Life sucks ...

Terribly sad news this morning. One of my neighbours died last night. She was only 26 and a very nice lady. She had a brain tumour, which was diagnosed while she was carrying her second baby. Like most expectant mothers, she turned down treatment until the child was born. Unfortunately it was very aggressive and she got progressively weaker. I saw the ambulance last night and feared the worst.

When I saw Pete this morning he could only wave his hand.

So very very sad. She leaves two small children, the baby has just turned 1.

RIP Heather, you were a very brave and lovely lady.
Bit worried about Dougal at the moment. He has just been sick twice for the second time in a week - most unlike him.

He has been eating well, drinking plenty and is mostly quite lively (except when it is going to rain, as today).

All the same, I am just a bit worried that his disease might have started to spread following the increase between his chemo from 21 days to 28 days.

He has exceeded the 1-2 year prognosis that Mary gave at the start of his illness, so I am probably being just a bit twitchy.

Amazing how they get into your emotions, isn't it? When we took him in I was determined not to get too attached as the intention had been to foster him and find another home. Now I find that just the thought of losing him is enough to start the tears.

I know he has done extremely well and is not going to make old bones, but I really don't want to lose him yet!
How old is Dougal and what type of dog, Redhead?

Me and my mother share ownership of a 12 year old Rottweiler going on 13. He's absolutely adorable and always has been, showing all the positive aspects of the breed, loyalty, strength etc. He's got arthritis now and bad skin, but at times shows every sign of loving his beach walks etc.

The problem is the medication for his arthritis makes his skin worse.:(
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Hi Marble, sorry to hear about your dog's arthritis. The medication can cause problems while it takes the worst of the pain away. Glad he is still enjoying life. My friend has always had "Rotters" and, like you, has always found them to be loyal and affectionate. She is a small blonde lady and has a couple of Rottweilers and feels perfectly safe walking round the park early in the morning or late in the evenings - can't think why!

Dougal is a stray cat that I adopted about 3 years ago, when he was about 2 1/2 years old. He was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer just over 2 years ago and has been having monthly chemo sessions since then. He has coped marvellously with all this, including putting up with losing all his lovely long fur and going bald after every chemo dose each month.

Despite getting plastered with aloe vera every time a bald spot appears and being choked with a steroid tablet every other evening, he is still very affectionate.

Visits to the vet are, however, getting a bit more traumatic for him. He was sick for the first time the day after his last chemo session and has been sick again today, a fortnight after it. I can't help wondering but am trying not to worry. Hoping it's just the unsettled weather.
The nearest thing I've had to a cat was when I had a one night stand once and woke up the next day with one sitting on top of me:)

Ahh, all the best with it. Sounds like you've given her a good life. Thats all we can hope for.
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Thanks Marble. He was a bit brighter this morning, but is now flaked out on the sofa. Amazing how much room a small creature like a cat can take up!
Marble; The best and cheapest cure for arthritis, any species is Epsom salts. Half to one teaspoon in food daily; not enough to give diarrhoea(adjust downwards). It takes 10 -14 days to kick in. For skin try roasted linseeds and a little aloe vera. The linseeds can also loosen stools but are good for us all. Check out for details.
Epsom salts has worked wonders on patients of mine down the years.
Thankyou. I've got an appointment with a vet about this next week, I was going to get a different medication for his artritis that doesn't hurt his skin. We'll see what they say, I'll give what you say a try though. My mother is dealing with this stuff I'll pass this on to her.
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Good point about linseed edgt. I sorted Dougal out using some fine milled linseed (flaxseed, as its marketed).

Turns out the poor little lad had constipation, which can be a side-effect of his type of cancer.

The cure was quite simple, he had his tummy massaged for 10 minutes a day (loved it so much he lay on his back washing his face!). The first time I did this he jumped onto my lap just afterwards, began to purr and then let off 2 enormous, loud and smelly guffs! Thank Heaven I sit next to a window.

I dosed him for a few days with either cod liver oil or flaxseed/linseed oil just to ease things and have been sprinkling his food with ground linseed since.

All sorted and his skin has improved a lot too. He's much happier now (and a lot less whiffy!).
Have not been on here for ages, just been busy and not had time/energy to read forums. But, had to find out how Dougal has been. Thinking about the two years I've been a fan of his, and all that you and he have been through, it's an amazing story that warms the heart. I do hope he makes it through at least one more Christmas basking in your devotion. I've not been to Cheltenham lately either - must get out more and perhaps see you at the next meeting.
Welcome back Isi! Dougal sends his love.

Little sod has found a new game. When I had new central heating fitted, a piece of my bedroom carpet by the door was cut off to allow access to the floor boards. Dougal has found that if he scratches around by the door he can then lift the square of carpet, rumple it up, then get his teeth into it and pull it apart.

