Is This The Countries New "worse" Racing Club

In the case of Dandy, if he has leased the horse to them is he effectively being paid to train his own horse? Shrewd!
I would like to think a lot of (good) trainers would be very careful who their names and reputations were associated with - especially if it could turn out to be one big con.:eek: Perhaps, given what everyone seems to think of Jenny Pitman, Dandy just thought he would take a flyer and hope for the best, or perhaps they made him an offer he just couldn't refuse.

Yes, Dandy would be leasing his own horse to them, Gareth. Great for him, great for The Pitman's to have him onboard (evidently he is great fun, knowledgeable and extremely good with people) and great for the club members.
Dandy is indeed a pretty entertaining and amusing fella, and some would say surprisingly polite for a blunt Yorkshireman!
I'm sure that the trainers involved don't give two hoots about who they train for so long as they are getting paid for it. Personal likes and dislikes don't tend to come into it.

Oh contraire Shadz, I know a few trainers who have told owners where to go.
So do I - hence why I qualified the remark with "Personal likes and dislikes don't tend to come into it." I've sent a letter to an owner myself telling them to pack their bags.

In the majority of cases, so long as they pay, a trainer isn't likely to tell them where to go - unless they are exceptionally difficult.
So do I - hence why I qualified the remark with "Personal likes and dislikes don't tend to come into it." I've sent a letter to an owner myself telling them to pack their bags.

In the majority of cases, so long as they pay, a trainer isn't likely to tell them where to go - unless they are exceptionally difficult.

Now I'm lost, it's because of personal likes and dislikes that a trainer will tell an owner to leave.

On who's behalf did you send the letter?
I still can't see Dandy wanting to get involved in a Racing Club con. Not great for his reputation is it.

Surely, no amount of training fee's (or however prompt their payment is for the lease etc) would a trainer like Dandy want to be associated with the likes of The Pitmans who (according to some) are blatantly ripping off the innocent "more money than sense" public. Perhaps, someone should do the decent thing and tell him. :cool:
Now I'm lost, it's because of personal likes and dislikes that a trainer will tell an owner to leave.

On who's behalf did you send the letter?

Au contraire, Tetley - it's because of personal likes and dislikes that a trainer may ask an owner to leave. However in many situations - not all trainers are financially well off, remember, and most are in debt up to their eyeballs - so long as a trainer is being paid the money they will stick the owner. They can't feed themselves on personal likes and dislikes, can they? So it's not too hard to understand, really.

...and never you mind on whose behalf I sent the letter, it's enough for you to know that I did.
I still can't see Dandy wanting to get involved in a Racing Club con. Not great for his reputation is it.

Surely, no amount of training fee's (or however prompt their payment is for the lease etc) would a trainer like Dandy want to be associated with the likes of The Pitmans who (according to some) are blatantly ripping off the innocent "more money than sense" public. Perhaps, someone should do the decent thing and tell him. :cool:

Why act so smarmy about this? The Pitmans are legally allowed to set up their club, just like people are allowed to set up all sorts of business. If Dandy Nicholls wont train the horse, a horse who he is leasing to the club, I'm sure there would be another trainer out there to work with the Pitmans.

I did say they were looking for those with more money than sense, but I didnt say that they were ripping off those who join the club - the terms and conditions are there for all to see - so please dont put any words in my mouth. If there are people rich enough to invest in this without reading the terms and conditions, then a fool and their money.....

You obviously have a kind heart Kathy, and it is touching that you worry if Dandy Nicholls really is aware of what kind of operation he is getting involved with. It might be worth a phone call from you, if you are not able to put your mind at rest. I think your kind heart's worry would be better placed by informing those who might be interested in this club, ensuring they are aware of what joining this racing club actually entails. And not for the Pitmans and Dandy Nicholls who are long enough in the game to know EXACTLY what they are doing.
But you see Garney, I am the one who thinks Dandy might actually know what he is doing. It is those on here who think the Racing Club is one big con that I feel should (maybe) voice their opinions to Dandy. Perhaps, you have misinterpreted my posting. I was being ironic.;)

Oh well, it's just as well people in racing all don't think the same or have the same opinioins isn't it or these racing forums would rapidly become very stale and boring.