Ireland Officially In Recession.

I still think my original proposal of FF supporting Kenny for Taoiseach without an election, allowing the IMF negotiations to go ahead, and a budget put in place, by someone relevant, is the way to go. Then have the election early next year. I haven't heard it suggested by anyone important though.
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Given the repeated, proven past history of the Irish public to vote for completely inappropriate candidates, I'd be a buyer at 29. Panic will set in when people actually have to put an "x" beside someone as opposed to the lazy "anyone but Fianna Fail".
I doubt it. The panic looks over. There is so much going with the IMF etc that the goverment falling causes more problems than it solves.
Final Furlong? Oh, you'll soon be sorted, then, with their financial expertise! First up, a 3-day tipping comp with China, India and the rest of the EU, followed by a one-month 10 Economies to Follow, both of which they'll win going away.
I reckon it still is in Kenny's hands. I don't think he would survive a confidence vote if FG opposed him. There will be a few FFers who will want to make a name for themselves to run as independents in the next election.
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I wonder is Cowen going to try and bully them into it - who is actually going to collapse the government on Budget day meaning that an election would not be held until Jan and probably no budget until mid/end of the month?
The apres match team did a good skit featuring Brian Lenihan, Joan Burton and Vincent Brown, with Lenihan promoting the government strategy that the chaps who lent us the money might forget to ask for it back. It's on Youtube somewhere with a little industrious searching.
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Today in the Dail after a claim by a Fianna Fail TD that Cowen would resign shortly after the budget (From The Irish Times) ...

"Turning to Mr Cowen Mr Gilmore said “can I ask you Taoiseach is it your intention to resign shortly after the budget”.

The Taoiseach said “I stand as Taoiseach and I don’t divest any authority holding that office or in relation to any internal party matter I stand as leader of Fianna Fail and I want to make it very clear that as far as I’m concerned there are democratic processes in our party."
"They’re not relevant to your own situation. We’ll deal with our own business. But I want to assure you that as I stand and as I do my business I do not divest my authority to anyone.”"

So now we know, I think.
Main developments:
* €15bn correction over four years
* Public expenditure down €10bn, tax up €5bn
* Irish bank shares see big falls
* Corporation tax will remain at 12.5%
* VAT will rise to 23% by 2014
* Health spending to fall by €1.4bn over term of the plan
* Minimun wage to fall to €7.65 per hour
* Property tax in place by 2012
* Water meters to be installed next year