Is This The Countries New "worse" Racing Club

So just because other people say it's a con on this forum, then I am to agree? Luckily, I have my own opinions. There must have been some people that went in as "owners" to Royal Ascot and as you cannot confirm or deny how many actually had owners badges then perhaps you should just leave it at that.

By the way SL, I would be very careful about calling a project or a person a con, as I have warned you before, as you just never know if one day those words may come back to haunt you.

Isinglass, personally I don't find it sad at all. Jenny is great for racing (especially NH) and for some people to be associated with her, however small a part, must be good for her and good for racing. So many people (even non racing folk)will know her name.

I have read on their site they are currently looking for a NH horse for their club. As for Mark, well, I am sure he is very good at the PR side, he clearly loves his racing and is pretty successful in his own right (yes I read about his yacht shampoo too :)) and if they want to share their enthusiam and get new people into racing by using Jenny's name - what's the harm? No one is forcing people to part with their money.

Like I have said before, certainly not the club for everyone but Good Luck to them. They seem to have got off to a fairly good start.
Chris, you are running something completely different type of syndicate for a different type of race goer. There is room in this industry for many different types of syndicates, and as long as the Pitman's are not hiding anything from those people to whom they are selling - I cannot see the problem. How can it be a con if people know what they are getting when they pay their money?

It gets more people involved, who may one day want to join a syndicate where you are more "involved" (ie yours) but this is certainly a good starting point for many or just an opportunity for some of Jenny's groupies to hope to get to meet her one day and get an antographed copy of one of her books.:D

I just find it quite sad that people are quick to knock this particular syndicate when, although it may not be those on here's personal choice, it might well be for many others.
For all the reasons not to give these people €300 for SFAI think that buying some kind of adjacency to Jenny Pitman is the most compelling of all. Hill could Freeze over before I would ever agree that she was 'good for racing.'
Without going as far as it being a "con job"...certain people could be fooled into joining it think this is what a club or syndicate is. Many will join it or look into it simply because the likes of Jenny Pitman are involved. Think it is important to highlight the other options out there.
"Hill" may well freeze over before some people on this forum join this syndicate but then it's all about people having choices isn't it.

If people pay their money as they feel it is what they would like to invest their money in, then why not. Time will no doubt tell how successful this racing club is or isn't. If it is all such a big con then it isn't going to last much beyond Christmas is it?
If it is all such a big con then it isn't going to last much beyond Christmas is it?

Why does this follow?

Bertie Ahern lasted 11 years.
The Anglican Church has lasted 550 years.
People join racing clubs for all kinds of reasons, and good luck to them - it's a good way in for total beginners and so long as they get what it says on the tin, then good luck to them. Racing Clubs are set up in all kinds of different ways so anyone can usually find something at a price, and set up in a manner, to suit them. This one is very cheap.

But as for value, when it's set up in exactly the same way and costs about the same as Elite, well no it's not value at all. If you want horses to follow and several top yards to visit, why join this when you can get an 'interest' in 20++ horses, some of them quite good, and an ever-growing brand of quality brood mares inc Soviet Song, and all their offspring, by joining Elite? There's no comparison in terms of value for £190.

As Kathy has pointed out, the 'edge' this club has is its association with the Pitmans. Some people might find that attractive, although it's quite a while since Jenny was training - and Mark was pretty hopeless at it :rolleyes:

Personally I was put off them badly when visiting their yard one Lambourn Open Day by the constant attempts to sell me something, and the utter lack of any sense that one might have come to see the horses - which were cordoned off out of reach, and looked far from happy - rather than the Pitmans!
I have to say it looks like a total waste of money.

All you seem to get in return for your £195 are a few stable visits.
Can't stand the horrible woman and was glad she rolled off into retirement.
Aintree is a far better place without her ugly mug on the box at every opportunity.
Why does this follow?

Bertie Ahern lasted 11 years.
The Anglican Church has lasted 550 years.

Yep, I suppose we could all list hundreds of things that some people can't believe managed to keep going relatively successfully for a number of years. Not sure I follow your argument though, An.
Yep, I suppose we could all list hundreds of things that some people can't believe managed to keep going relatively successfully for a number of years. Not sure I follow your argument though, An.

In many ways I see Kathy's point. There is nothing wrong with people paying x amount which they can afford to have the odd days big racing, run by a big name who they may be happy to see. Go to yards and look at horses and so forth.

However my problem with this fun club, is how it's funded. I want to know what the £195 gets you, as you have to pay to go and watch the horse run in their hospitality and you get no return if the horse earns any prize money, so technically I view it you are not part of the horse.

I think something like Racing-Shares offers more value in this retrospect and at least with Elite as Heads says there is plenty of stable tours, you get the free days racing now and again, plus you get a return (albeit not much) from you horses that run. Plus you get constantly updated on all the horses.

