It's A Girl!

Congratulations, Paul.
Our first is due in December and I can't wait! Lord knows how hard we tried to get to this stage!!
Hi all. Laptop is fixed and Matilda is sleeping (again!) She is lovely and is managing to sleep an awful lot. She wakes up for her feeds pretty much dead on schedule and I am unbelievably happy! Photos will be following soon. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes (and Ardross for the Bollinger!!)
Originally posted by PDJ@May 29 2007, 03:04 PM
Hi all. Laptop is fixed and Matilda is sleeping (again!) She is lovely and is managing to sleep an awful lot. She wakes up for her feeds pretty much dead on schedule and I am unbelievably happy! Photos will be following soon. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes (and Ardross for the Bollinger!!)
###### that was meant to be Blossom Hill Sparkling - must have hit the wrong button
and Ardross for the Bollinger!!

No wonder she sleeps so well
She can already do that Mr Spock thing with her fingers. Some people spend years trying to do that!
My daughter could do head spin from an early age, Paul, without practicing. She could leveitate off the bed at 6 months and was projectile vomiting at a year.

How I love dear Megan.
Thank goodness - neither MAJ or Griffin's have looked like newborn white mice! What CAN you say when a tiny bundle of bald pink wrinkles is presented for admiration? :rolleyes: But this is a very nice sample! One more of the other version, and life will be complete, P!

Welcome to the world, tiny Matilda - and well done Lyndy and Paul! :)
I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, I've been getting used to spending my days with her.
You'll be swamped by female (and maybe gay) colleagues all asking to see photos and asking when are you bringing her in to let them hold her. Allow yourself to gush a bit. They like that :)
DO - yup, that's wimminfolk and queeahs all over. Ga-ga about babies, fluffy kittens, puppies, and any shade of pink. You really like living dangerously, don't you? :suspect: