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ISIS...Islamic State Victims

I think ISIS has made an enormous miscalculation strategically with this latest murder of Steven Sotloff.
Do they really believe that doing this deed will persuade the Americans to stop their aerial strikes? And don't they realise that these barbaric beheadings cause global revulsion and will increase the West's determination to wipe them out?
The naturally cautious and timid Obama will come under a lot of pressure to step up the airstrikes if anything. There is no way the U.S. is going to downgrade their operations after this; the response will be ferocious.
I reckon ISIS has signed its own death warrant with this latest videotaped beheading.

I think they are provoking an attack. Another messy war is what they want.
Seeing those four V22 helicopters and Marine One flying over my house on Monday was crazy.
They are huge and look like something out of Transformers
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I think ISIS has made an enormous miscalculation strategically with this latest murder of Steven Sotloff.

Like they actually calculate anything. There is a school of thought that the Mongol Empire's expansion into the middle east was so brutal back in the 1200's that it put back the region's development by about 400 years.
They may well be well organised etc..but they don't seem to have a well thought out strategy..firstly the fact they have done another beheading sends the message that they are desperate to stop the strikes and are being hurt badly...so have in effect told their enemies they are winning...so the automatic response should and probably will be a step up in air strikes

What they don't seem to understand is that because of what we already know about them ..all those hostages will be killed anyway...we know they won't free any of them no matter what happens...so no matter what they do it won't stop anything..it will escalate it.
That is esactly what I meant, EC.

After this latest beheading, the response will be immense.
ISIS have probably ensured that they will become WasWas. :)
Completely disagree. They know exactly what they're doing and these murders, timed to perfection with the NATO Summit, are trying to provoke a response, including British air strikes.
This will play into the hands of the home growns who support them.

They are quite aware that if the West doesn't go in this time, then the message will be that we are weak and can be beaten. If the West does go in, what's it attacking? Another ghost army that mingles into the background like the Taliban, over vast areas of land. Isn't it coincidental that our threat level is publicly upped to severe to alter people's mindset about attacking them?
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I think you are reading too much into it Harry tbh. I doubt if anyone in their right mind is going to want to sit around whilst we have people running riot murdering people..the whole world will be against them. It matters nothing about the timing..no one will condone the actions of butchers..and if they do they are of the same ilk.

I didn't need the security level being upped to see that we don't want scum like this in this country...and that if they return we are in danger Also when they identify any of these i expect their families to be brought in and questioned as to why they have not come forward and discuss if they have any allegiance to this country and if not then they also might like to depart to where they do have an allegiance
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The west is in danger of being drawn into a knee-jerk cycle of action and reaction without any strategy behind it.

For example Boko Haram seem to be just as nasty as Isis but their outrages don't receive the same level of attention. Is there a good reason for that?
The west is in danger of being drawn into a knee-jerk cycle of action and reaction without any strategy behind it.

For example Boko Haram seem to be just as nasty as Isis but their outrages don't receive the same level of attention. Is there a good reason for that?

Mainly because they are kidnapping and targeting westerners for execution and also because a lot of their fighters are from the west. Also they certainly appear to be more active and are carrying out executions on a far larger scale.

I see no realistic strategy other than their complete defeat and elimination. No Guantanamo bays this time. You can't interrogate a corpse

If we are going to sit around like an Obama then they will grow in strength and murder thousands more for the crime of not adhering to extreme Islam

Mali would be an Islamist hellhole now with thousands murdered if France hadn't acted quickly and decisively

This is a rare occasion when most of the world (bar some on political or religous extremes) want nothing less than this cancer eliminated

But where is the leadership?
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I think you are reading too much into it Harry tbh. I doubt if anyone in their right mind is going to want to sit around whilst we have people running riot murdering people..the whole world will be against them. It matters nothing about the timing..no one will condone the actions of butchers..and if they do they are of the same ilk.

