Hunches For The Season Ahead...

Recent greats - Moscow Flyer and Istabraq went from producing peak performances to failing to get serious involved pretty quickly. Imagine it is even tougher for the stayers to "gradually decline" rather than just falling off completely?
Recent greats - Moscow Flyer and Istabraq went from producing peak performances to failing to get serious involved pretty quickly. Imagine it is even tougher for the stayers to "gradually decline" rather than just falling off completely?

Distance steeplechasers are the toughest of racehorses. They have to be to get good at being a distance steeplechaser. Unless anything is physically wrong they will continue to hold 90%+ of their form this season. Which of course is why you see the usual suspects turning up in staying steeplechases year after year.
I didn't like the performance of Denman at Punchestown. He ran like a horse with some sort of physical problem, and worse again, put in an absolutely huge performance for a horse running with a problem. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'd be surprised if that hasn't left a mark.

There may be something to this of course. He didn't look right to me at Punchestown either. Hopefully they can fix him afresh this term.
Apart from the fact that Kauto Star has been on the go for many years and will be 11 next year there was no sign of decline last year at all .

The KG was probably the most brilliant performance of his career and at Cheltenham he made a terrible crunching mistake off a very odd and slow early pace and never recovered from it leading to the fall .

Had he not made that mistake I think he would have won the GC .
Apart from the fact that Kauto Star has been on the go for many years and will be 11 next year there was no sign of decline last year at all .

Moscow was pretty much the same though - he went to nothing after his very best season.
Indeed Ardross - it's an astonishing record really given he contested his first graded hurdle in October 2003 and was 39/1 for his first graded win in May the following year.

Living legend :)
The eeenormous chestnut who's just won the opening hurdle at Punchestown today, SEAFIELD, beating DATOKEPE and a very fit BIG ROBERT just on the line - watch him when he goes over the big 'uns. Still a bit babyish, but with a dazzling turn of foot for such a big horse.
It will be fascinating to see how many of the Irish chasers dare to take him on at Down Royal .

Sizing Europe is running apparently but will Pandorama, Kempes, Cooldine et al turn up ?

To be fair, I got this one very wrong (& you it right), and if he puts up a similar performance, he will most likely win.

Not sure what can come out of the pack, and not convinced Master Minded will come back - Nicholls talks a good game with all his horses but this one I'd be worried about.
Pandorama wants a left handed track. Cooldine will get a pipe opener over a shorter distance. I think an Arkle winner stepping up in distance to take him on shows no one is running scared.
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By and large, Denman has been on the way down since his Gold Cup win - I don't think he'll win another race.
Pandorama wants a left handed track. Cooldine will get a pipe opener over a shorter distance. I think an Arkle winner stepping up in distance to take him on shows no one is running scared.

I disagree - they sound like they know they cannot beat him. De Bromhead has nothing to lose - if SE gets slapped by Kauto he can go back to his plan to train him for the Champion . The owner is apparently keen on going for the staying races .
It's not as if Ireland is overrun with top class chasers, champing at the bit to uphold the nation's pride. Cooldine may materialise as a contender but has an enormous amount to prove. You'd need a vivid imagination to foresee Pandorama or Kempes putting in 170+ performances, and I'm severely struggling with "et al".
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Pandorama might be capable of 170 performance but it will come on a left handed track with ease in the ground.
Given the conditions you state, 3 miles plus left-handed on testing ground, he's probably capable of being competitive against any of the Irish stayers which I would grudgingly say means he'd make it into the 160's. He's more Rince Ri than Beef or Salmon though.
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I think a track like Newbury would really suit Pandorama - not so sure about Cheltenham. Soft ground is a must.