It's Back!

Please post the link where me and EC "get a mention".....curiosity is getting the better of me! :D

How are you Grasshopper, my erstwhile virtual gardening chum. 'Twas me who mentioned you et al

It's a sanatorium for hyper-ventilated TRFers isn't it?

Grasshopper, Reet Hard, EC and others

I posted there once or twice but thought better of it...better the damaged devil you know

Just a bit of a laugh really, which is the direction TRF seems to be taking, but I still can't resist the banter

Cormack is acting rather strangely, think he needs a good night out with you - weed, Buckfast and all the trimmings:)

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Aragorn trust me...........As long as David Cormack is running things I wouldn't go back if they paid me.

Anyway I'd miss you too much. ;0)
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Yep. Not your first time on the telly box

I'm a TV star! The lad filming recognised me. He filmed No Experience Required six years ago. He was genuinely delighted and partly amazed that I persevered at getting a job with them.
Backing to comparing forums. There are 32 people looking here now and 16 over there. I find it difficult to take that we're only twice as good as them.
Slim put your thinking cap on...........10 of the 16 are our guys looking to see what they are saying about us...........none of them are here or they would have joined by now
How are you Grasshopper, my erstwhile virtual gardening chum. 'Twas me who mentioned you et al

It's a sanatorium for hyper-ventilated TRFers isn't it?

Grasshopper, Reet Hard, EC and others

I posted there once or twice but thought better of it...better the damaged devil you know

Just a bit of a laugh really, which is the direction TRF seems to be taking, but I still can't resist the banter

Cormack is acting rather strangely, think he needs a good night out with you - weed, Buckfast and all the trimmings:)


Ah, the Devil are you? I can't tell you how disappointed I was, when you surfaced on here, only to draw a breath, before swimming back to the more chartered waters of TRF more-or-less immediately. As a wise man once said, I beseech you - in the bowels of Christ - to consider the possibility that you may have been wrong to leave this coast unnavigated.

This place, whilst not to all tastes, has a niche charm that I'm sure you would both embrace and enhance via your own contributions.

Enough of the love-in, and onto internecine Forum wars. :D TRF.

Many's the time I have started to post on the subject, but I have always - ultimately - chosen not to broach the matter.....for reasons I can only ascribe to highly unusual bouts of candour on my part.

Now seems an apposite time to perhaps air my views.

Let me start by saying that TRF still holds a special place in my heart. It was where I took those first, unsteady steps into Racing Forums, and I was an enthusiastic member there for around 7 years.....when they weren't erroneously deleting my account by accident. I consider myself lucky enough to have made a number of friends I've never even met, since my involvement there (not least yourself among them), and owe my thanks to Cormack - and Daylight before him - for running the show. It's for reasons such as this that I've never been inclined to rubbish the site.

My reasons for ceasing posting there are essentially two-fold.

Firstly, I was of the opinion that Cormack was attempting to align the site too closely to the industry; trying to position it as an extension of racing itself, rather than a method for a cabal of lunatics to throw rocks at it...and each other. That may or may not have come to pass, and may of may not have been entirely in my head.

The real problem for me, was it became too 'busy' - perhaps not in volume of posters, but in volume of posts.

It got to the stage where (itfelt like) I would have to go through an entire page, consisting of the same back-and-forth between two members, conducted over a period of an hour. Posts of import were being lost amongst the chatter and Gauzian noise, and it eventually became too exasperting for my tastes. Matters were not helped by what often seemed excruciatingly-slow page-load times.

For a variety of reasons, it became a behemoth in my eyes, and having been a member here for a couple of seasons at the time, it felt much less effort just to migrate full-time.

I have never yet relinquished my membership at TRF (though I've perhaps been roundly-jottered in the interim :D), but I don't really have a hankering to go back there.

Reflecting on it now, it seems a shame not to, as I'd love to say hello to many of those who still post there. But I fear any reappearance by me would be brief, and I wouldn't want to come across as superficial and/or needy - especially if a mild schism has opened at this juncture - it would be a bit too 'all that' for my money. :lol:

All that said, perhaps I could use your good offices to wish all the old faces the very best from me?

I am well chuffed you posted and hope you will stick around for a while yet. better to have two mistresses than one wife! :D

Ban the Bomb
Grass :
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Talkinghorses used to be in the swear filter over there (might still be as it was only if it was wrote as a single word, not as done in the thread) as they were scared of losing members if anyone came here to have a look. Think that says it all really.

As for posts in that thread

28 Jan 2013 15:52
Problem with the site is that its full of tossers

Total Posts: 6,207


For a site that used to (not sure about now) promote themselves as one of the largest independant racing forums out there, it is extremely quiet over there.

They should change the name to the TAPK and Ginger show.......they ruined the Big Races and Cheltenham races section which used to be choc a block with posts by turning their lays and play threads into the main discussion area for up and coming events.....since then new people see how quiet the BR and Chelt sections are don't look any further and don't join. I can only see it getting worse under the present ownership.
When Daylight ran it it was fairly similar to this place really, in fact we both set the forums up at around the same time for the same reasons. I used to talk to Daylight quite regulary and we used to swap idea's on how to improve both forums, as contrary to popular belief we weren't rivals. Both forums seemed to focus on different area's of racing, for example, this one has never really focused greatly on the gambling aspect, whereas TRF did to a greater extent. Although there was friendly banter between the 2 forums, it was never nasty.

Since Daylight passed away and ownership changed hands it has become a lot more commercial. I know I have a few banner links (that rarely get used lol) but just about every page is full of adverts over there, which I find people find annoying. Plus it seems to be more about pushing people into spending money, something I have never done. The banter tends not to be as friendly now either, as shown on that thread now. What REALLY annoys me is, I NEVER stay logged in. I have logged in 3 times today, every time I go back I get that bloody annoying box pop up saying login. It happens at work too when I post my 4PP selections. Every other site I use I stay logged in no problem so it must be a problem their end and not mine.

I pretty much leave the forum to run itself, as long as things don't get too personal, then most things get left to run themselves. It seems to work too, we rarely get any reported posts, and the mods rarely have to edit or delete posts. As an example. the last post in the mods forum (all reports get posted there) was the 29th Dec and that wasn't even a post report.

What is a shame is that forums seem to be dying out, mainly due to facebook and twitter. For some reason we seem fairly immune to this at the moment, but I'm sure our time will come :(. Some extremely busy forums from 10 years ago I use hardly get any posts these days.
Dvds2000, as has been stated elsewhere already, thanks for all you do with this forum. I'm sure all members are as grateful as I am. :cool:

Great post above, btw.
I had real withdrawal symptoms over the last few days!

My workbase is home and I'm logged in on my PC 24/7. However at times I rarely see much of home and I sometimes spend weeks away on a deal. So laptop and IPad have TH as 3rd option bookmark/favourite after my mail account and share portfolio pages.

Sitting in a hotel room on the outskirts of some farflung industrial town for several nights on end is not quite so depressing when you can log in to somewhere where you feel comfortable and can find out if your AP is really as shite as it appears.