I think it's running out of steam a bit Clive, albeit I commend you on the attempt to stir the pot
I personally think Cameron and Sarkozy have a lot to answer for in terms of the latest influx though. We had a working arrangement with the African jump off point to Lampedusa. Then calamity Cameron intervened because he, and he alone (discounting gay Hague who supported him) knew that there was going to be genocidal attrocities in Libya unless they imposed a power vacuum there that was guaranteed to usher in jihadists and create an environment that would spark even more immigration
Sadly they were able to exploit a conscientious stain in the Democrat party over Rwanda and played the card to the extent that Obama was persuaded to pave the way that would then allow the two European countries to do the rest. Had Obama not opened the gate Gadaffi would still be there, and the whole of central north Africa would be a sight more stable today than it is now
Suffice to say, the mass atrocities and burial sites that Cameron said we'd uncover, never materialised. The fig leaf of democracy that he can't seriously have believed he was supporting was quickly blown away, and now all that Dave has succeeded in doing is parking a state on Europe's front door that will gravitate towards the next Syria in time (its on its way) as the non extremist militias (the criminal ones) are losing ground, and on the verge of losing Tripoli now
The consequence is that migration from northern Africa is increasing again. Well done Dave! I actually think we need to impeach Cameron and strip him of his authority to make foreign policy. He's been an absolute disaster and continues to be so now. Clearly I'm better and should be installed today, this evening, or tomorrow at the latest
Where is his strategic brain? does he have one? He seems hopelessly locked in a 1980's world view. He's 47 going on 77. He seems to be under the impression now that our long term interests are best served by picking fights with Russia now in support of what ...? the bloody Ukraine, a country where he's confused a populist protest by neo fascists as pro democracy - again - moron!
Remember he came to power saying how it was a stain on us as a trading nation that we did more with Ireland than the BRIC's? Well so far he's managed to completely alienate the B, has introduced sanctions against the R, and lost a whole load of defence contracts with the I, who called his products "over-priced crap". I think the only thing he's managed to do is sell some processed food to China and get a few JV universities built (which were in the pipeline anyway)