Jamie Spencer?


In fairness Hayley would be an animal in bed.

Interesting, the consensus within our office is generally that she'd just lie there but I think I'd probably side with your verdict on the matter. I'd back her at 11/10 to be an animal against plank of wood anyway.
Gearoid - with her years on top, don't you think Hayley might prefer it that way? Not to mention the odd gentle tap with the 'persuader' when you flagged a bit? Any weakening by you when nearing the finish might see her using strong corrective action.
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You see I think most lads would rather be with a girl like Emma. She's odds on to be a lie there and take it girl. Hayley on the other hand would be complete filth.
I think that post's quite likely to see TH taken down, Euro. Although I do wonder what your expertise with whores is that you've worked out an average.
No expertise at all. It's obvious his personality/looks weren't what attracted them - which leaves money/fame. The conclusion is obvious.
I could do without references to women as whores (or bitches). You've got no idea at all what their motives were, Euro, and your guesswork is just plain nasty.

Some people just fall in love, regardless of looks, colour, disability, wealth, status or intelligence. And he's hardly 'famous' outside the confines of race riding.
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Come off it. If Spencer was anything other than a public figure neither of those two women would have looked twice at him. It's the same with Giggs and the women in his life.
Hear hear. I could do without this entire discussion.

It was a big story in the RP on Sunday. It's entitled to be discussed on here. I know it's his private life but he has chosen to discuss it in public.
I don't disagree with that. I'm not too interested in Emma Spencer or Hayley Turner anyway but I do think that Jamie Spencer is an intriguing character.
I think the one thing we can all agree on is that Jamie Spencer is a sand-gobbling toss-pot who should have been chucked-out of the Cheltenham Bumper.............not for his ride on Pizarro, but merely by dint of the fact that he is a sand-gobbling toss-pot.
I think the one thing we can all agree on is that Jamie Spencer is a sand-gobbling toss-pot who should have been chucked-out of the Cheltenham Bumper.............not for his ride on Pizarro, but merely by dint of the fact that he is a sand-gobbling toss-pot.

No in fact we don't all agree!!!:rolleyes: