Kicking King

Sad is you trying to goad her into an argument when she's made it clear she's not interested. Give it a break...
numbersix - it's all part of a long and very boring tradition where Kathy and SL argue and everyone else quickly finds the next unread thread...
I would like to point out to numbersix that no, I do not "work as a groom" nor "work in a stable". Since you know nothing about me kindly do not presume, not least with condescending comments such as you have just made, especially when I too own horses, but in a far more hands on capacity.
Gareth, I am taking part in a thread where I do have some experience of the subject matter and put my point across, I thought in a fair manner - just speaking from my personal experience about two racehorses that I own who both had tendon injuries - not a name in a field I evidently just feed polos too. The fact that you allow SL to be rude to me on this thread has been noticed by someone else is a breath of fresh air. Yes, we have history, but read this thread again and then see who is trying to goad who? If everyone wants to take what SL says as absolute fact, then fine, but just allow other people to voice their opinion who may actually know what they are talking about. SL, was criticising a well known and respected trainer of a very well known racehorse for doing what he thought was best for the horse.
It's not a matter of arguing, Colin. It's a point of principle. This thread will get locked no doubt, my comments deleted and then SL goes off to be able to start an argument with someone else on another thread with absolutely no recourse. She is currently trying to goad ovverbruv into an argument on the Babminton thread. Someone else she has "history" with.

I wish I knew how I could qualify for protected status on this forum? shrug::
When Gizzmo was resting down near Cheltenham, I spent alot of time with the vet who was brilliant at explaining everything, I got fact sheets, I was sent copies of scans and I got comparisons with other horses that had broken down and I was invited to a seminar from his boss which was a great help. A well respected vet called Buffy who is well known in and around Cheltenham.

When Bay Hawk did his, I was able to speak to Brendan's vet and went down nearly every week to watch his progress. After a few weeks, John Maxse took Bay Hawk as a companion for one of his horses which I was so grateful for. An idyllic place down in Hampshire where he was allowed to roam free and let his leg heal but still under weekly monitoring. Another horse of Brendans, Palace Walk also did a tendon, but he had some form of stem cell surgery. He is back now and I am monitoring his progress too. A lovely horse who should win again.
I see KK is down to reappear for the season soon - not too long now, is it?

Any news on when, or if, War Of Attrition is due back? I hope that his leg holds out despite them starting him back too soon - we all know what not giving them enough time off and rushing them back into work tends to result in.
It's holding out at the moment, Colin! (just....)

Did I read recently that KK will be back very soon, ie September time? (yes, I know he's come back already from the injury, the injury comments were about WoA!)
Tom Taaffe is weighing up the options for Kicking King asthe 2005 Cheltenham Gold Cup hero prepares to return to the track.

After winning the King George VI Chase at Kempton in December of his Gold Cup year, the 10-year-old suffered a tendon injury which kept him out of action for over two years.

He appeared to retain all of his old zest when second on his comeback in January earlier this year, but he disappointed on his next two starts, including when pulling up in the Punchestown Guinness Gold Cup.

"He has come back into work in grand old form and I'm very pleased with him," said Taaffe.

"He scoped dirty after his last run at Punchestown so at least there was an excuse for that run and he should be back on a racecourse soon.

"There is a race at Gowran on October 4 we are looking at and maybe a race at Punchestown on the 15th so he will probably run in one of those.

"As I say he is doing well at home but we will know more when we get him back on the racecourse."
Sure I read last week that WoA is back in work or will be shortly. Mouse Morris was talking about getting Davy Russell down to get to know the horse now that Conor O'Dwyer has retired.
I saw War during the week. He looks magnificent. You cannot even tell anything happened to the leg, this treatment leaves no scar. He is only in light work and Mouse confirmed that Davy will ride and will be down to school. But they are taking things very slowly and not talking about a target yet.

Would be grand to get him back, they all deserve to.
Shadow, what makes you think WoA came back too soon.

WOA was cantered slowly past the winning post at Punchestown in the spring and Shadow set the SPCA, Childline, The International Decommissioning Body, The Hague Genocide Court, NATO, Joe Duffy and Crimewatch on Mouse Morris.
Read the entire thread tetley. Morris admits that even though the horse should have been off for nine months they were riding him within three.

Then when he most probably still should have been sitting in a field letting the leg heal a few months later the horse was out doing a canter past the stands at the races.
They say different things though don't they? They told us that he could have run last season the injury was so minor and the treatment had been finalised. I've seen several versions in press.

I agree that normally you'd want a lot longer off. No expert on his particular case notes so do not know details. Just hope he will be okay and come back - such a gorgeous animal and has a fabulous temperament.
Tendon injuries need time - end of.

Although the severity of a tendon injury will be variable, a horse cannot have a "little bit of a leg" any more than it can be a "little bit pregnant". Even less severe tendon injuries need a minimum of a year off, IMO. Rush them back and pay the price.
Why do I need to read the whole thread? Do you really think these people on a whim said '3 months is enough if he breaks down so what'. I don't know the ins and outs but surely vets, trainer, owners and people whose input was required where consulted and in your opinion got it wrong. That says to me the injury wasn't as bad as first feared. You liken having a leg to being pregnant in as much that it is either black or white, that in the case of legs is complete nonsense. You even contradict youself by staing tendon injuries will be variable.

Didn't he also say it was experimental treatment so they had no idea if it would work or not until he was on the track? - I might be thinking of another horse but did he have stem cell treatment?