I Recommend

I would recommend that people ignore the recommendations on this thread. I didn't get where I am today by listening to recommendations from a squad of balloons.

PS No offence intended. I mean that most sincerely.
Good for you, Aldaniti - it's amazing how good you can feel with a bit of TLC!

HT: okay, I'm ignoring your recommendation to ignore the threads. You can then ignore my ignoring your recommendation, and then I'll...
Originally posted by krizon@Mar 5 2007, 02:04 AM
Good for you, Aldaniti - it's amazing how good you can feel with a bit of TLC!

HT: okay, I'm ignoring your recommendation to ignore the threads. You can then ignore my ignoring your recommendation, and then I'll...
The happy smiley face indicates that the above posting was not carried out by the real Honest Tom but that it was one of the other ones.
Those H T s are living dangerously...

The new set of Mods might not look as kindly on so many appearing after Col's latest edict on multiple personality disorder on here
Myself and I would like to disassociate ourselves from the above Honest Tom who is not a regular poster on this forum. IOU he should be banned.
I am recommended by a friend who buys it regularly, Lidl's smoked salmon at something like £2 a packet, sometimes herbed, sometimes not. She has been eating masses of it and apparently it's delicious. Alaskan, I think, not Scottish, for connoisseurs of salmon demography.
Lidls also do a very passable whole nut chocolate. and my mum likes their makerel.

oh - and their pasta packets with muxhroom or tomato or cheese are very nice too. In fact - most things Lidl are very good :)
I bought some smoked salmon from Lidl at Christmas (more because it looked like a steal at the price than becasue of any real hankering for it. "I'm not too keen on smoked salmon," moaned Mrs O when I proudly displayed the till receipt.

I served it up on French bread and herby cream cheese as an appetiser on Christmas Day. She thought it was the nicest smoked salmon she had tasted.

Last year, Lidl's haggis won a taste comparison feature and I have to say it really is very good. Occasionally they have it on sale at half price (something like 48p) and that's when I strike :nuts:

Coincidentally, the likes of Lidl, Aldi and other cheap stores are feaured in this month's Which? mag. They get variable write-ups but it's clear the researchers aren't very used to going there and the price comparison with other stores is very limited. The good news is that I suspect Lidl etc are likely to cut their prices if they're shown to be similar to the big superstores. (At any rate, I tend to limit myself to stuff that is very definitely cheaper there or not usually available in the likes of Asda.)
What Stilton isn't revolting? Yuk - I can't stand the blues and smellies!

I think if people can past their own little snobberies, Lidl offers exceptional value for very little money on loads of standard items, and some rather surprising ones, too. I haven't tried Aldi - not sure if we have one around here, but I hear they're very good in a similar vein.

Fortuitously, I was given two whole Scottish smoked salmon at Christmas and still have one left to consume at leisure, but once it's gone I'm going to try out Lidl's.
I bought some Stilton from Lidl's too. I enjoyed it (with some port also bought from the shop) although you could have lit my farts for the next fortnight.
Sorry DO - I thought that stilton was vile - thankfully faith restored by some Waitrose Colston Bassett Stilton !
A rather lush South African chardonnay - Boschendal 2005 reduced to £5.99 at Waitrose at the moment . Bizarre fat bottle but rich but balanced wine - would go well with rich seafood dishes and I imagine with a roast chicken.

I would also recommend the Cuvee Constance at £8.99 thundering rich red from South of France and 10% at present goes to Wine Relief !
I don't claim to be an expert on Stilton. I know that I liked this one (as did my Heinz who'll eat anything remotely resembling cheese).

Lidl's cheeses (and they do a fine range) have never disapponted me.
Me neither. Their tomatoes are juicy and very, very tasty, and they also did - don't know if they still do - a very good line in peppered ham.

I have been recommended a gourmet ice cream called 'Gu' (there should be an umlaut over the 'u' but I don't know how to make it) - presumbaly 'goo' (snigger). My friend ate the dark chocolate rippled with a raspberry sauce (or coulis for the snobs among you) and went into transports of delight. Available from Tesco big stores, apparently, if not elsewhere.
i get my shopping delivered from Ocado, and most weeks they send a promo item. last week was a GU Chocolate pud. ive since looked into them & they do a whole range, fruit ones aswell as chocolate. the one i recommend is Gu Chocolate & Vanilla Cheescake.