in saying my dog thats just died had the same illness as Redhead Dougal, Lymphoma cancer.
Hits quickly that one but glad she's free of it now.
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Reckon the little pup was meant to come into your life, marb. When I lost my last whippet I bought another one and she just didn't fill the gap the other one had left. Then, one day we were walking on the beach and the new dog went and picked up a crab shell [something my old dog had always done] and presented me with it. I felt it was her way of saying 'you've got me now'. Hope the new little dog will bring you lots of happiness [although it won't feel like it at the moment]. Pass my condolences on to your mum as well. x
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Thanks Moe and Aldaniti, Moehat I will pass your message on, thanks again. You're right about things meant to be :) Absoloutely adorable is wee Paddy. :)
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Dear all, so sorry to hear about your lost friends. Hope your hearts are healing now.

It's been a strange few months since I last wrote on here. The first couple of months with a Dougal-free house was very difficult. It was all just too quiet. Tilly enjoyed the quiet then realised that I was hurting...and started to mother me. I would get washed, cuddled and even slapped when she thought I was not behaving properly (i.e. teasing her).

Shortly after that I found a lump on Tilly's side and took her to Mary the Vet. Mary thought that it was probably benign but offered to excise it and, just in case, get it tested. So Tilly went in for the op. Totally unfazed by it. She didn't even touch the stitches, she just cleaned the wound occasionally and it healed up beautifully. Just seemed a good excuse to pig out on chicken for a few days.

Thankfully the lump was benign.

I popped in to tell you about something strange going on. The other night I was fast asleep and dreaming. I suddenly snapped awake from the middle of the dream, wide awake and not knowing why. Held my breath to hear properly and looked around the room, and at the foot of the bed was a small black shadow - sitting next to Tilly and making little kitten noises to her. Tilly sniffed and then stood back and let the stranger to her food bowls. When I moved, he ran off - and kept coming back throughout the night.

This morning I went to put the rubbish out. Tilly followed me out but instead of going round the corner to the bins, she went to the hedge and miaowed. She was answered and a small fluffy black cat came out of the hedge. They walked down the path together and sat down a few yards from me, both looking at me.

I have a very funny feeling that Tilly wants me to help her friend, but I don't want to tread on a neighbour's toes and start making friends with a cat who "belongs" to someone else.
Gosh; that's the sort of thing that happens with cats. I'm glad you mentioned the lump. My dog is going to have a lump removed; the vet is absolutely convinced it's nothing to worry about but my 12 month insurnace won't cover it if I leave it. I've been talking myself out of having it done but I'm now definately going ahead with it. The last lump she had the vet had her straight in for removal which is why I'm not too concerned about this one [and, to be honest she's had it for ages and if it was really bad she'd probably be a very sick little dog now]. Is Till a tabby? I only ask because we used to have a tabby cat and wherever we moved to [student days; moved around a lot] he always palled up with another cat and used to bring them home with him; never happened with any other cat we've owned. They were usually tabby as well! One was a very sad little creature that did probably need a new home.
Hi Trudi - it does sound like it, doesn't it? I think I must have "sucker" in feline tattooed invisibly on my forehead.

Moe - Tilly is a bit like Dougal in that she is white with ginger tabby patches. It is unusual for her as she is not that fond of other cats, which is why I wonder if he is in trouble of some sort. He certainly seems to be out in all weathers and comes from further up the road, but never seems to head for a house there. Hmmm.

Best to get lumps sorted, even if they are benign they could be uncomfortable. Hope it all goes well, Moe.
Certainly sounds like he/she has chosen you LOL!

Speaking of being a sucker the lady who we adopted the cat from Egypt last year has messaged me this morning to tell me about a cat with an injured back leg, no op likely over there so its only hope is a trip over to the uk.......................
Had quite a late night last night so decided to sleep late this morning. Having a very strange dream (shan't bore you) that was making me feel very warm and fuzzy inside because there was the sound of a cat purring in the background. Slowly woke up - and the purring was still there! Turned my head slowly as I could feel a weight behind my knees - and looked into a pair of green eyes! The little black cat was curled up on my bed. We looked at each other in surprise for about half a second, then he gave a little kittenish mew and ran. There's cheeky!

What news on the Egyptian Cat, Helen?
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Crikey; just had the lump removed from my dog and vet has said it was a spindle cell carcinoma. They've taken out a wide area and she should be ok but wondered if anyone knew anything about it. For once I wasn't actually worried and we only had it removed 'to be on the safe side'. Serves me right for not being my usual pessimistic self; that'll teach me.
Has the lump been staged? a lab will look at the margins of the tumour & be able to tell if it was removed with clean (good) or dirty (not so good) margins, that will give you the best info for long term prognosis, also how big the lump was in the first place,

Its worth it if you don't already feed a grain free food, its not cheap but very high quality, the reason behind it is cancer cells will feed on the most easily available food source & that would be sugar, any carbs you feed will get turned into glucose, we put Rosie on a grain free/raw diet, she was diagnosed with the aggressive cancer 18 months ago
I've just read about that; do you mean the Barf diet? The vet sounded very optimistic about the outcome and did say they'd taken out a wide margin. I just wish I hadn't left it so long thinking it was a cyst. I'm such a worrier usually that I'm tempted to assume that she'll be ok as I'll just fret about it constantly.