I didn't need the security level being upped to see that we don't want scum like this in this country...and that if they return we are in danger Also when they identify any of these i expect their families to be brought in and questioned as to why they have not come forward and discuss if they have any allegiance to this country and if not then they also might like to depart to where they do have an allegiance

Bit harsh. A lot of the families are British and frankly they can't be responsible for the actions of 20 something offspring. I can't agree with this

I think the security services will have this pretty heavily under surveillance and those returning will find it very difficult to get back in
Bit harsh. A lot of the families are British and frankly they can't be responsible for the actions of 20 something offspring. I can't agree with this

I think the security services will have this pretty heavily under surveillance and those returning will find it very difficult to get back in

no Clive..please do not twist my words..i never said the parents are responsible.

I said if they know their son is over there..or is one of those doing the beheading then i expect them to come forward...totally different.

If you found out your son was a murderer..would you protect him?
Ok ec. Understand now

Now look at this From someone I would personally never tire of thumping


Apparently isis ... Is our fault

What bollocks

He claims it's down to not treating young Muslims nicely. Poor oppressed minority.

Doesn't occur to him that the suspected be header came from a £1m flat in maida vale does it?

I don't see Hindu, Chinese, African Christian kids you going off beheading children? Might it have something to do with an evil ideology?

What a cnt. I would pay to see him squirming in an orange jump suit.
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Now look at this From someone I would personally never tire of thumping

Would love to join in with you in that project.
What a complete clown he is. That article is just about the most puke-inducing "commentary" I have ever read. Truly.
The young girl from Glasgow out there, benefited from the type of upbringing denied to 95% of the children of the slums of St. Mungo; a very contemporary example that pops the myth that all Muslims in the UK are somehow oppressed.

These people are Islamic Emos with a deep pyschosis that finds its voice through militant Islam.

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He comes close as you can to endorsing it. Certainly not a hint of distaste

A nasty piece of work
Interesting though that his near support for isis has been completely ignored in the media. The insecure attention seeker will not like that

I'm not sure why I posted either. His opinions are deeply conventional and extremely predictable being in line with those of a bullied third former

when the bbc stupidly gave him air time he was quickly exposed as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer
Woman beheaded just now on a North London street??? :blink:
Poor lady. The world is going to hell in a wheelcart.
It's this kind of thing that the government needs to defend, or be capable of, albeit I'll conceed that a husband who thinks his honour has been offended by a wife and decides that the only reasonable course of action left to him is to cut her head off (my guess incidentally) isn't necessarily an easy one

What I'm saying is that Cameron is seemingly looking in the wrong direction (again) whilst he's now talkign about air strikes. In the first case the American's have been carrying them out for weeks whilst the French have also been supplying the kurds. Britain chucking a couple of hapless Tornados into the fray ain't going to make any difference, nor is it going to increase our security one iota

One Cameron might be getting increasingly nervous about I suspect is that the French could temporarily be displacing the UK as the most active allie in Europe (now there's a gap for Alex Salmond to exploit :whistle:, a Scottish airforce?)

What I'm increasingly worried about is how ill equipped we would be to defend the home front against 100 simultaneous suicide attacks, or even violent low grade attacks (machettes, knives or small arms). We've seen what's happened in Mumbai and Nairobi. A dozen going mad with automatic weapons aren't quickly dealt with and can cause chaos before they're shot

The army has been cut back to bugger all, and the police have now taken to advising victims to investigate their own crimes. I think Cameron needs to start visionising a few things and scenario scoping and when you do a very different picture emerges that starts to verge towards civil war. Admittedly this a few decades away yet I think, but I don't think we have the depth in our institutions to defend a shock attack at the moment from what is likely to be an increasingly weaponised society by then

It starts to open up things like national service, private security firms, and even people's militias (operating under a license from the big society)
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Woman beheaded just now on a North London street??? :blink:
Poor lady. The world is going to hell in a wheelcart.

Wrong thread as it wasn't terror/ISIS related.

Apparently some chubby black guy was shouting "The cats have stolen my lighter!" before he attacked the poor woman.
in a week when they are talking about stopping these coming back into the country..the sight on the news tonight of immigrants storming the barriers to get in here doesn't instil much confidence.
in a week when they are talking about stopping these coming back into the country..the sight on the news tonight of immigrants storming the barriers to get in here doesn't instil much confidence.

Exactly EC