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ISIS...Islamic State Victims

If one is targeting Fragrant Gentleladies from York...........one needs only one Drone :)

Good news if this 'jihadi john' monster has been blown to smithereens but unfortunately it is only one termite in a very large and odiferous dung heap; and for every termite squashed in a foreign heap one might expect it will encourage ten newborn British termites to crawl overland to bolster that repellant pile o'shite...yay or nay?

That's been the pattern, and you'd have to be stupid (or George Bush) not to be factoring it into your planning. Having said that, there simply isn't any room for accommodation with ISIL, which is what sets them apart. It's why I've been keen to find arab/ muslim proxys to fight ISIL, as this drastically reduces the scope for the multipler effect to kick in. Sadly its quite difficult to achieve this when the west then pursue a policy of destroying those people on the ground who are best equipped to fulfil the role. It's bone headed strategy

For all intents and purposes ISIL have declared war, which means the scope for peace and negotation that you might see in other theatres simply doesn't exist.

The bottom line here is that Emwazi might be symbolic, but strategically he's not of any great significance. He's not even bomb maker. To listen to Cameron this lunchtime though you'd think he's taken out some major ISIL commander, "a strike right at the heart of ISIL" - c'mon!

The infinitely more significant events this week would be the recapturing of the highway and supply route into Aleppo, relieving the ISIL siege of the airbase near Aleppo, and the bombing of the Shia district of Beirut yetsterday. I note incidentally that the French are increasing the number of sorties they're flying this week too as the UK continues to lose ground in the diplomatic manouevring
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The bottom line here is that Emwazi might be symbolic, but strategically he's not of any great significance. He's not even bomb maker. To listen to Cameron this lunchtime though you'd think he's taken out some major ISIL commander, "a strike right at the heart of ISIL" - c'mon!

Ah now -- don't pour cold water on it ! It's great news, if only for the "feel good" factor it generates in all of us. :)

And it has to be a morale blow to ISIS; I'm certain a few other jihadi filth are having a squeaky-bum moment or two wondering when their time is called.
I just tend to take a dispassionate and coldly calculating view of the battlefield rather than borderline hysterical and over hyped reactions I'm afraid. When you do this, it's difficult not to come to any other conclusion. I'm not so sure our own propaganda wouldn't be better served by placing him as item 101 on the news (sandwiched inbetween the latest cuts to a local council service, and the ducks crossing a road story). Emwazi isn't a major asset. He's easily replaced by someone else who can carry a knife, rant into a camera, and upload to youtube

I doubt it will make much difference to morale either. For all their weaknesses, morale through depletion is one thing ISIL and the strict observance of their Koranic interpretation is better able to absorb than a vast majority of organisations. Remember they're a death cult for all intents and purposes. Most of them have already made that deal.

The life source of the caliphate is territorial expansion. It's this that needs throwing back, and whereas Emwazi is better dead than alive, I'm not about to swallow the line that this marks a significant breakthrough and should be a day of national rejoicing. One way or another we've got to work out how to regain control of the lost territory, and perhaps equally importantly, how do so without drawing more people into the fight, and making ourselves potentially vulnerable through the backdoor
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he's just a tea leaf in a box of tea..better gone..been better made to suffer for a few months first though...but no way is it that significant..the media will make it so to feed some type of celebration but its nowt in scheme of things
You two are like the Grinch.
He stole Christmas; you pair seem intent on stealing my good vibes of the day and the news that's in it. :)

Hell wi' dat; I'm still going to later open and pour a nice bottle in celebration of the demise of this p.o.s.
Ah now -- don't pour cold water on it ! It's great news, if only for the "feel good" factor it generates in all of us. :)

And it has to be a morale blow to ISIS; I'm certain a few other jihadi filth are having a squeaky-bum moment or two wondering when their time is called.

Agree. this is nonsense

its the old hand wringers and apologists drivel which i would have thought Warbler was above. just.

The idea that being blown to vapour is a recruiter is plain wrong. Even with the most fanatical of fanatics, the idea of getting a missile up your arse and perhaps not meeting 70 virgins is bound to be somewhere on the mind

Also the idea that they will only join to fight the west is plain wrong. Chechnya Bosnia and so on? You think they are going to give the russians and syrians a free pass or something?

