Not unlike Kriz, I can't say I'm the least bit offended by them having a conference, but then again I'm not Jewish, and don't have any connection, direct or indirect with any victims. I'm happy enough however, that I know the truth (if not the precise figure obviously) and with that in mind, I'd let them have their little show piece, and even give it a fair coverage in the interests of taking the higher moral ground, of freedom and tolerance etc.
It makes for quite an interesting thread as you watch its development. Not surprisingly, Clivex starts it and duly takes the bait (launches into his usual tirade against the "Vile people") quite possibly labouring under the delusion that if he can feign a degree of moral outrage in the name of the Holocaust, then he can secure for himself a moral platform to pedal is real agenda off. A number of other people duly follow him in. Nothing new there, but lets pause for a minute. Did something not dis-similar happen recently (last weel) regarding an inflamatory falsehood that Merlin posted, designed to provoke exactly this kind of response. Those of you who took the bait that day, were made to look pretty gullible and exercising poor judgement within a matter of hours.
Now you point to the fact that the two are not like for like the same. You'd be right. One was factually untrue, the other does at least appear to be legitimate. But if some people stopped to think, consider and unravel things before launching into a knew jerk acceptance of the bait, then perhaps we wouldn't rush in so readily.
It was only when Grassy points out the fact that its likely a calculated exercise, designed to provoke and inflame opinions and reactions (that the likes of Clivex exhibit all to compliantly) and also in context, something with the potential to show up hypocracy and the application of a double standard. People like Clivex (again) should realise that they're walking straight into this kind of thing, as where as I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything to bolster Tehran Clive, in allowing yourself to get drawn into these kind reactions, then I fear that you doing just that (to some extent) as I'm quite sure this is what they're trying to provoke. Now I'm not accussing you of being an agent of radical Islam for one second (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one

) but an unwitting participant maybe?
So the Holocaust never happenend? We've heard it before, we know its wrong, and I for one am not going to launch into some kind of pre-programmed denunciation of utter moral revulsion against anyone who suggests it didn't, as it would be slightly insincere. I disagree with them, pity them, and feel obliged to point out the truth, but I'm not going to fake complete indignation at the suggestion. I'd be curious to know just how many people really are as offended as they post/ claim or make out. Or are they conforming with a reaction that reflects the norms of our society? inadvertantly reflecting what they think they should say/ feel, rather than what they really do? Or could it be that it presents a convenient platform from which to rage against something else, and as such the moral denunciation and issue at hand is little more than slightly cynical camouflage. As Krix points out, the issue of Holocaust denial is not new, and anyone wishing to raise it has 101 vehicles from which to run it off as an episode of history and its subsequent treatment.