King George VI Chase

How is it cheeky? If he wants to ride it, he can, if he doesn't he won't.

Cheeky of Nicholls to ask if a booked rider can become unbooked. I wouldn't blame McCoy for wanting to switch, it's only human and he is probably free to do so as I think he's retained by JP rather than Jonjo anyway.
He may have an informal agreement with O'Neill, but he's definitely retained by McManus.

That is indeed correct. I took a liberty - clearly he rides Jonjo's - it's bizarre he jocks himself off one when it suits.

My main gripe with this is Nicholls - talk about right and wrong but can you just imagine if the roles were reversed and his jockey was taken away? It's fair to say he would have more than something to say.
Does the :) mean you've backed one of his rivals Trudi?

it means that Im glad I told my boss that I didnt think this year would be quite so straightforward as it looks at first glance (which is all ive seen of the line up!)....

but no quibble from me if he wins - the horse is such a star,he deserves another record.
That is indeed correct. I took a liberty - clearly he rides Jonjo's - it's bizarre he jocks himself off one when it suits.

My main gripe with this is Nicholls - talk about right and wrong but can you just imagine if the roles were reversed and his jockey was taken away? It's fair to say he would have more than something to say.

I dont think there are many jockeys who wouldnt at least attempt to get off their booked ride if Kauto was in the offing....

and I am probably wrong here (im sure someone will correct me!!), but wasnt there some AP/PFN trouble years ago involving AP wanting to get off a Nicholls horse to ride one that he thought had a better chance which caused all the hassle there in the first place???
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Is it just me? How do you think that Kauto Star will respond to AP's style of riding? I am hoping that Ruby briefs him well That said - It will be race of the season so far!
What a load of nonsense. AP is retained by McManus - he rang Hemmings and Jonjo and they released him recognising that this was a one-off chance to ride an exceptional horse.
He's got a pretty buzzy horse who likes to go a decent clip, although never seems to fight the jockey. What he will do - if his usual style's required - is to make KAUTO's mind up for him very confidently and decisively. The fall with Sam Thomas was, in my opinion then and now, mainly down to ST just sitting there and thinking that KS didn't need some instructing. Buzzy and free-going as he is, he still seems to appreciate an assertive (not aggressive) rider, which he had in Ruby and can have again with AP. What a lovely prospect, though: a top pair for us to look forward to seeing how they gel (or don't) and no doubt endlessly critique one way or the other afterwards! :D
What a load of nonsense. AP is retained by McManus - he rang Hemmings and Jonjo and they released him recognising that this was a one-off chance to ride an exceptional horse.

I must say it all seems very amicable, as I expected it to be. I can see what Hamm means about Nicholls, then again the worst that could have happened is for them to say no. McCoy is scrupulous about booking arrangements, but this is an exceptional circumstance.
They seem to be a lot more optimistic about racing taking place on the 27th with rain forecast of all things. Nice.
You poor little sausage, Granger - I hope you can relax completely now and revive your battered spirits!