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ISIS...Islamic State Victims

On the one hand I'm very much in favour of immigration which is controlled and encompasses decent people wanting to make a decent life but on the other hand there is a severe problem with Islam . I have no doubt that the majority etc etc... But it cannot be denied that the rest of the world despises their "religion" their bitterness , their social failure, their bigotry and their replusive "values"
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The fire's been lit.

I'm afraid we'll see more and more of this.

The French have notably been ratcheting up their own activity in the last 3 months. Personally I think there's other motives concerning trying to gain favour with the US as Britain has stepped back (accidentally for the most part)

Grasshopper posted something about 12 months ago prophecising that Europe isn't too far away from a few major incidents and an escalation to the next level

It's basically a slide to war so far as I can see


Well you either join it, or you try and manage the situation and learn to live under a permathreat and just accept that now and then these things will happen. But like any war, an arms race will accompany it. Eventually the freelancers will access better weapons and refine their tactics and become ever more potent
it cannot be denied that the rest of the world despises their "religion" their bitterness , their social failure, their bigotry and their replusive "values"
Seriously, never was a truer word spoken !
And I have no interest in hearing from the multiculturalists or the "western imperialism" apologists that somehow we have brought this upon ourselves, blah blah. Neither do I want to be told that Islam is the Religion Of Peace.
The war is now here in Europe; the battleground is the streets of western capitals. Thanks to mad cow Merkel, we have an estimated 4,000 Islomonazi's of I.S. now embedded in western Europe. Worrying times for sure.
FWIW, I offer my sympathy to all the innocent victims of tonight's events.
I think we could be sliding towards war and I doubt if many would be too bothered about seeing the Finsbury park mosque in flames tomorrow.
Seriously, never was a truer word spoken !
And I have no interest in hearing from the multiculturalists or the "western imperialism" apologists that somehow we have brought this upon ourselves, blah blah. Neither do I want to be told that Islam is the Religion Of Peace.
The war is now here in Europe; the battleground is the streets of western capitals. Thanks to mad cow Merkel, we have an estimated 4,000 Islomonazi's of I.S. now embedded in western Europe. Worrying times for sure.
FWIW, I offer my sympathy to all the innocent victims of tonight's events.

agree After Charlie hebdo they didn't want to know. All the excuses about the cartoons. And there were apologists on the left here Ffs

the religion believes in killing anyone who dares opposes or dissents. Is any of this a surprise ? With that mindset ?

We we are what we are thank god and they are nothing as they will always be and frankly they know it themselves. Filth
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The Syrian Trojan horse has started its work.Matter of time before before it happens here-make no bones about it we are at war.It's time they started calling a spade a spade.
The Trojan horse is the huge demographic boom in this country of Muslims. To think we were so fearful during the Cold War of sleeper cells of Russians being here. Well in less than 20 years if things carry on the way they are going that will look like a walk in the park.
You are crossing a line here.

well go and report it then. As if I give a fck

the home of terrorism deserves what it gets. Appeasing and apologising for those that killed for some bloody cartoons is crossing the line in my book
You are crossing a line here.
He's simply telling it as it is -- ie, that not too many non-Muslims would be overly bothered. Couldn't give a fck, meself, about it.
Far more upset, I am, about the untimely death of all those innocent souls in Paris tonight than the wellbeing of a hatepreaching building of brick and mortar.
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They will always hate us. We have good lives. We like women . We live and let live. We smile. . We drink and laugh. We live full lives. We wash

what do they have

fck all. They hate women. They hate life. They are miserable. They are despised . They can't swim
And, they have very small penis's. Maybe that's what causes them to be so very angry all the time.

Oh, no, oh good grief, reports just now that another hundred have probably been killed inside the Bataclan theatre.
God rest them all.
i couldn't care less about what happens to any beard and his dalek wife now.

they have never properly stood up to this . It's is done in their name. Well if you filth womt stand up to the consequences of that then fck you

expect your face to be rearranged you cnts
I think we could be sliding towards war

OK you're slowly getting there. The next question is do you believe this is inevitable at some point in the future? When, or if, you conclude that it is, the next thing you do is take a deep breath, with a resigned sense of dystopia, and start asking different and very nasty questions like where do we fight it? how do we fight it? and when do we fight it? The answers are of course pretty gruesome across the board, but then war is rarely a neat and clean thing.

