King George

It's that instant acceleration at the business end of a race which makes him so special - he can settle a race in a few strides, and that's rare enough on the flat. We haven't even seen the best of him yet imo
Well I reckon he's gone faster again and hit a new high water mark!!!

As mentioned in terms of the marketing opportunity the HRA were potentially passing up to promote these two in a wider sphere. I wouldn't draw the parallel with Best mate, but rather Coe and Ovett, as those of us who are older to remember, will know that they swapped world records throughout 1979-80 on a monthly basis leading up to the Moscow Olympics.

On my figures at least Kauto Star hit a new PB at Haydock, only for Denman to fractionally sneak past him at newbury virtue of the revised weight they carried. kauto has raised the bar again, and with the ground riding like it was at leopardstown today, and the improvement that was expected of him anyway, I suspect Denman will do the same in the Lexus.

I'm still holding out for a Denman victory come March given that kauto hasn't had to run a true pace on a stiff course at Gold Cup distance yet
There was always a chance that KAUTO STAR would actually improve again this season given his age. Suerpstar performance reminiscent of See More Business 2nd win, and Desert Orchid at his best.

Full marks to team-Exotic Dancer for at least trying something different. Cost them dear. Our Vic backers, well they got paid out but the horse was second thanks to other horses underperforming/trying new tactics.

My Way De Solzen ~ blinkers.

Shame about Taranis, I said to someone that he didnt look happy going down :suspect:
Something which Simon Holt picked up on UG....said he thought Taranis looked poorly before hand and going to the start. Very easy to back all morning as well.
Awesome performance, just midway down the back KS didn't seem to be travelling as well as he can but to beat that sort of opposition that easily was a mighty effort and marks him as one of the true greats if he wasn't so already. Though I had to laugh when all the pundits started Denman bashing immediately afterwards.
Originally posted by uncle goober@Dec 26 2007, 09:08 PM
There was always a chance that KAUTO STAR would actually improve again this season given his age. Suerpstar performance reminiscent of See More Business 2nd win, and Desert Orchid at his best.

...thank you UG - be sure now that Isinglass and I will love you forever now. Its nice that someone mentions Kauto in the same breath as the one and only SEE MORE !!!! :luv:
Just had another look at the race. I think Ruby's contribution needs to be recognised. His face going into and coming out of the last was a scream of "F**k the begrudgers. let's show them we can jump the last!"

I think it should also be mentioned that veering left put another few lengths on him, and he won't be doing that at Cheltenham.

Intriguing season. Best for yonks.
Best horse I have ever seen. Brilliant performance.

I was delighted to see Our Vic run so well. He is one of my favourite horses in training. Seriously classy when fresh and on good ground. Anybody who wrote him off quite simply does not know what they are talking about.

Exotic Dancer was probably the second best horse in the race, but he tried to match the machine and was ground into dust.

Racind Demon holds the form down slightly for me.

My Way de Solzen: bitterly disappointing

Taranis: completely predictable.
Thanks Colin, I was just about to ask that question.

I do think this is a bit unfair to Taranis who has done nothing but improve and is a top class horse.

Hopefully he will be okay. They think enough of him to even consider a long lay off and try to bring him back.

By the way Bar, your talents of perception are wasted - you could earn a serious lot of money fortelling the future! :rolleyes:
Amazing performance by Kauto Star, he had it won a long way from home and put in his best round of jumping yet. I hope Denman puts in another dominating performance in the Lexus Chase just to keep up the excitement of a clash between him and KS in the Gold Cup.
Yesterday, I wrote elsewhere (ie not on this forum):

Kauto Star 185
Exotic Dancer 178 p
Our Vic 175 +
Racing Demon 173
Taranis 169 p
My Way De Solzen 166 p
Hi Cloy ?

This is a cracking race in which only Hi cloy can be dismissed. My Way De Solzen and Taranis, on account being in their second season chasing, can be expected to find up to about 10lbs on their current ratings by Cheltenham in March but this might be too much too soon. Racing Demon and Our Vic have ratings that would normally be high enough to make them very competitive in a normal King George but we’re very lucky to have both Exotic Dancer and Kauto Star – not to mention Denman who’s taking an alternative route to the Festival – boasting superior form to all of these. It must be twenty years since we had three such high class staying chasers taking each other on. I think Exotic Dancer is a wee bit flattered by his proximity to Kauto Star last time. He’s been gradually getting closer but the reigning title holder has been having a slightly more comfortable time of it in my opinion. I can’t see me having a bet (I took 12/1 Taranis before Down Royal just in case the favourite didn’t get here) but I’d love to see all of them run their form to the pound and enjoy a great spectacle.

KS was value for 15 lengths yesterday. At 0.75lbs per length (at 3m) that's 11 lbs or thereabouts, so KS has run relative to Our Vic and Racing Demon very close to expectations. Exotic Dancer's change of tactics, possibly allied to the stable being slightly off peak form, could well account for his below-par performance.
Taranis didn't look well in the paddock - he had sweated up quite badly and looked pretty wound up, even stressed out.
Would a horse sweat badly if it was feeling pain? Could the leg have been troubling the horse beforehand? The betting suggested yesterday wasn't going to be the horse's day.
I watched this in a pub yesterday with some non-racing fans and even they knew they had witnessed something special.

I can only echo what's already been said on here

Kauto - Awesome
Our Vic - Underrated by many.
Exotic Dancer - No disgrace for at least trying something different.
Racing Demon - Holds down the form.
MWDS - Not sure what next.
If a horse is feeling something it will often sweat up badly. It would be purely speculation to suggest he may have been feeling something beforehand but he may well have done. I don't recall seeing him quite so stressed out or sweating like that before either - and it wasn't an especially warm or mild day yesterday either.
RPR mark of 184 for Kauto Star, which is his joint best yet equalling his first Betfair performance.

That has Our Vic on 171, which is 2lb off his best.

And Racing Demon on 169, which is a joint best effort for him.

Very little to argue with there. Racing Demon's previous best was in the same race last year, so maybe he is suited by Kempton.
I dont see how Racing Demon can be holding the form down when the winner has hacked up. The only form he is holding down is that of Our Vic, who managed to keep going long enough to pass the two rivals that tried to match Kauto Star during the fastest part of the race.
earns a RPR of 184

whilst only cantering in..with the jockey basically havin a chat with him over the last 100 yards

what would he be capable of if actually racing at full tilt???


he has to be the best we have seen since you know who

i can't really see how anyone can't be impressed

...on's a 184...but visually it was oh so easy