Dormant account
Corbyn has already come out with it. What a complete wankr
11 is Corbyn..see what i mean?
Corbyn has already come out with it. What a complete wankr
Cameron's claim that this was an act of self-defence seems cracked to me. Retaliation or revenge more like.
They particularly wanted to get this guy because of his grotesque behaviour in those videos. They specifically targeted him, did they not?
It seems to me a bit like taking out Lord Haw Haw instead of Hitler, a propaganda coup rather than a strategic blow against the enemy?
another point would be that the tories wont attack him too much because they want him to stay as leader
but isn't that a good thing..if its attracting murderers away from here to be removed over there?
do we really want people with this intent here?
the main issue i have is that once gone..we let them back in..madness
it won't be long before someone blows themsleves and a shopping centre up here..and it transpires we had initially got rid by their own choice..and then let them back in..we can't be letting these people come back
i agree that they are more like a proper labour party now Marb...rather than the pseudo tory party they have been....but that shouldn't mean leaving the country way will people A,,vote for a split party..which they clearly are..or B...a party that won't keep them safe...the rest is just trimmings as its worthless having anything if you aren't safe
they don't need to attack him Clive..he scores own goals most weeks...defence being the main one. He comes across as a happy hippy type from the 60's preaching love and peace..yes we all want that..but the problem for that mindset is ..lots of people in the world don't want that..its just fatally flawed. its not much good looking after the sick and elderly whilst letting all and sundry attack and take over your country. He has no defence priority..hence people in the main won't feel safe..he doesn't want weapons and doesn't appear to want an army..fair enough..he's a pacifist..he can be that..but not as a prime minister he can't
It'll certainly be a good thing if all the misguided in this country who will now view Emwazi as a martyr decide to crawl off and replace him; but for every one of those newly energized by the martydom there are likely to be x more somewhat less energized happy to wreak havoc here at home
I'm not trying to pour cold water on this superficially good news; it's certainly a victory for propaganda that gives us fleeting satisfaction but as you yourself wrote Amwazi was no more than a single tea leaf in the chest
Regarding what is likely to be near-instantaneous death. I'm not one who believes in the maxim 'eye for an eye tooth for a tooth' so do not regret that he didn't suffer a lingering painful death. To wish such would be to align ourselves with the vile practices of ISIL
what happened after a far more high profile figure was shot in Pakistan? was alquaeda energised?
were there reprisal attacks in the uk? Obviously no one wants to talk too soon but you can't have in both ways
We all know even if Labour had put in one of the other candidates they had as possible leaders (Cooper, Kendall, Burnham), they were probably even more nailed on to lose in 2020.
They had a choice of losing whilst agreeing with the government for the next five years (Clivex's preferred this), or have a go saying the complete opposite and seeing where it gets you.
I'd admire the courage of the party for really going for a leader they thought was a true Labour man though.
They made a ballsy decision, but the voters usually play it safe these days...that's the problem.
Most voters aren't political die hards, they want common sense, run-of-the-mill, politicans who lead consensus...not those standing miles from the consensus and challenging it....This is Jeremy Corbyns biggest challenge.
I wish him all the best. Its a big ask.
What is it about the aerial shot that is troubling you?Assuming these are genuine, is there something that perhaps I'm not getting here?
no matter when they got him it would seem like a propaganda coup if you wanted to view it like that. Lord Haw Haw spouted sh1te..this critter was cold blooded monster
best get him rather than not though surely
he was always going to be a target after those videos..its only same as that other brit they got a while back..he made himself a particular target by appearing in videos. What do you expect to happen to high profile ones Grey?..of course its going to hit the headlines..thats how the game the press report it is up to them. Should they not have targetted him then in your view..did he not deserve special attention?..he must have wanted that attention by appearing in the videos
its a bit like saying that locking Lee Rigby killers up is an act of revenge...just done for propaganda.. isn't it?
What is it about the aerial shot that is troubling you?