
Sometimes it's hard to believe what you're reading. Israel justifies the choking of Gaza by virtue of the fact that Hamas have an Israeli corporal captive. So, Hamas have 1 Israeli captive, and he is of military standing. That justifies the blockade imposed upon Gaza?!

Wonder how many Palestinians are being held by the Israelis? :rolleyes:

What will it take for Israel to be held accountable to the world? What is it they have which gives them carte blanche to act as they see fit, when other countries don't have this liberty? :rolleyes:
They'll always find a reason no matter how perverted.

All very well Mr Ban Ki-moon being outraged after the event but the U.N. (officials)needs to provide more than lip service.
Why are the 'West' afraid of Israel? Why are they not invading it? Why do they allow the last few weeks to happen, or what happened in Lebanon? Who has given Israel the right to put a blockade around Gaza?
The blockade has defacto been in affect for years but is only being highlighted now due to the crisis. Israel draws it's strenght from the U.S. and many would argue are just another state of the U.S. Lets hope Obama's eyes are open as to what kind of a state the U.S are sponsoring and supporting.

In a nutshell the U.N. can't /won't move against Israel because of the U.S. So they'll continue to target UN buildings as they have always done giving a big F U to the World.
They'll always find a reason no matter how perverted.

You really do have a problem with the Jewish nation dont you?

To stop constant rocket attacks, which have continued for two years, driving whole sectors of the israeli popualtion to live in shelters is a "perverted reason"?


I suppose the Jews should just take it shouldnt they?

It was the assination of key Hamas figures by Israel in November which triggered the Hamas response of rocket attacks.
You really do have a problem with the Jewish nation dont you?

To stop constant rocket attacks, which have continued for two years, driving whole sectors of the israeli popualtion to live in shelters is a "perverted reason"?


I suppose the Jews should just take it shouldnt they?

I have a problem with the State of Israel as do all right minded people.

The fact that you continue to misrepresent what has occurred leading up to the invasion and destruction of Palestinian people and property speaks for itself.
Has a President of the US ever treated an Israeli leader like this? Pretty fascinating stuff.....

Giles Whittell, Washington, and James Hider, Jerusalem

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;} For a head of state to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of.
Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip seen in Jerusalem tonight as a disastrous humiliation.
After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on Jewish settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisors and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman who spoke to the Prime Minister said today.
“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House phone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.

Left to talk among themselves, Mr Netanyahu and his aides retreated to the Roosevelt Room. He later spent a further half-hour with Mr Obama and extended his stay for a day of emergency talks aimed at restarting peace negotiations, but left last night with no official statement from either side. He returns to Israel dangerously isolated after what Israeli media have called a White House ambush for which he is largely to blame.
Sources said that Mr Netanyahu failed to impress Mr Obama with a flow chart purporting to show that he was not be responsible for the timing of announcements of new settlement projects in east Jerusalem. Mr Obama was said to be livid when such an announcement derailed Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel this month, and his anger towards Israel does not appear to have cooled.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, cast doubt on minor details in Israeli accounts of the meeting but did not deny claims that it amounted to a dressing down for the Prime Minister, whose refusal to freeze settlements is seen in Washington as the main barrier to resuming peace talks.
The Likud leader now has to try to square the demands of the Obama Administration with his nationalist, ultra-Orthodox coalition partners, who want him to stand up to Washington, even though Israel desperately needs US backing in confronting the looming threat of a nuclear Iran.
“The Prime Minister leaves America disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker than when he came,” the Israeli daily Ha'aretz said.
In their meeting Mr Obama set out a number of expectations that Israel was to satisfy if it wanted to end the crisis, Israeli sources said. These included an extension of the freeze on Jewish settlement growth beyond the 10-month deadline next September, an end to Israeli building projects in east Jerusalem, and even a withdrawal of Israeli forces to positions that they held before the Second Intifada in September 2000, after which they re-occupied most of the West Bank.
Newspaper reports recounted how Mr Netanyahu looked “excessively concerned and upset” as he pulled out a flow chart to show Mr Obama how Jerusalem planning permission worked and how he could not have known of the announcement that hundreds more homes were to be built just as Mr Biden arrived in Jerusalem.
Mr Obama then suggested that Mr Netanyahu and his staff stay on at the White House to consider his proposals, so that if he changed his mind he could inform the President right away. “I’m still around,” the Yediot Ahronot daily quoted Mr Obama saying. “Let me know if there is anything new.”
With the atmosphere so soured by the end of the evening, the Israelis decided that they could not trust the phone line they had been lent. Mr Netanyahu retired with his defence minister, Ehud Barak, to the Israeli Embassy to ensure the Americans were not listening in.
The meeting came barely a day after Mr Obama’s landmark health reform victory. Israel had calculated that he would be too tied up with domestic issues ahead of the mid-term elections to focus seriously on the Middle East.
Fascinating stuff. The thing is, most of the Arabian Gulf's top Arabs, whether they're Saudi, Bahraini, Dubaian, whatever, have been educated in European and American schools and universities. Their families have sunk millions of dollars into the US, and favoured Western companies such as Fluor and Halliburton with billions of dinarsworth of contracts over the last nearly four decades. The US signed drilling rights as far back as 1933 with the Saudis, after the British High Commissioner deemed the country unlikely to be of interest to Britain's economy. Americans and other Europeans have been welcome to live and work throughout the Gulf, even establishing very successful businesses through sponsorship by host country nationals. They have secured oil processing rights and assisted the Gulf states to build their infrastructures - it's a two-way traffic of need.

