Leopardstown Competition

What worries me about that race Gearoid is that Neptune and Listener could set it up for the real stayer Notre Pere...so NP is favoured pacewise but could make errors in this company looking at the form...so I bailed out of the race before it fried me brain up
no, but I don't think he will be done any favours by the listener hassling him...and vica versa..both could waste too much energy early on..set race up for a plodding welsh national type :whistle:

too much conflict, guessing..how race will pan out

i can easily see the fav losing though
I think your looking for complications that are not there. Very straight forward race. Notre Pere won't be good enough.
bad pace scenarios aren't complications, they can change the outcome of races..which in this case could give Notre a chance of beating better horses...notre ain't that great a price to encourage me to play though
It's a six runner race. My thinking would be Ruby Walsh will let The Listener out in front. There will be no pace issues.
common sense would say thats his best ploy..but ......every race neptunehas run in with single figure runners the horse has led or been prominent

which suggests neptune will want the lead..which is where the issues could start...as listener will also want it
I'm against Ebadiyan in a big way. Think he will be third behind Jumbo Rio and Mourad.

Very good call Gearoid, well judged!
I didnt; get on to TH until after 1pm, so I'll say just for the heck of it that my bet for the comp would have been €1000 on NOTRE PERE

Shall now be well p'd off if I would have won :rolleyes:

Btw it's great having been to Leapardstown - it adds a lot watching coverage from certain course, to know what you are looking at, so to speak
just on a statistical point

the record of horses placing without winning in previous seasons GC's would put me off NC a little even though no one will have the slightest interest in that of course:D

...the stat is 0/23 since 1988 anyway..with a few below 5/1...six in all..in fact 10 were below 10/1.

i know you all love your stats
One stat that might interested the pair of ye is the one that suggests ye are tied in first place for the free bet. Same horse etc. Will look properly later on but if thats the case, I will let ye agree on the outcome. Play off (I'll pick a race) or divide the bet.
Useless stat in my opinion.

it may well be...but there is some logic behind it..if you think about it..which I know you won't :lol:


if we have tied then give my half to injured jocks fund..if Gearoid wants a play off then I'll go with that

what you want to do Gearoid?...half is yours unless you want to gamble

deal or no deal? :)

I will laugh if someone has pipped us :p
Yeah, EC, Gearoid and Icebreaker.

I am heading off for a couple of weeks so unless ye come to some sort of agreement between yourselves (as to picking the race and making your selections) then you'll just have to wait until I come back. Sorry for the delay!
How forecast-able that three entries would succeed at the same SP of 11/4? :rolleyes:

Very much up for a decider at this end. I could suggest the Most Valuable Race (handicap?) next Saturday as the decider, but I'm around for each days racing so any other alternative on any day or any course U.K. or Ireland is a "play". (If there is a Hunter Chase on the card, then, all the better! :lol: )

Many thanks, Galileo, for organising this fun competition. It is very much appreciated -- I really do mean that.
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Nope, sorry Gearoid, I can't have that; ( that old gamblers adage again -- "your own selection is the BEST selection" ).
Tell you what, tho' ........... if you wanna bottle-out of a face-off I'll let you stake your share on my pick for a guaranteed return. I like to see everyone a winner! :D

(Only joshing.)