Irland & Ascot & Have A Guess!

Peintre Celebre while not commercial is still does well consistently. He is €25,000 so he is still worth plenty to Coolmore. No fear of him going anywhere for some time I would have thought.

High Chaparral is interesting, struggled last season and I expect he will continue to struggle. Just does not have a stallions pedigree imo. Could seeing him going the National Hunt route...I dont think Coolmore would sell off their Derby winner and dual Breeders Cup winner.
Crazyhorse....thanks for the pic of You'llneverwalkalone, he is a lovely horse and i hope he is enjoying his retirement at Mr MCManus place.....

Here is a pic of him at Leahurst Equine Hospital here on the Wirral after his horrific injury he sustained in the 2003 Grandnational....He is pictured with Dr Ellen Singer who operated on him and saved his life.... :clap:

re McManus: I have to say in the respect of looking after his old horses the man is a legend. We went to his place once in summer, when all his NH horses were there as well, and he has about 500(!) at home then. They are all out in big paddocks, and well looked after, fed, hooves etc. When we did ask for, yes it was Youlneverwalkalone, they took us to these fields he has about 20min away from the farm, and we had to walk over more fields and through hedges and didges (?) to get to this massive big field with shelter, water etc., and thats were we saw Mini Sensation, Elegant Lord, the very Youldnever and so on. They are checked once a day and fed a bit as well, and they all live in one big group literally happy as Larry, it was great. Just being allowed to be horses, and they had their leader, and some shy ones, really nature taking back over. Thats really how it should be, after the horses have given so much for our pleasure.

@Zebs: Thank you so very much for putting this picture up, and as Kathy said, a belated thanks to Dr. Ellen; a worthy job as he really enjoys his new lease of life!!!!!!!

Blitzkreig was the boss-hoss! The lad told us so and he was the only one nosebagging the rest had to wait till he was ready:-)) :clap:
Fascinating stuff Crazyhorse, very much enjoyed looking the newer pics too!
Manduro is gorgeous, wish I had a mare to send him

Thanks to zebs too for the photo of You'llneverwalkalone in his plaster, with his kind vet - bless them both
Hallo... where did all the foties go? Crazy, did you put them up, and they're hiding somewhere? Or are you still going to put them up... pleeeeeze?
Going to move this back into the main forum so those who missed them first time can see them and also put pressure on crazyhorse for more :-)