Katie knows...

All the abuse that I got on the other place for not being vaxxed, but I think I got it right. I see people are being urged to have the fourth vaxx now, yet us unvaxxed still seem to be fine without even one shot. Go figure.
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Katie is a very clever lady and tells it like it is. Will check this thread later for any sensible replies. It's a lovely day out there
"yet us unvaxxed still seem to be fine without even one shot"

Apart from the ones that weren't
I don't think there is a right or wrong and its down to the individual
If perfectly healthy I'd probably side on the not having one but as a high risk with a weak immune system I'm siding with it
Not wanting England to be a muslim country/state is not the same as being racist. I love England and want it to remain English for my children and grandchildren
I don't think it's in any danger of becoming a Muslim state any time soon. But even if it did - 3 million Indians and Pakistanis died for us during the war - maybe they have some payback coming to them.
Yeah, let them have a long holiday in Scotland
You're sounding a bit racist there again, you just can't help yourself.

FYI - I grew up in the Glasgow district called pollokshields or banglashields as it's known by some. In my primary school class in 1978 there were 4 white people in a class of 26.

Did it turn me into a racist? No.

Unlike you
"in 1978 there were 4 white people in a class of 26.

Did it turn me into a racist? No.

Unlike you"

I'm not racist. Have had a black girlfriend and a good friend I worked with was black as the proverbial spades.
Disgraceful that an English man is stopped from eating his lunch in England because of Ramadan. It means nothing to English people in England. Why the fook should he be treated like this - and shit like this is just the beginning ..

Out of interest ( and without googling it) what percentage of people in England and Wales are described as ethnic?