Kieren Fallon


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Are we looking forward to his imminent return? Should make for interesting viewing, particularly how Stoute deals with both Moore and Fallon.
If i was Stoute, i would certainly stck with the excellent moore...and he will

but Fallon will be working closely with them i reckon and i suspect that it will be a team effort as much as anything. Soute didnt get where he is today etc etc. And its clear that kieran thinks the world of him.....

not always easy to have sympathy for KF, but that was an awful long ban for abit of charlie i thought
Looking forward to seeing him back. There are a lot of decent jocks around at the moment so the group 1s should be interesting.
I think once he proves himself back riding well, he will quickly be offered the Coolmore second strings.
Fallon wants to be Champion jockey anyway....will not achieve that living in Ireland. O'Brien and Murtagh get on too well for that to happen anyway.
If i was Stoute, i would certainly stck with the excellent moore...and he will

but Fallon will be working closely with them i reckon and i suspect that it will be a team effort as much as anything. Soute didnt get where he is today etc etc. And its clear that kieran thinks the world of him.....

not always easy to have sympathy for KF, but that was an awful long ban for abit of charlie i thought

charlie on horseback wouldn't be my kind if kick thats for sure :blink:
Im looking forward to his return. It will be hard for him at first, but im pretty sure hel pick up nice ride for SMS and before too long hel be riding some of coolmores when Johnny is unavailable. Whether or not hel get back to a level where is contending for champion jockey or not will depend on whether or not he gets a big stable behind him, and while Ryan Moore is around i cant see that happening.

Hope he can keep himself well enough to enjoy what he is a natural at, id like to see him have a few successful years.
There are plenty of good stables about without a stable jockey and I think this time he'll be spread between those rather than being tied down to one big stable. Gerard Butler, Ed Dunlop, Willie Haggas and Jeremy Noseda all giving him plenty of rides and I expect he'll pick up second string rides for trainers like Sir Michael Stoute, Aidan O'Brien and possibly Michael Bell.
He doesn't ride out for Haggas or Bell.

He has been seen in for Chapple-Hyam and Ed Dunlop a lot lately, and of course Sir Michael.

I think it will be more of a case, that he rides for Ed Dunlop, apart from on the Hamdan horses. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get the backing of Luca Cumani also.

I haven't trusted Fallon since his younger days when he associated with the likes of Ramsden and others. I'd rather he was given a lifetime ban, or exiled to America.
Really looking forward to seeing him back.

It's incredible to think of the length of ban he recêived for something that has nothing to do with racing, and compare it with the 'bans' handed out to Burke, etc.
I'll be amazed if he lasts two seasons before either quitting or being involved in some scandal.