Kieren Fallon

Yeah, but the case against the others is a different matter judging on the disciplinary and how did fallon or why did he get caught up in it all? It makes no sense.
the evidence produced by the prosecution was, to be kind, utterly feeble.

and was from day one

he rode 6 winners from 18 rides and was a supposed non trier on all of them...the people who thought that was evidence of wrongdoing must have overdosed on stupid tablets
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There are some people who think Fallon can and has done no wrong and others who think he's satan.

In my opinion, he mingled with some utter scum (including Miles Rodgers) and his own addiction and problems probably drove him to desperate measures both on and off the racecourse. The Old Bailey trial was a typical BHA botch job because in my opinion, some of evidence against all the defendants was incredibly strong, whereas some was incredibly subjective.

His talent cannot be questioned, his moral conviction and whether he possesses the same talent now can though.
Not even the BHA can be blamed in totality for the laughable trial - the City of London police and the CPS are the ones who got it there.

BTW, which evidence against Fallon did you consider "incredibly strong"?
But didn't Betfair take it to the BHA and the BHA then took it to the Police and I believe 2 previous forces did not take the case which is why it ended up at CofL or something akin to this.
The CPS trials are laughable. I had quite a bit of experience of the initial CPS trials concerning the ACP doped horses and the jockeys accused of taking a hand in it and I'd expect Chief Wiggum to do a better job.

Speaking for myself, if I were to have a flat horse in training, I'd be more than happy to have Fallon riding it if he were available. I'm sure that plenty would still say the same.
His positive abilities in the saddle aren't really the thing in question though are they.

Who the F**** is Chief Wiggum, SL?????
You don't know who Chief Wiggum is,shame on you!!!
A guy goes into the doctor and says, "Doctor, I think I'm having problems with my hearing."

"Really?" replies the doc. "What are the symptoms?"

"Aren't they that yellow-faced cartoon family on TV?"
But didn't Betfair take it to the BHA and the BHA then took it to the Police and I believe 2 previous forces did not take the case which is why it ended up at CofL or something akin to this.

Betfair have had a memorandum of understanding with the racing authorities for some years; this means that they are duty bound to provide details of suspected fraudulent activity to the authorities when these are flagged up. The following is a statement from Betfair about the workings of such arrangements:

As has been reported, we have an automated system in place which monitors a handful of accounts, the betting activity on which has given us cause for concern. The ‘bet monitor’ alerts our client operations team when any of these accounts are active. Betfair could immediately suspend or close an account in relation to which it had a concern. However we have agreed with the Jockey Club that we will only take such a step after consultation with them. To do otherwise could undermine a Jockey Club investigation, including the need to establish a pattern of betting activity connecting a Betfair account to a person subject to the Jockey Club’s rules. There are several accounts today that remain open specifically because we have agreed to do so at the request of the Jockey Club.

Kieren Fallon got dragged into it, presumably because information he was providing to punters (innocently or complicitly) was being utilised by characters with marked betfair accounts. That isn't really in dispute. The fact that he won on such a high percentage of these drifters strongly suggests that he wasn't backing up such information with promises to pull the horses in question, but doesn't prove it.

For those who want some historical perspective, Billy Newnes was banned for three years for accepting a "gift" of £1000 from punter Harry Bardsley simply for informing him that Valuable Witness, the 9/2 shot he was riding in the Queen's Vase would be unsuited by the going. He was exonerated of any allegation that he stopped the horse. Hands up who thinks Kieren Fallon hasn't accepted a gift or two in his time?
The two I'll never forget Felon for are Emperor Cat in a seller at Yarmouth for Honest Paul Blockley (I made it 7/4, it opened 9/4 drifted to 11/2 on betfair - name your own stake - slowly away and buried) and Seeking Answers at Doncaster (I made it 5/2, opened 2/1 drifted to 11/2 on betfair - name your own stake - left 10 lengths). Cost me 8 large between them. I heard a brown envelope story regarding the latter horse from someone who had told me at 11 in the morning that Felon would be riding yon horse at Brighton (remember the one where the 7lb claimer having his first mount was abducted by aliens on the way to the course).
Ah yes, the good old Mark Wallace plot at Brighton. Tell me, did anyone actually believe the guff they out up as a defence for that?!
People into this kind of conspirarcy theory should take a look at the ride given to Sircozy in the last at Newmarket on Saturday. 9/1 into 10/3 on the earlies, not certain of the opening price but at most I'd say it would have been 5/1, drifted to 14's on course and was tailed off last after Kevin Shea gave him a few airshots and got his whip tangled up in the reins.
BTW, which evidence against Fallon did you consider "incredibly strong"?

The endless alleged streams of text messages in the run up to races between Rodgers, Fallon and Lynch, the middle of the night visits to Fallon by Rodgers and co. after Russian Rhythm won caught by police surveillance teams in an unmarked car, the flight tickets booked for Lynch and Fallon to go to Spain to meet Rodgers and the simple allegation that Fallon was in regular contact with Rodgers and co. when Rodgers had laid horses he was riding.

The case may have been flawed and poorly presented but how anyone can suggest the man is a complete angel after it all, I'll never know.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that the man is a complete angel, but I think we have very differing opinions on what constitutes "incredibly strong" evidence.
I doubt if anyone on here is suggesting he is a complete angel!

He definitely has poor taste in 'friends' and has been easily taken in by people who want to use him. Very interesting though that they did not actually succeed, he cost them a lot of money.

He likes to live close to the edge and gets a thrill out of dangerous escapades, as do many who live life in the fast lane one way or another. But he still does his own thing and even when he was 'involved' with people calling for him to pull races, if he did do it he did it selectively and on those he wanted to do it on, not all of the ones they asked for. I knew the evidence was crap when they included Russian Rhythm in those who he was supposed to pull. I don't think Fallon is stupid but for sure the other guys in the dock were. I'm not sure he has ever loved a person but the one thing he does love is winning races on great horses, there was no way he was ever going to pull a race on that filly.

It's clear he was involved in some way, but for me the really guilty ones are those who ask for a jockey to pull a race, and offer money or drugs in payment and a beating if you don't do it. A lot of jockeys are struggling to make ends meet and I draw a parallel between drug dealers and users and jockeys and punters who want their own way. You'll never get rid of users until you get rid of the drug dealers. Rogers is total scum and should be behind bars, that is the only thing that is really obvious to me about all of this.
So are you saying he turned his mates over then?

Please note whose horses he didn't pull!!

It seems the guilty ones are also the ones with the medium for such activity to take place so easily.

Either way roaring factions and innocents caught in the middle, no mention of them as yet, surely there has to be victims (i.e losing accounts) for a crime to go to trial or it is a staged affair???
As far as suspect accounts laying winners goes, don't forget they can throw security off the scent by laying triers on the normal laying account and backing it on a different account. Some will inevitrably win giving them a "but look guv, no shortage of winners among them" excuse for the price of a bit of commission. Given Rodgers and co were gunning for Felon I doubt that was the case here.
I don't think these people were really his mates were they? :lol:

He's admitted he has a problem saying no to people, and if you watch him at the races he is approached by loads of people, all wanting something. Rogers is such an unsavoury person I would suggest that if you did attempt to say no to him he would not be very happy about that. Probably much easier to allow him to think you were going to do what he wanted and then ignore him. However obviously not a wise move and I'm not suggesting Fallon handled it well.
If Rodgers & Co were gunning for him and with the losses incurred on the winning horses taken into account, which also appear the the most substantial bets, then it has to be asked, surely, who pocketed the money?