ISIS...Islamic State Victims

I noticed the BBC have taken to describing them as "Islamist Rebels" now. About this time last year they were "Democratic Freedom Fighters"

The BBC's a bloody insult to our intelligence at times. Most of us saw through what was happening 12 months ago, and are frankly laughing at this attempt to rewrite history by those who misjudged the situation (our leaders) and Clive of course

I'm still at a loss to understand this Hague, Cameron, Blair, Clinton line, that if we'd armed the so called moderates 12 months ago they'd have beaten ISIS. No they wouldn't. They'd have lost. Just the same as the infinitely better trained and equipped Iraqi army did. The only active groups in that area that would stand a chance in the field is fully freed up Syrian army or Hezbollah. The latter probably aren't big enough now as IS numbers swell

I predict that as Cameron gets all wobbly over the Barnett formula, and as America continues to heap praise on the French, the British will send six Tornados in during the next 7 days (not that they'll hit anything) but I think DC is getting nervous now that he's being left on the side lines and the dastardly froggies are eclipsing him
I predict that as Cameron gets all wobbly over the Barnett formula, and as America continues to heap praise on the French, the British will send six Tornados in during the next 7 days (not that they'll hit anything) but I think DC is getting nervous now that he's being left on the side lines and the dastardly froggies are eclipsing him

Oh he's such a predictable panic merchent isn't he? :lol:

Obama doesn't need to degrade himself by asking the question and making the British feel more important than they are. He plays Cameron like a violin and praises the French instead thanking them for their contribution. No soone rha she done this than little boy blue is rushing out to offer the UK's arse. Would you like to slip us one too Mr President? We're you're obedient fag and will do anything to keep you happy. It doesn't matter that our aircraft are crap nor that we'll doubtless get a few hostages killed (well they're Scottish aren't they?) but we want to please you ever so badly
IRA have absolutely no relevance in an ISIS dialogue. That kind of chat is best left to another thread....or more likely, best left alone.

Good to see Arab/Islamic states prepared to invest some 'treasure' in tackling ISIS. They appear to be coming to the party much earlier than I expected - which is to be welcomed.

Let's hope that they're as keen to tackle Cause as much as they apparently are Effect.

Why? It was relevant to talking about M15s capablities. The fact that there are IRA sympathisers on the forum should not stop anyone
That's an old post - you credit me with too much of an attention span.

Here's why it has no relevance in even an MI5 context. During the Troubles, MI5 were operating in two local jurisdictions with limited language and cultural differences. They did so with tbe support of a large part of the local population; making it easier for them to hide in plain sight.

There is absolutely no way that MI5 could hope to penetrate as deep or as unnoticed in IS-held territory, and if they are to be involved, it would be in a wholly different capacity, rendering any comparison nothing more that hot bleeding air.

The wider point about it being inappropriate on an IS victim thread, is because it attempts to draw a parallel between the two conflicts. That parallel doesn't exist, and your ressurecting of this post, is precisely the kind of baiting I was warning against in the first place.

You know this, I know this, everybody knows it.
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Typical lazy commie hippy

Actually nor can I . Need to take a fcking week off to read warblers
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ISIS are a bunch of maybe 20,000 fanatical 19 year olds with guns. Let em at it.

Which is why the Iraqi army with their American training and weaponry ran away from them, and why the Syrian have had to reinforce their ranks with Hezbollah
There are plenty ISIS fighters with Western passports, Euro - of course they're a threat.