And of course its significant. it turns the tables on those that don't wish to attack isis in any shape or form and garners support across the civilised world for attacks that clearly work

They know now that no one in isis is safe. That is a victory
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i personally think they will be getting a bit more than drone attacks soon..the more ground they make the better..makes them an easy target for a large explosion and the fact that anyone that has no interest in them has left the area will make it even easier to hit them harder

the problem long term is that when these are gone..there will be another version of it in future..there never will be an end to it

Ice..i was heartened to hear the news..its not a breakthrough though as i am sure it will be painted
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Agree. this is nonsense

its the old hand wringers and apologists drivel which i would have thought Warbler was above. just.

The idea that being blown to vapour is a recruiter is plain wrong. Even with the most fanatical of fanatics, the idea of getting a missile up your arse and perhaps not meeting 70 virgins is bound to be somewhere on the mind

Also the idea that they will only join to fight the west is plain wrong. Chechnya Bosnia and so on?

No it' not. It's a well documented dynamic, the ignoring of which is plain stupid.

As regards your examples of vindication, they're so poor, I'm almost inclined to ask if you want another go?

Chechenya still rumbles on, albeit it was always an equal expression of nationalism as much as any deep rooted conservative Jihadist movement Chechens are engaged heavily in ISIL today though, so there was always these 'types' amongst their number

I'm afraid where Bosnia is concerned you're getting confused between Islamification and a Muslim population, and increasingly demonstrating that you're unable to separate them. Bosnia was a somewhat forced independence movement, ultimately a desire to achieve a nation state in Europe brought about by so-called ethnic cleansing. It was never a jihad, and therefore none of the fundamentalist mentality applied. In any event, the wider west intervened on the side of the Bosnian muslim against the Serbs, so your analysis simply collapses at that point. We were their allies not their enemies. Indeed, you'd be better off arguing just how ungrateful the muslim might have been for this if you really wanted to wildly widen it

I'm mildly amused however by some of the language you're now using to frame your beleagured responses with. "It turns the tables on those that don't wish to attack isis in any shape or form" - urm - as opposed to those who don't wish to attack them in some forms? a deft bit of footwork perhaps to give Jihadi Dave Cameron a pass out on Syria by any chance? Sounds like it. Lets not forget that he's been trying to pursue a policy that strengthens ISIL and daren't commit British forces now because 40 of his own backnbenchers will vote against it

It actually reminds me of this confused position the Liberal Democrats adopted in 2003. The one that said; we're against the war until it starts. When it starts we're in favour of it. Cameron's position is I'm against ISIL so long as they're in Iraq, if they're in Syria however then I favour them over the Syrian government, and won't do anything that might disrupt them

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You are simply resentful that this is a good day for Cameron and the tories. You dont like it at all . This wonderful piece of news is perfect for exploitation and there is only one winner

The voters will see this clearly. If the current alternative to Cameron was in charge, he would still be alive. To state that Cameron is trying to strengthen ISIS is warped

Whatever is gone is gone but one thing is certain, the voters will have a clear idea of who to trust against this filth and who will be apologists and appeasers .. or in some cases active supporters

Corbyn would NOT have authorised the strike against this worm. He has made that clear. And he will be hammered on this.

That is all the voters need to know.
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Clive is to obsessed with Corbyn Warb..wtf has Corbyn got to do with this?..f00kin bizarre obsession. Whatever the topic he brings Corbyn in..someone who will never see power and leads one of teh weakest editions of teh labour party seen to man.

I'll wager if we opened any topic up..he'd bring Corbyn into it..its just scarey really
You are simply resentful that this is a good day for Cameron and the tories. You dont like it at all

The voters will see this clearly. If the current alternative to Cameron was in charge, he would still be alive. To state that Cameron is trying to strengthen ISIS is warped

Corbyn would NOT have authorised the strike against this worm. He has made that clear

That is all the voters need to know.

proves my point :D

wtf has Corbyn got to do with it??..just laughable.

sort yer head out Clive,,HE's NOT EVEN A PLAYER AND NEVER WILL BE...ffs
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does it f00k ice..daliy mail links just make laugh ..can't belive anyone with any sense eats it tbh

it matters not what Corbyn thinks..he isn't a contender ffs..he will be back on the back benches in 2020

there is only Clive and you who thinks Corbyn is a potential PM from what i can see..everyone else can see he clearly isn't..no wonder he can't read horse form properly:D

thats Clive not JC:)..although Clive could bring Corbyn into a discussion about the beatles tbh..unreal the daftness of it..don't encourage it ffs

in fact..it wouldn't surprise me if JC makes an appearance on the gold cup thread before long..."well Corbyn wouldn't have run him etc"
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Corbyn wanted him to appear in a court; probably be sentenced to a couple hundred hours community work to "rehabilitate", and then be offered back his old job as IT programmer.

