Hunches For The Season Ahead...

In a soft ground Gold Cup a weird horse has a good shout.

Harry will be restless after winning a couple of hurdles and will become a top staying chaser.
Two horses that run well at Cheltenham, Weird Al and Restless Harry. The latter had a nice pipeopener fto last weekend.
With a proper preparation this time I make Punchestowns the likelist winner outside of the big three. Can't believe a horse as average as What a Friend is shorter in the market.
By and large, Denman has been on the way down since his Gold Cup win - I don't think he'll win another race.

I don't think it's really true that he's been in decline since his Gold Cup win considering his Hennessy and Gold Cup performances since then.

It is of course possible that he won't win this season, considering he's only likely to run maybe three or four times and one of those is likely to be the Gold Cup itself. I'm still I willing to believe he'll win one or two decent races myself though. I don't see why he shouldn't anyway. He's still about as good as anything else in training.
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I believe you will make money if you lay €10 each time KS and Denman run. I believe Denman's best chance is the Hennessey and KS's is the King George. If those are the only two races they win, then you won't lose money.

I liked the way Sizing Europe did it the last day. If they ride him from the front and he stays I think he'll beat KS at Down Royal. If Weapons Amnesty gets to Cheltenham in one piece (not sure how he is), then he will take a lot of beating in the Gold Cup.

I expect Willie Mullins to have a few winners at the Festival, but not the bumper which will be won by an English horse again.

Of course, Big Zeb will win the QM, Raise The Beat the Punchestown bumper, Kimberlite King the Ryainair (!!) and Winning Ways will have its first Grade 1 company!!
and Winning Ways will have its first Grade 1 company!!

A double gin and tonic with Grade 1 hookers in Krystles after Raise The Beat wins his maiden hurdle is far more likely...[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
In terms of ability the Hennessy shows Denman has still got it all, but in terms of reliability, jumping and temperament, last season has raised big doubts for me.
I was certain someone was big on Long Run for the king George. Still some good predictions in there!
I'm strong on Fame and Glory and Planteur with cover on Bekhabad and just in case Workforce is a wonder horse I've put him in a sneaky double with Long Run for the King George.

I really hate it on these forums when people quote themselves but I've had a special day. Apologies.
If you have laid the Workforce/Long Run double there is not a name you would not be calling your punter!
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Brillant stuff, well done. I remembered that double of yours a half hour ago when looking at the post - bizarre! Well done and enjoy your evening
I'd imagine that quote/double gets extra special dispensation, Euro. Whilst I naturally disapprove of the first leg on class grounds, you have no need to apologise for resurrecting your original post - excellent work.