Leopardstown Competition

Cheers E.C., .. that's very sporting of you. Thank you.

Indeed, your selection was very unlucky -- mugged on the line.
('Tis a funny ol' game, this is.) :blink:
It is now a over a month since the above competition was initiated.
To date, I have had no communication whatsoever from the competition organiser.

This post is not motivated by any wish to pursue the competition prize -- I really don't care about that. Honestly!
Rather, this post is driven by a concern that members might think it ungracious that I did not acknowledge receivership of the prize. Obviously, it is impossible to express appreciation and gratitude for something won -- but not received.
Just to clear any misconceptions, as it were.
That is all.

I was away in Dubai for the 10days directly after the initial day the competition ended...I told yourself, Gearoid and co to sort it out amongst yourselves while I was away...

Forgive me for completely forgetting to chase this up after 10 days of holiday. A simple PM or bringing this back up to remind me would have done the trick - I would have thought rather than waiting till after Cheltenham to bring it up.

Forward on your account details (if you want the money transferred and I'll do it now), address for it to be posted or give me your chosen horse for your free €50 bet which is coming out of my own pocket.
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I'm sorry, I don't it believe it was incumbent upon me to PM anybody in pursuance of a prize honestly won. Besides, sending such a PM has a sad whiff of pathetic begging about it -- and begging has never been an appealing trait. Self-dignity is of greater value than the monetary worth of any prize in my book. The reasoning behind waiting for a month was so as not to pressurize, and to allow time for memory recall.

I don't understand why you are getting testy about this. You proposed the comp; organised it. With that undertaking comes the responsibility to see the procedure through to the end. My motivation in making the post was to assuage any conjecture in members' minds that I had been indifferent or neglectful to ackowledge the unreceived prize. I make no apology for that.

At this juncture, I would be content if you could donate the prizemoney to your favourite charity, and thus bring this situation to a conclusion.
I'm sorry, I don't it believe it was incumbent upon me to PM anybody in pursuance of a prize honestly won. Besides, sending such a PM has a sad whiff of pathetic begging about it -- and begging has never been an appealing trait. Self-dignity is of greater value than the monetary worth of any prize in my book. The reasoning behind waiting for a month was so as not to pressurize, and to allow time for memory recall.

I don't understand why you are getting testy about this. You proposed the comp; organised it. With that undertaking comes the responsibility to see the procedure through to the end. My motivation in making the post was to assuage any conjecture in members' minds that I had been indifferent or neglectful to ackowledge the unreceived prize. I make no apology for that.

At this juncture, I would be content if you could donate the prizemoney to your favourite charity, and thus bring this situation to a conclusion.

Ok fair enough that will be done...apologies for the mix up.
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