I'm pretty certain we aren't there incidentally, but 5 years times, 10 years, 20 years? What will it take? Or do we have to wait until the numbers are more even, and the level of weaponry available to the enemy has improved?
The thing is though these terrorists, they aren't daft. They know the West is full of empty headed buffoons like Clive and his reactionary lets blow all the Mosques up and deport all the refugees type response to these atrocities is what they are aiming for. It's playing into their hands to a large extent.
I doubt if many would be too bothered about seeing the Finsbury park mosque in flames tomorrow.

Just on a tactical point of view Clive, if you talk to anyone involved with schemes like 'Prevent' workign as 'community cohesion officers' (the one that you were lambasting as a non-job that should be made rendundant about 10 years ago) they'll tell you that mosques haven't been the epicentre for spreading fundamentalism for years now. Hate preachers aren't that stupid. You're more likely to find meetings taking place on park benches, outward bounds schools or boxing clubs. One place that you don't go is the mosque

I should say for consistency, (much as though I hate being fair to you) you did conceed (once it was explained to you) that community cohesion officers did potentially do a worthwhile job in identifying at risk individuals and poison spreaders. They are only one wheel in the clockwork though and won't arrest this themselves
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OK you're slowly getting there. The next question is do you believe this is inevitable at some point in the future? When, or if, you conclude that it is, the next thing you do is take a deep breath, with a resigned sense of dystopia, and start asking different and very nasty questions like where do we fight it? how do we fight it? and when do we fight it? The answers are of course pretty gruesome across the board, but then war is rarely a neat and clean thing.

I'm pretty certain we aren't there incidentally, but 5 years times, 10 years, 20 years? What will it take? Or do we have to wait until the numbers are more even, and the level of weaponry available to the enemy has improved?

no. Nothing is inevitable . This could go either way

but it agree that the risk of weaponry is a big concern
Just on a tactical point of view Clive, if you talk to anyone involved with schemes like 'Prevent' workign as 'community cohesion officers' (the one that you were lambasting as a non-job that should be made rendundant about 10 years ago) they'll tell you that mosques haven't been the epicentre for spreading fundamentalism for years now. Hate preachers aren't that stupid. You're more likely to find meetings taking place on park benches, outward bounds schools or boxing clubs. One place that you don't go is the mosque

I should say for consistency, (much as though I hate being fair to you) you did conceed (once it was explained to you) that community cohesion officers did potentially do a worthwhile job in identifying at risk individuals and poison spreaders. They are only one wheel in the clockwork though and won't arrest this themselves

What ? I've never even heard of it let alone said it was a non job.

The second part part I have no idea what you are ion about

i can assure you that you have never explained anything to me ever. . Don't flatter yourself. No one gets to to end of your posts
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The thing is though these terrorists, they aren't daft. They know the West is full of empty headed buffoons like Clive and his reactionary lets blow all the Mosques up and deport all the refugees type response to these atrocities is what they are aiming for. It's playing into their hands to a large extent.


like to quote where I said that?

The thing is though these terrorists, they aren't daft. They know the West is full of empty headed buffoons like Clive and his reactionary lets blow all the Mosques up and deport all the refugees type response to these atrocities is what they are aiming for. It's playing into their hands to a large extent.

I'm sure ISIL are deeply frustrated that they don't have the same presence on the ground in the west, and that they're desperate to try and reach out to people who might be sympathetic, who are already based here. I'm sure you're right in suggesting that part of that strategy is to launch these kinds of attacks in the hope provoking retaliation and ultimately transferring the theatre to our streets, as people get sucked in and the whole thing snowballs. It makes perfect sense. What doesn't make quite so much sense is the timing. Logically this would be something they should be looking at long term (20-30 years) it did set me wondering if the caliphate is under a lot more pressure than we realise? This is the third attempt now to inflame areas outside of the immediate conflict zone in about 10 days
The Islamists have never needed a reason to attack. That is the biggest falicy of all. Anyone who believes that simply doesn't know the history of the attacks over the last few decades

its the useful idiots, in thewords of the apologists hero, who seek a reason.

It is the mere reason that we exist. Nothing we would do either way will make any difference at all. Their hatred is because we are what we are whixh is everything they are not

that is what is drummed into them
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The thing is though these terrorists, they aren't daft. They know the West is full of empty headed buffoons like Clive and his reactionary lets blow all the Mosques up and deport all the refugees type response to these atrocities is what they are aiming for. It's playing into their hands to a large extent.

I do have to laugh at the idea of you daring to call anyone thick.

I mean... Really? :lol:

Is is there a pot kettle icon anywhere ?