
Well we are aware of your opinions on the jewish state arent we, but care to point out anything incorrect there? Before i routinely take your points to pieces
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Another splendid own goal for Israel: a flotilla of aid ships manned by some 700 multi-nationals from Turkey (Clivex, you've forgotten that's an 'Islamist state' as you like to call them, the only one that so far has been pro-Israel), USA, UK, Australia, Greece, Canada, Belgium and Ireland and includes Swedish author Henning Mankell (anyone watching the excellent Wallander series?), two Oz journos and three German MPs - you know, the usual wild-eyed, AK-47-toting radicals.

Aid ships have been bringing thousands of tonnes of aid to Gazans, which they say is only a quarter of what's needed. Ten of the flotilla have been murdered by the Israeli boarding parties. No doubt the medicines and wheelchairs and baby food will be miracled into nuclear warheads and drone bombs by the time Netanyahu gallops back from Canada (oops!) and blathers to the Press, which isn't being told anything, due to a black-out on news. Why, when you must surely be so proud of yourself, Israel?

Yes, another blow for international terrorism well struck - 10 aid activists dead, possibly all Turkish. That'll do wonders for the country's pro-Israeli stance.

And yet again, the 'tsk, tsk, how naughty' message to Israel from the UN comes out. Toothless, dribbling old fart that that is. Why on earth anyone thinks it has a useful role to play in world affairs is beyond me - not just on this occasion, but pretty much anywhere. Peace keepers? Well, yeah, if your idea of keeping the peace is to run at the first shot fired and to never actually do more than put some despots on the naughty step.
So if it as just Baby Food etc, why didnt they simply allow the commandos on to search and check (they were hardly going to do otherwise given the history of recent "convoys" in the area)? Why did they attack? Something to hide maybe? The isrealis gave them enough warning

Also, the group that organised the "convoy" is an Islamist organisation with links to terrorism

The raid was badly handled no doubt about that, but criticising the UN is laughable in the face of their constant condemnations of every single israeli action and equal silence (support even..) on Sudan (the arabs states blocked Un peacekeeping action against the systematic genocide of Christians in the south) and Sri lanka
How do you know that the people on board attacked the commandos? Even if they did, should not organised and well trained professional soldiers be expecting an attack, rather than going off half cocked?
As far as the Islamist organisation having links to terrorism is concerned, haven't they all as far as Israel is concerned?
When you think about it, after Lebanon, Gaza and now this, as a state, it should be dismantled. Something is fundamentally wrong with how they 'police' the middle east. History will judge Israel in recent years in a very, very bad way, and you have to wonder why their behaviour is tolerated - their treatment of palestinians isn't that far removed from how many of its own people suffered in concentration camps - not ironic, just wrong and quite sad.
Originally Posted by clivex
Well we are aware of your opinions on the jewish state arent we, but care to point out anything incorrect there? Before i routinely take your points to pieces

yes we are and your racist arguements are disgusting

Right you fcking prick

Point out the racism. Put up or shut up

I certainly recall your generalised comments about jews... So no suprise with your thick headed response

but once again you cannot deal with the points, which says it all
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their treatment of palestinians isn't that far removed from how many of its own people suffered in concentration camps - not ironic, just wrong and quite sad.

Thats a stupid comment. Absolutely ridiculous
Right you fcking prick

Point out the racism.

I certainly recall your generalised comments about jews... So no suprise with your thick headed response

Little pissy racist Dude this is the last time I shall address you directly.

Find one comment I have made about "jews" or take your own advice and
Put up or shut up

dont bother. You couldnt answer one single point. Beyond your limited mental abilities


I am reading a fine history of the second world war at the moment. The comparison is odious. No one in Gaza or the west back is being sent into gas chambers or starved to death

Eqypt also closes the border to the nazi worshipping hamas authority. should egypt be dismantled as well?

As for "policing the middle east" you seriously think that they should just sit there and take continuous missile attacks from south lebabnon and gaza without response?
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No one in Gaza or the west back is being sent into gas chambers or starved to death

Never compared them in this sense - more in the imprisonment sense.

Eqypt also closes the border to the nazi worshipping hamas authority. should egypt be dismantled as well?

Do Egypt stop aid reaching Palestine? Did Egypt invade Gaza and commit numerous serious crimes? Do they stop Palestinians living a normal life?

What book are you reading?
Is there any reason this subject can't be discussed on here without personal vitriol? No, there isn't. Facts, logic, reason - okay?
At the end of the day, there is no excuse for Israel's behaviour towards Palestinians. I have heard the argument about rockets etc - the fact remains any people in the world would act in a very similar manner if they had all their human rights stripped away.

I mean, it's just preposterous - they are now so arrogant that they are jumping onto ships in international waters just in case there is something on board they don't agree with.

If rockets are fired into Israel, the question should be why. Who gave Israel the right to police Palestine, and its people? Take their land (illegally)?
I mean, it's just preposterous - they are now so arrogant that they are jumping onto ships in international waters just in case there is something on board they don't agree with.

If rockets are fired into Israel, the question should be why. Who gave Israel the right to police Palestine, and its people? Take their land (illegally)?

That's the bit that damns them beyond all others - the justification for military action against Palestine and Lebanon has often been as a response to rocket attacks and the like - clearly not the case here.

This action isn't justifiable in any sense - by what right did they have to be on the boat in the first place, let alone do anything to the people on board?
If rockets are fired into Israel, the question should be why

Yes. If the Sudanese murder 500000 christians we have to ask why

If Hitler kills 6000000 jews we have to ask why

have to see it from their point of view i suppose...

The obvious reason why they were launching rockets from civilian sites against israel is well known. It was to provoke a response in civilian areas. For two years Israel did NOT respond top the attacks from gaza.
Okay, and in all seriousness, leaving aside other unrelated events in history, why do you think the Palestinians fire rockets - can you not see their predicament? They can't all be madmen.
Not all palestinians fire rockets... Fatah doesnt from the west bank...

Hamas does for the reasons I gave. The attack on gaza (copying the hezbollah strategy) was just what they wanted. The gaza situation is a mess, but i cannot see how the israelis can negotiate with hamas, with the beliefs and objectives that hamas are commmited to (although there are indications of splits within hamas)

We need another Oslo (for the arabs to walk away from again...) but it will require fatah back in control to meet that objective IMO. Problem is that fatah are corrupt useless mess themselves
Okay, would be interested on your thoughts on the following :)

what right has Israel to govern another people, imprison them, and deny them basic human rights?

what do you think of the continued (illegal) settlement expansion in east jeruselum?

surely you would agree the sea blockade to gaza is illegal (let alone other things)?
Against the settlements, generally, but Israel's land grab was perfectly justified following the attacks in 67. Arab nations got what they deserved. All the same, the settlements just seem to be making matters worse

Its not necessirly illegal. interceptions in international waters where there is a threat to your own countries security can be justified. Whether that was the case here is very debatable, but we might soon see

if Iran was delivering a nuclear weapon to gaza (which they no doubt will if current regime stays in power) should israel just stand back beacuse of "international law"?

Its not a full blockade anyway. This isnt Berlin, but they should definately cool it. I am all for the destruction of hamas, but this isnt the way to go about it

Israel doesnt govern gaza. Hamas does
Against the settlements, generally, but Israel's land grab was perfectly justified following the attacks in 67. Arab nations got what they deserved. All the same, the settlements just seem to be making matters worse

Its not necessirly illegal. interceptions in international waters where there is a threat to your own countries security can be justified. Whether that was the case here is very debatable, but we might soon see

if Iran was delivering a nuclear weapon to gaza (which they no doubt will if current regime stays in power) should israel just stand back beacuse of "international law"?

Its not a full blockade anyway. This isnt Berlin, but they should definately cool it. I am all for the destruction of hamas, but this isnt the way to go about it

Israel doesnt govern gaza. Hamas does

Fair enough.

Hamas may 'govern' Gaza, but ultimately Israel control it.

Anyway, will leave it there for now so when we eventually meet up for a drink you will still buy. :D
Buy? Who said that?

Ok...lets get taht sorted very soon. Drop me pm...forget where your dossing now