The Pitman thing to me appears that it funds her and Marks hobby. As the members get nothing really. If they invested their £195 in something else, paying for their hospitality or something like that they would be better off with something like the "Entertainments Committee" of Alastair Lidderdales, where they get hospitality days frequently, monthly stable visits and involvement in 2 horses.

For me the Pitman thing just doesn't give you any real involvement with the horse, I'm sure meeting Jenny and Mark is nice for some and going in hospitality at big courses with a "so called" runner in big races is enjoyable, but it comes at a cost and if you paid £100 for each hospitality for say 10 races a year, plus your £195, you have paid £1200 for a few days out, when you receive nothing in return so to speak and are not actually really involved with the horse. That for me is a big price on a racing club which to me has not been designed fairly on members.
Scandalous that they were allowed to publicise this recently on BBC. Why werent they asked if subscribers to the club owned part of the horse during that BeeB interview? I havent seen a more horrible person in racing. I hope plenty get involved before it blows up in their face.
Perfectly reasoned, CBR. I would only add that it seems to me the Pitmans hubris in launching this venture seems to come from the upper reaches of misplaced 'self-regard.'
Smiling mumsie, arnt I loved by all. If she was made out of chocolate, she'd have eaten herself.

Prefer to send any horses that I have any connections with to Mickey Quinn.
Chris, it's not an investment though is it? When you sign up for any racing club you buy into what they are offering at the time. You know from the start you don't own any part of the horse, nor do you get any prizemoney. You buy into the "club" and all that it stands for ie stated in their terms and conditions so how can anyone call it a con? If people don't like what they get after their first year, you don't sign up for another one or you sue them if you seriously feel you have been conned.

Nobody is putting a gun to anyones head and asking them to join, I just think for the money, the current members have probably had a couple of very memorable days out and that's what racing is all about for many people.

The membership lasts for a year so if they are lucky enough to get a great couple of NH horses on their books too perhaps they will have a runner at The Festival next year.

As I have said before, each to their own. I just didn't realise that Jenny Pitman was detested by so many people - or is it just people on this forum?:confused:
I agree with you absolutely Garney - and on both points!!!

Since I've been "warned" by Kathy what I can and can't say, I won't outline my reasons for not liking the woman one iota. Suffice to say though that all the "I care for my horses" claptrap (amongst other stuff) was enough to bring up my dinner every time I heard it. Not that I believed a word of it though either - and neither do a lot of people. Lady P won't be winning any popularity contests in the racing world anytime soon.

Chris - that's pretty much what I said about it funding the Pitmans' hobby. It's a simple way of getting other people to pay for you to have your horses in training, running in your names and colours, and not forking out a penny. More fool those who pay up and think they're getting something out of it.
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Nobody is putting a gun to anyones head and asking them to join, I just think for the money, the current members have probably had a couple of very memorable days out and that's what racing is all about for many people.

I think most clued up members of the public, who know what pleasures are available from other racing clubs, would not be interested in this club. It appears to target people who are not clued up - more money than sense maybe - using the pitman name. Fools and their money....People ring psychics over the phone at extorionate rates/some ring Derek thompsons tipping line. I suppose "the more money than sense" market is a big one. Its a shame that some of the bigger names in racing are scrambling to access that cash.

As I have said before, each to their own. I just didn't realise that Jenny Pitman was detested by so many people - or is it just people on this forum?:confused:

Again, maybe its just clued up members of the racing public who have reservations. The mutual back slapping of the media and Pitman would appeal to many.
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I've gto nothing against Jenny except when I rode Morroco of Channon's one day, he was a cee you next tuesday, coming home and she was trying to overtake him in the jeep and tooted her horn, rocks went mad, and i turned around and gave her the v's.

She complained to the boss, but he didn't seem fussed.

I don't think its clear in this case Kathy though that these people get no involvement and have to pay to go racing, in that case I reckon she would be better offer just selling hospitality, at £100 a go so people can go to big meetings for a day with Jenny (how fun). However I'm intruiged to know what the £195 a year is for.
OK, if people clearly detest Jenny Pitman, then you wouldn't go near her or her Racing Club with a barge pole - apart from the fact she is not actually training them. Many of us know trainers that are rubbish and that evidently don't care for their horses. I always thought Jenny was pretty successful as a trainer and I certainly have never heard that didn't care for those in her yard. Admittedly, I heard she was pretty difficult to work for.

I wonder if Dandy Nicholls had any reservations (due to Jenny's reputation) about training horses for her and her son. I assume he is happy to be involved or perhaps he will jump ship at the first opportunity. :cool: It will be interesting to see what other trainers they send their horses too.

Chris, I think the £195.00 is for joining the "Club". They are possibly on a bit of a learning curve (as you probably noticed when they first launched their website which has definitely improved), so perhaps more will be revealed in due course as to what you get for your £195.00.

Unlike some, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, which has caught me out financially in the past but God evidently loves a trier.:)
I'm sure that the trainers involved don't give two hoots about who they train for so long as they are getting paid for it. Personal likes and dislikes don't tend to come into it.