Jockey's You Feel Confident Backing

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With the ongoing threads about the value of top jockeys over the journeymen, and the merits of J Murtagh, who are your top 5 jocks to have on your side when you are punting (flat and NH) and who are the 5 you wouldn't touch with a barge pole?

Here are mine:

Flat (would back)

1. Fallon
2. Moore
3. Dettori
4. McEvoy
5. Sanders

Flat (wouldn't back)

1. R Hughes
2. D Holland
3. E Ahern
4. R Hills
5. P Mulrennan

NH (would back)

1. A McCoy
2. G Lee
3. D O'Regan
4. T Murphy
5. S Thomas

NH (wouldn't back)

1. P Carberry
2. P Moloney
3. A Thornton
4. T Dobbin
5. D Russell
I thought about him. But he needs qualification. I am happy when he is riding for Nicholls, but in Ireland around the small tracks, on short priced favs he sits far too far out of his ground for my liking and I leave him well alone in those situations these days.
We do not just back riders, depends upon who they ride for. Seems to be a kind of pattern to each one. Ruby for sure with Nicholls and also with Mullins. Paddy Brennan for Nigel, Chocs for the Boss, but also when he rides for other stables he is quite good.

I like Christian Williams, and think Sam Thomas has improved since the confidence boost. Timmy Murphy does well on one off rides too, like for Hughie Morrison.

Used to always back Mick Fitz when he rode for Nicholls, and we made a lot of money on that including See More Business at 16/1 for the Gold Cup and Kauto Star at 7/1 for the Tingle Creek. He does well for Brendan Powell too!

I like Conor O'Dwyer but not sure you would get rich off his mounts. A few seasons back we did very well backing Geraghty including top jock at the festival.

Always worth looking when Jamie (or Ryan) ride for their dad.

On the flat..... do not trust Frankie, he is too moody for me. Can be brilliant, and then really awful. Always had great luck with Fallon and especially when he rode fillies. Murtagh is dependable. Had a lot of luck with Steven Drowne but mostly back him when we know the horse he is on. He won and placed on our own horse. Favourite on the flat since he was just starting out is Ryan Moore.

Followed Soumillion for one season until he gave Hurricane Run the worst ride I have ever seen and then bragged about his performance afterwards when it was the horse who got himself up.

We always back Paul when he rides Gentleman's Deal and have done well there!
You have ruled out Russell and Walsh….both currently fighting out for the Irish championship and of course Walsh having won the Championship for the last few years.
Useful is Irish Bobby...but lives over here :(

I could not be put off any runner simply because of the jockey. The booking might firm up or slightly weaken my opinion and its true that certain bookings are significant (i always watch for the helicoptered in for one ride scenario), but avoiding all Hughes runners for nonsense to me
I could not be put off any runner simply because of the jockey. The booking might firm up or slightly weaken my opinion and its true that certain bookings are significant (i always watch for the helicoptered in for one ride scenario), but avoiding all Hughes runners for nonsense to me

It might make me adjust my stake, but even then rarely. Probably only when it's Spencer, and even then just out of pure superstition.
Gal, I qualified the absence of Walsh in a subsequent post. I remember Russell coming over here to ride for Ferdy and he was next to useless.

I have watched his progress back in Ireland with interest, but he is more likely to cock it up on a decent animal than get it right in my opinion.

Clivex, Hughes is woeful in my experience, and finally Abdullah cottoned on to that fact. Why did Stoute refuse to put him up on his Abdullah owned animals - and he is one of the best judges of a jockey in the business.

I can hand on heart say that after last season I will never again be tempted to back a fancied horse that he is riding.

If a part of your betting system is flawed Clivex, (ie showing a big negative from backing a certain jockey's mounts) then it strikes me as nonsense not to take any remedial action.

Paul Carberry (a bit like Russell) tried his luck over here as Ogden's retained pilot but was exposed as not up to the job. In view of the fact all the best Irish jockeys are based here (in the UK that is) it is a sad indictment on an Irish jockey who moves to England fails and then goes back to Ireland (David Casey another case in point).
Well, you could stick to misquoting people Clivex, you're pretty good at that.

Gareth, its a top 5 list , not exhaustive. I don't in the main have a problem with Kinane.

Bobbyjo, do you not have opinion then?
Firstly, Ruby is not based in the UK. This is not an opinion, it's a fact. It is commonly accepted that he's the first jock in the NH game to successfully manage the best of both worlds.

Secondly, you seem to be of the opinion - both in relation to SE and this thread - that nobody in life can improve. That you are what you are and that's it.

A variety of circumstances contributed to the 'failure' of Carberry and Russell in the UK. Anyone can clearly see in the case of Russell that he has improved since then. He'll have no shortage of spare rides when it comes to Cheltenham.

Paul Carberry (a bit like Russell) tried his luck over here as Ogden's retained pilot but was exposed as not up to the job. In view of the fact all the best Irish jockeys are based here (in the UK that is) it is a sad indictment on an Irish jockey who moves to England fails and then goes back to Ireland (David Casey another case in point).

I sincerely believe you start sentences not knowing where they'll end and this is a prime example.

I have plenty of opinions but prefer only to reveal them when I reckon there might be some sort of coherent response forthcoming.
I think David Casey has had terrible luck with injuries, I think he is very underrated but as mentioned above, not one jockey should put you off a horse if the horse is the best one in the race.
Baker, Catlin and Moore are 3 jockeys I don't mind or any circumstances.

Hughes is too easy to knock so I'll select Drowne as to be avoided at all costs.
Originally posted by Will@Feb 1 2008, 03:47 PM
That Paul Carberry is one hell of jockey, not sure what he is doing on your not to back list.
And Davy Russell is leading the jocks championship in Ireland - always a plus if I see him up, in fact if punting on Irish races I always look at whichever horses Ruby, Paul Carberry and Davy russell are riding before anything else!
Paul Carberry is the best jumps jockey I have seen.

jockeys I like in the horses I back:

P. Carberry
Mick Fitz
Timmy Murphy
Richard Johnson
R. Thornton
Sam Thomas

Ryan Moore
J. Murtagh
D P McDonogh
J. Fortune
K. Manning
I want to see your 'Wouldn't Back' list Suny! I have a sneaking suspicion who might be top. :D