The idiotic misuse of passports by Kidon agents (Mossad's elite assassinations squad) to kill a Hamas official when in the Gulf has caused the West enormous embarrassment. There they are, receiving preferential treatment for all kinds of deals - military hardware, construction, running oil plants, putting up Marriotts and Hiltons everywhere - and their special buddy, Israel, goes and spits in the hummus. If they'd have killed him in Paris or Hong Kong - no problem. But to have killed him right inside one of the states most shored up by American and European capitalism - very bad taste indeed.

Israel is getting a good couple of smacks and being told to go stand on the naughty step. There won't be any sanctions against it, and nobody will physically interfere with its continuing (illegal) expansionism. No-one will invoke embargoes and boycotts, let alone think for a nanosecond of any form of real reprisal for this diplomatic brouhaha.

After all, the Jewish lobby pours gazillions of dollars into US political campaigns and pretty much controls Hollywood and other media-friendly outlets. When you know that dozens of your senators are in place thanks to Jewish backing, the worst you can be seen to do is to give Netanyahu - a hawk of the first order - a twist of the ear, and send him home. Naughty boy, naughty little Israel!
Obama's determination to push through his health bill despite the risks and flack he has taken from big business (Republicans) shows he has the courage to do what he thinks is right.

This may well be a rap on the knuckles for Israel and it may not, time will tell. The timing of the planning permission being granted for the building in Jerusalem showed the usual lack of respect for Muslims but also for the U.S. Obama must be feeling pretty pumped at the moment and was never going to take it lying down. A major clanger from the Israelis.
The Israelis: no-one likes them & they return the favour ... poor neighbours who've had the world's police force in their pockets, by proxy.

They'd do themselves a good deed if they acted kindly, just for once.
I would have happily lent a copy of my passport to help mossad kill that islamist in Dubai. Good job done...

I think Obama is probably hitting the right note here though on the settlements but any high handedness over the dubai killing is laughable given that that is precisely how the Us is (not complaints from me) handling the Taleban leadership

They should stop the settlements and work out how to draw a line under all this, but given (as we have seen on this thread already) the "no one likes them" and "jewish controls" attitudes across much of the west, who can blame them for telling us to basically fck off

poor neighbours who've had the world's police force in their pockets, by proxy.

Absolute bollocks. They are more than capable at looking after themslves and they have shown on a number of quite spectacular occassions

I wont even start to comment on the quality of Israels "neighbours"
What's wrong with Israel's neighbours? We've been doing very lucrative deals with them for decades, which have provided thousands of very well-paid jobs for British personnel, with a positive knock-on effect in the UK. You may not like the Saudis, but the Al-Yamama project brought in BILLIONS to the UK. You might like to review how much help or use Israel's been to this country. Of course you won't, clivex, because you can only see Muslim = terrorist.

As for the Taleban - don't make me laugh. A couple of decades ago, they were our best little buddies, and bugger them not letting their wimminfolk get educated or have minds of their own - we, the US and the non-Communist world got them onside and supplied them with all the military equipment they could wish for in order to get those Russkies out of Afghanistan. (Pipelines/oil/West/need/control - geddit?)
i have rarely read such a confused post...

Israels neighbours have tried to invade the country on a number of occasions

They have waged war against each other with millions dead (Iran Iraq)

They have slaughtered their own people (syria)

They have been an internal shambles (lebanon)

They include one of the most sinister and bigoted regimes on the planet (saudi)

we wont even start on the nazi worshipping hamas now will we?