Had to be captured alive first, of course; guessing Corbyn didn't volunteer himself to go into Raqqa and ask Jihadi John nicely to surrender, no?
What are you all arguing about, jeezus.

To clive, it was an American air strike, so your back patting of Cameron is a bit over the top.

I personally shed no tears about assassinating scum like him, and wouldn't be calling for an inquiry, it has to be said.
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Corbyn would NOT have authorised the strike against this worm.

You think Cameron had the opportunity to veto it do you? American citizens were killed at the hands of Emwazi, the attack took place in a country that Cameron has no say in. The most the American's will have done is tell Cameron what they intended doing, and if he disagreed, they'd do it anyway. Remember they didn't even tell him about Bin Laden until it was over. American military strategy is not framed by David Cameron. He is not their Commander in Chief. Any attempt to suggest otherwise is frankly embarrassing for you.

The most you're going to get is some glossed over spin to try and present the idea of close working and joint intelligence sharing and this kind of thing. But this will have been an almost exclusively American job with the British doing little more than cheering them on. It's not a great hour for Cameron, Corbyn, or Britain. It just underlines how impotent we are that we have to rely ever more and more on America and to a lesser extent the Russians and the French to sort this out for us. Cameron can't even win a vote to go 'boo' at ISIL, and you know what's worse .... he hasn't even tried
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Corbyn wanted him to appear in a court; probably be sentenced to a couple hundred hours community work to "rehabilitate", and then be offered back his old job as IT programmer.

Had to be captured alive first, of course; guessing Corbyn didn't volunteer himself to go into Raqqa and ask Jihadi John nicely to surrender, no?

its got f all to do with Corbyn..you buying all the nonsense Ice..his view on this is about as relevant as ours...nil. No one cares what Corbyn thinks bar muppets like the Mail and anyone they can net..a few daft tories that can't see that we have no input in what is happening over there now

serious brainwashing amongst tories who can't yet grasp what little influence little us has anymore
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You dont get it at all do you ec?

Of course it strenghtens the tories like it or not many labour supporters will ask what would corbyn have done

you really dont grasp that???
this reminds me of the mentality that took 40 years for some to realise that we aren't that good at football any more and won't be winning the world cup again..its like a superiority complex us brits have..we think we have all this importance..we don't..we are a shadow of our former selves
You dont get it at all do you ec?

Of course it strenghtens the tories like it or not many labour supporters will ask what would corbyn have done

you really dont grasp that???

don't get it..LMAO..deary me..thats a classic

no it doesn't strengthen the tories...it just makes both parties look sad for different reasons..call me Dave for trying to hang on to the tails of it and Corbyn looking like some..ooh what shall we do if anyone attacks us,,shall we have a leaflet campaign to stop it

both are muppets for different reasons..anyone trying to gain credit for Cameron on back of this is extemely desperate for a plus..its not..its sad

tory supporters would be better of saying nowt..as the alternative is emabarrassing

there is no credit due...its delusion of the highest order
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you come out with some awful stuff ec

Corbyn represents the NINE MILLION that voted labour last time.

How can you not get that if Gordon Brown was leader there would almost certainly be no clear water between both parties positions? Cameron has done nothing wrong at all because he simply hasnt had to do anything.
you come out with some awful stuff ec

Corbyn represents the NINE MILLION that voted labour last time.

How can you not get that if Gordon Brown was leader there would almost certainly be no clear water between both parties positions? Cameron has done nothing wrong at all because he simply hasnt had to do anything.

awful stuff?.....says the man that puts Corbyn in every sentence..you having a laugh aren't you?..do you actually read the media brainwashed stuff you keep parroting out on this thread...its like an illness you have got re Corbyn

Corbyn doesn't represent anyone who voted Labour last time..he wasn't in charge then..its got bugger all to do with Brown what threat Corbyn is to Cameron...abour got Corbyn now who is unelectable ..but you are that scared of him you bring him in to every topic..so you are the one thats out of touch with reality..because you clearly fear him ..you wouldn't keep harping on about him otherwise

It matters not what Corbyn says about any topic..even without any other issue he won't get power just on defence alone..it matters not about anything else..he is viewed as weak and people will not vote for a PM that would in any way not protect the country..from day one he has been a no hoper just on that..yet you still think he is a threat to the tories.
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