no there aren't though..they have to burn them as part of the initiation process. I doubt when they get large enough they will bother with passports though..I doubt Hitler would have been rooting in his pocket for his at Folkestone

aren't some looking at this like they looked at Nazism in the 30's?...oh they aren't a threat to us etc..then a few years down the line you got a force that is a real threat to the whole world

maybe they are just young men..the numbers being bandied about are in the 10000 to 20000 region...but cancer grows...they can attract every murdering scumbag from around the world into one large group ..because thats what it is really about..killing people who don't fall in line with their mentality..same as the Nazi's

whilst they are in one is time to act surely

no one wants this..but at end of day they have actually declared war on us..we have to respond
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no there aren't though..they have to burn them as part of the initiation process. I doubt when they get large enough they will bother with passports though..I doubt Hitler would have been rooting in his pocket for his at Folkestone

aren't some looking at this like they looked at Nazism in the 30's?...oh they aren't a threat to us etc..then a few years down the line you got a force that is a real threat to the whole world

maybe they are just young men..the numbers being bandied about are in the 10000 to 20000 region...but cancer grows...they can attract every murdering scumbag from around the world into one large group ..because thats what it is really about..killing people who don't fall in line with their mentality..same as the Nazi's

whilst they are in one is time to act surely

no one wants this..but at end of day they have actually declared war on us..we have to respond

Great post
I don't believe the propaganda that they torch their passports, EC1. And the absence of a passport doesn't mean they aren't a threat anyway.
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They remind me more of the Khymer Rouge but are occupying a vacuum similar to how Japanese militarism developed (albeit using religion rather than military obedience). Numbers are reckoned to be about 30,000 as people flock to join them. You also have a significant number of former Republican Guard Saddamists in the mix which is what caused the Iraqi army to run

Need to get China and Russia involved in this though, no point using namby pamby bit part players like France and Britain
Have Russia and China been threatened by them?

Any hostages or beheadings?
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Need to get China and Russia involved in this though, no point using namby pamby bit part players like France and Britain

Why would they though? The ayrabs are pissed mainly because of aggressive American foreign policy in the area and of course their stance as Israel's big brother.

Get out and leave them to it before the whole area turns into Vietnam part II
ISIS have made clear threats to Russia over Chechnya. So to say its exclusively USA and Israel is plain wrong

China will only get involved if it can make a margin. Despite their own muslim insurgency

Warbler. I find your sniping at France and Uk pretty tiresome. Save it for so called "neutral" countries who offer nothing at all
China and Russia both have issues with radical Islam, but aren't on the 'A' List. Critically though, they potentially bring the one thing to the table that 'little' countries like France and the UK can't. Manpower. Come to think of it, you can add India to the list too.

The European countries would be better off withdrawing from this theatre in recognition that their offer is tokenistic symbolic. They don't have the hardware or manpower to make a jot of difference. They'd be better off trying to form a combined Euro force and adopting a defensive policing role, and leave the fighting up to countries who posses both the technological equipment or the size of military capable

I don't very often do this 'my thoughts are with them' crap, especially since i doubt politicians can remember the name of the person a month later, but I do feel sorry for the family of the soon to be executed hostage watching him being consigned to an inevitable death because of a vainglorious desire on the part of David Cameron to be seen to be doing something. In fact it's worse than that.

About 6 weeks ago the British proudly pushed their chest out and announced to the Kurds and Iraqi's that they'd listen to requests for support (it was interpreted as a come and grovel in front us declaration). The foreign office duly set up a consulate to receive the requests. Realising that British hardware is ****, those who were engaged had more pressing priorities, like fighting, and weren't about to waste precious time playing silly Cameron games. As it transpired of course the Americans, followed by the French took unilateral action, and so the belligerent resistsance on the ground thought **** you Britian, who needs your **** hardware anyway when the Americans and French are already supplying. Suffice to say the phone never rang

After 6 weeks of being by-passed, and more importantly, watching the French earn plaudits from the Whitehouse, Cameron has decided to act and send half a functioning squadron of Tornados to drop a handful of bombs (a third of which will miss if up to their Libyan levels of accuracy) just so he can jump up and down and "say me too, me too, Mr President"

This contribution won't of course make a jot of difference other than to bring about an execution and send ISIS snatch squads out looking for other Brits to lift off the streets of Baghdad to keep the production line running

It must be heartbreaking for the family watching this slide unfold. But what can you do?

If they can chip horses, should they not be chipping people in these zones with some kind of secreted GPS thingy?