And yet again your grasp of facts is embarassing. Wheres the oil in Afganistan? Wheres the abolsute requirement for a pipeline? And what exactly is your point? you think we shouldnt now attack a regime that was right behind 9/11 and would have backed and given assistance to further attacks on civilian western targets just because business was done with them in the past?

You might like to review how much help or use Israel's been to this country. Of course you won't, clivex, because you can only see Muslim = terrorist

I wont even respond to the second line, but what the fck is the point of the first?
Absolute bollocks. They are more than capable at looking after themslves and they have shown on a number of quite spectacular occassions

Selective rubbish. They've been funded by USA for years: how else could they afford the hardware.
Do try to keep up with a few facts.

A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion - see links.
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Thanks, mrussell - I'm afraid Clivex sees only what he wants to see, though, so I wouldn't hold out much hope of him believing even the USA's own figures! But why don't you tell me what Israel has done for Britain, Clivex? Is it because you actually can't find one single thing? I'm not talking about British Jews and their many contributions to, in particular, business (MARKS and Spencer, remember?) and the Arts, but Israel, the state that came into being, not so much as an emotional response to the Holocaust (although it would almost be nice to think that), but because so many countries, all anti-Semitic at heart, didn't want to take in millions of displaced Jews? Think back to some of the cruel responses to fleeing Eastern European Jewry in the Second World War, in particular, and how there are well-documented cases of entire shiploads of desperate Jews being refused safe haven by Western nations? Countries didn't want them, and it was suddenly expedient to enact the long-dormant Balfour Treaty of 1904 (if memory serves), knock the indigenous Palestinian outrage aside, and install an 'Israeli' government (for which read Zionist). And it isn't Jewish expansionism at all - there are many Israeli Jews (as against Israeli Arabs) who are not the least Zionist and would happily live alongside Muslims, as their forebears did. It's Zionist expansionism. Read your history, get some facts under your belt, then try to address a discussion with something resembling information, and not blind bias. (Or the rather childish attempts at using naughty words.)
Complete rubbish

Why has Israel got "to do anything " for Britain? What relevance is that? Your previous post seemed to link level of trade with how we should respect the politics of a country. What garbage...

there are many Israeli Jews (as against Israeli Arabs) who are not the least Zionist and would happily live alongside Muslims

well clearly the Isreali arabs are living alongside the jews arenmt they?

They also have a vote and also have the freedom to worship

Lets look at our great trading partner Saudi Arabia. Who we must favour because they bought arms of us... apparently

Freedom to worship? Do me a favour...

and how about the very fact that they actually BAN jews from visiting the country? Perhaps the one state in the world that enacts a nakedly racist policy towards visitors?
Complete rubbish

Lets look at our great trading partner Saudi Arabia. Who we must favour because they bought arms of us... apparently

and how about the very fact that they actually BAN jews from visiting the country? Perhaps the one state in the world that enacts a nakedly racist policy towards visitors?

Oh? Selective as usual. How about Palestinians getting to & from work or their old home - you know, where they and theirs used to live before 'Israel'.

Israel has demonstrated ongoing bitterness to non-Israel ... except to the USA, of course -- do we know why? Not too hard, is it?
Dont be ridiculous. How many Palestinians still "have homes" in Israel? Perhaps the jews that were expelled across arabia would like to go back to their homes too? and what comparison is that anyway? the restrictions are not on racist grounds because clearly there would be no arabs living in israel if there was (god...a five year old would grasp this). The restrictions are very clearly necessary given the long period of suicide bombings and the rest that Israel had to endure

Israel has shown no bitterness at all. It says nothing and just gets on with it. They were naturally right to condemn UN garbage, especially when the same organisation spent years blocking action in sudan and just about endorsed Sri Lankas mass slaughter of Tamils last year

But hey as you stated "nobody likes" the jewish nation do they?
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so I wouldn't hold out much hope of him believing even the USA's own figures!

why are you posting this sht Krizon? One thing i cant stand on these forums is statemenst assuming someone elses views without any evidence...which has to lead to a tiresome denial.

I know full well that Israel has received aid from the US. They currently receive about the same as Eqypt i gather?

Thats the US's choice. They believed in ensuring the state was secure against surrounding enemies (although that is now more or less down to Iran only)

Client state? So how much does the arab worlds revenues from oil to the US amount to over the past 50 years then?