
Homer J

At the Start
May 2, 2003
I read today that 60 civilians and one Hezbollah fighter died today in Israeli strikes on Lebanon.

What is the justification behind destroying the infrastructure of Lebanon?

Is it the case that Israel (with backing of the Bush regime) is inflicting collective punishment on Lebanese civilians in the hope that they will blame Hezbollah and drive them out, or are the strikes genuinely aimed at the Hizbollah fighters who are firing rockets into civilian areas of Northern Israel?
Targetting the Hezbollah is pointless, until Syria and Iran are dealt with there will always be new terrorists to take the place of any dead ones.

Also, these bombings, as well as unfortunately wiping out innocent civilians was just an oh so predictable response to the original kidnapping of the two Israeli soldiers and just what the Hezbollah and their backers wanted. As the late, great Moshe Dayan once said:

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

And of course, the last thing a rabid dog is is predictable.
Middle East politics? Piece o'cake (or bread roll):

Israel hates Hezbollah.
Hezbollah hates Israel.
Syria supports Hezbollah, but would like to be friendlier with the West.
America supports Israel (all those nice funds at election time, etc., media control, blah, blah)
Israel loves America.
Lebanon Govt. hates Syria, likes the West.
Hezbollah shells Israel from southern Lebanon, kidnaps Israeli soldiers.
Israel blasts all key Lebanese structures, murders civilians, fails to knock out Hezbollah.
Weak Lebanese government is unsupported by the UN, the West, or the Girl Guides. Falls.
Hezbollah assumes control of Lebanon.
Israel finishes off Lebanon.
Lebanese people, Christian and Muslim, suffer dreadfully (again).
Savage internal fighting erupts (again) for power and control.
America sends aid in name of humanity.
UN sends in peace-keeping troops now that the country's ruined (again).
New weak government installed, friendly to USA, the West, etc.
Syria homes remnants of Hezbollah.
Lebanon rebuilds (again).
Hezbollah strengthens, kidnaps Israeli soldiers...
Oh, yeah, that too. Isn't it odd how we haul out poor old canines to describe rotten humans? Mad dog, the Rottweiler, Bush's poodle/lapdog, etc.? I'm surprised that dogs worldwide don't rise up in fury at the bad press they get. The only one to be credited with any virtue is the British Bulldog, and even then he has to pose with a cigar in his jaws to get that.
The indiscriminate Israeli attacks on Lebanon constitute "collective punishment" which is a violation of the Geneva conventions on war crimes.

Hizbullah is equally guilty.

Neither the people nor government of the Lebanon can be held responsible for the Hizbullah attacks on Israeli border troops last week which led to the current crisis.

There will, of course, be no war crimes charges brought against Israel because the USA would never allow it. It is also too much to hope that Mr Tony will remove his head from Bush's arse for long enough to condemn the random killings by Israeli forces.
I can't help but wonder why it is that an opposing force would ever attack Israel. Everyone knows that Israel will respond with an overwhelming assault, completely disproportionate to the initial attack.
Why tug on the tigers tail???
The key to solve this conflict with Siria,Iran,Hizbolaah and their cousins..... are good words, dialogue and good intentions........

I think Europe,USA and Israel should supply them a lot money for them to play sports and some Gandhis poster ould help a lot here, it is quite clear these people is quite reasonable.

Also allow Iran to have nuclear force would help, because they want it only for civil uses.
suny, please take up a career in engineering. The world would not be able to withstand your entry into politics or diplomacy.

Do you think that when ETA was doing its worst in terrorist attacks that the Spanish goverment should have bombed the people of San Sebastián?
Originally posted by BrianH@Jul 20 2006, 07:00 PM

Do you think that when ETA was doing its worst in terrorist attacks that the Spanish goverment should have bombed the people of San Sebastián?

But I dont know why you use that comparation, completely different situations.
Not at all - the people of the Lebanon are not responsible for the actions of Hizbullah, but they are the ones whose homes are being destroyed and whose lives are being taken.
Originally posted by sunybay@Jul 20 2006, 05:57 PM
The key to solve this conflict with Siria,Iran,Hizbolaah and their cousins..... are good words, dialogue and good intentions........

I think Europe,USA and Israel should supply them a lot money for them to play sports and some Gandhis poster ould help a lot here, it is quite clear these people is quite reasonable.

Also allow Iran to have nuclear force would help, because they want it only for civil uses.
I thought this was a boring topic suny?

Why don't you stick to the 'birthday wishes' thread. I know how dull a discussion about the deaths of score of civilians (on both sides) can be.
I agree with Brian , you could draw comparisons with both the Basque country and Northern Ireland . The ordinary people are the ones who are suffering here while the Hizbolaah regime remains largely untouched although one look at Beirut this evening would seem to suggest that Israel are doing their best to flatten the place .
The way I see it Israel know they have a corridor of about a fortnight to behave as badly as they like before UN motions come into play and they're doing their damndest to knock as many skittles down as they can in that time . Civilians don't count . This supposedly started over 2 kidnappings but I think Israel have reacted disproportionately as always to pursue their own goal and you're quite right noone will accuse THEM of war crimes . The double standard disgusts me
Originally posted by solerina@Jul 20 2006, 11:31 PM
I agree with Brian , you could draw comparisons with both the Basque country and Northern Ireland .
It is evident most here dont know anything about the ETA affair.