It's Back!

Let me start by saying that TRF still holds a special place in my heart. It was where I took those first, unsteady steps into Racing Forums, and I was an enthusiastic member there for around 7 years.....

If I recall, you were the reason I joined TRF. I had been looking in for a while but was so incensed by one of your posts (I think it was about Harchibald or Sweet Wake :rolleyes:) that I just couldn't resist the urge to inform you that you were talking shite.

Echo the above about Dvds and his efforts.
All - cormack here. No wish on my part to engage in mudslinging exercise so I've taken down the thread (just seen) on TRF. Each to his own I reckon and I wish TH well.
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If I recall, you were the reason I joined TRF. I had been looking in for a while but was so incensed by one of your posts (I think it was about Harchibald or Sweet Wake :rolleyes:) that I just couldn't resist the urge to inform you that you were talking shite.

Aragorn trust me...........As long as David Cormack is running things I wouldn't go back if they paid me.

Anyway I'd miss you too much. ;0)

What about if I paid you? :D

I'm only messin obviously :ninja: Or am I? :ninja: :lol:

Re: more serious topics I don't have anything against TRF, that login thing is feckin annoying though DVD, so much so I never post now and very rarely look in there.

And thanks for keeping this place going; long may it continue.
All - cormack here. No wish on my part to engage in mudslinging exercise so I've taken down the thread (just seen) on TRF. Each to his own I reckon and I wish TH well.

No one is mudslinging, we're factually stating that TRF is shite.
All - cormack here. No wish on my part to engage in mudslinging exercise so I've taken down the thread (just seen) on TRF. Each to his own I reckon and I wish TH well.

Thanks cormack.
I'm leaving this thread here, not to have a go, but because the comments are made in response to comments your members made. I realise you removed the thread, but it was there for 2 days so obviously your mods didn't have a problem with what was being said, either that or they didn't see it.
I do put links to trf a couple of times a year, to promote the 4PP competition, and those threads never descend into name calling and and accusing you of theft, so I think its only fair this stays.
Fix that pop up though please, it really is annoying :)
Ah, the Devil are you? I can't tell you how disappointed I was, when you surfaced on here, only to draw a breath, before swimming back to the more chartered waters of TRF more-or-less immediately. As a wise man once said, I beseech you - in the bowels of Christ - to consider the possibility that you may have been wrong to leave this coast unnavigated.

My reasons for ceasing posting there are essentially two-fold.

Firstly, I was of the opinion that Cormack was attempting to align the site too closely to the industry; trying to position it as an extension of racing itself, rather than a method for a cabal of lunatics to throw rocks at it...and each other. That may or may not have come to pass, and may of may not have been entirely in my head.

better to have two mistresses than one wife! :D

Thank you for the kind words Grasshopper, nearly had me in tears:)

I'll monitor this forum for a while and may contribute, but being an old-fashioned and morally upstanding gentleman being a backdoor man at one address is acceptable and indeed expected but banging at two just a little greedy; though as I don't currently have a wife perhaps it's okay. Monday and Wednesday here, Friday and Sunday at TRF: four times a week is sufficient satiation for drones of a certain age, though there was a time not so long ago...

Cormack has, to no great surprise, taken down the 'Talking Horses' thread on TRF on which I was going to pass on your good wishes, so I'll start a new one. Lot of new faces on there so most will not know you I guess, though usernames are fluid and I'm of the opinion there's only around ten individuals who actually post to racing message boards

Cormack, bless him has a pretty thankless task running the show and in the main does a good job, for which I've thanked him several times but does, I think, very much want to take up residence in the incestuous little village called Racing, be accepted within its walls and dine at the high table; whereas the majority of posters want to remain without and expel farts in its general direction, which may be pungent but is in my opinion a healthy practice

Don't really understand all this inter-board rivalry: unlike Hibs v Hearts of Wick v Thurso there's nothing at stake is there? ;)

'Tis only a message board and meantime life outside goes on all around you

May all your courgettes be marrows
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Don't really understand all this inter-board rivalry: unlike Hibs v Hearts of Wick v Thurso there's nothing at stake is there? ;)

'Tis only a message board and meantime life outside goes on all around you

Although the two threads over the past couple of days haven't been friendly as such, there did used to be friendly rivalry between us, we used to have tipping competitions between us, TRF and Ted's followers. Not sure where or when things changed tbh but it certainly isnt as lightheated as in the past.