Unfortunately, this particular game is only effectively played with two, and the only time there are two of us in the bedroom is - yep - my bedtime. Midnight last night he pulled the carpet up, so I tried to ignore him. Then he started tearing it with his teeth, so I had to respond then. Got out of bed to give him a (light) slap and he promptly rolled over on his back to have his tummy tickled. I replaced the carpet, tapped his nose to tell him off and went back to bed.

Just got comfortable when I heard a loud "Brrrr" and galloping paws, he landed square on my back, bounced off me, bounced to the bottom of the bed, jumped over to the dressing table, then to my chair, then found my metal racing badges and clattered and tinkled them against the wardrobe door for a few minutes, before leaping into the air, landing four-square, running out of the door and galloping down the stairs.

How does such a small creature manage to sound like a baby carthorse at times?

(He's in for a shock today, the nailgun is out and the carpet will be immoveable by the time I've finished!)
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Oh dear, Dougal's lost a tooth. Thought he looked a bit funny when he yawned last week. I've been trying to have a look but been fought off as he thinks I'm trying to put a pill down his throat. Had to be one of his upper fangs, didn't it. Oh well, the mice will have more of a chance now.

Had his chemo the other day and was sick the following day and spent the best part of 24 hours wrapped in his blanket in his hammock, which hangs over the radiator.

Felt better at about 3.00 this morning and decided to come and tell me how good he was feeling. Grrr. Every time I pushed him out of the bedroom, he opened the door and came bouncing back in. That's a new trick, by the way. He can open the old-fashioned door handles to the bedrooms, as they have nice long handles and don't need a lot of weight to unlatch them. Nothing is safe anymore, not even sleeping redheads.

Now I just need to teach him how to close doors behind him. He's an intelligent cat, so if a dog can do it...
I love reading about Dougal and your determination to give him a life that most would have given up on.

Sadly we lost our cat this week after 18 years - she hasnt been home for nearly a week and whilst we know that cats can go off on "adventures" its totally against her usual practice and we fear that she has found somewhere to pass away. She had suffered from mild kidney failure and was on a renal diet for the last few months but the vets had said it was only very mild.

Our son is taking it very hard - whilst he may be 25 she has been with us since he was 7 and they were almost insperable (even to the point where she stood guard outside the loo!)

RIP Lady
Oh, Ballydoyle, how terribly sad for you all. Cats and dogs do become members of the family, with their own personality and often close ties to one particular person. You must all be heartbroken, but your son especially so. I really do feel for you all.

RIP Lady, and my love and condolences to you all.
By the way - just found Dougal's tooth - in my bedroom carpet (!).

Silly sod must have pulled it out when he found a corner to tear (despite my best efforts with the nailgun).

As to my determination to give him a life, Ballydoyle, he is equally determined to take it by the scruff and live it. :lol:
Thanks for the kind words redhead - just to show what a little madam she was here is a photo of her on her favourite spot (which was about the only place our flat ever got a decent amount of sunshine!)

Really sorry to hear of your loss Ballydoyle, and what a beauty too.
Mine is 'rising' 17 and a complete sop bag of a cat. I dread the day.......
Lovely lady Ballydoyle - its horrible when they go - the first cat i knew at home was two years older than me and had been my brothers since a kitten, that was really hard when she went - funny how they weedle their way in isnt it !!
There wasnt a thread call "Life is amazing" so I have to post here - we found Lady!!!

Long story but looks like a local cat crazy picked her up and took her home but went to the vets (without the cat) to say she had found a mistreated torty and she needed to call the RSPCA. Vets kindly gave me her details (based on the fact she is a loon and knwon to them as being a hoarder) and who was sitting on a chair looking innocent?! The flat stank of cat pee and all windows were barred/shut so that would explain why Lady hadnt come back.

So now the spoilt madam is enjoying treats and hot pipes :)

Life is good.....
Good to hear that, reminds me of when my rabbit went missing just before Christmas a few years ago. He had the run of the garden and kids used to come and make a fuss of him, but when he went missing I was convinced somebody had eaten him. A few weeks later one of the kids came up to me and said that she had seen "Thumper" in a house a couple of streets away and when I went to get him, there he was holding his own with about nine or ten cats!
What fantastic news Ballydoyle! Welcome home Lady. Life can indeed be amazing!

Walsy, what did you do? Just go in and get him or have a word with the person who had pinched him?

I don't understand animal hoarders. We had a local "cat lady" who loved all the cats in her care but kept them in appalling conditions. She would bring them to the vets, if they were poorly, but some people like that don't.

Such lovely news!
Haven't logged on here for a long time

Glad dougal is still doing well :)

One of my springer's was diagnosed with an aggressive form of mast cell cancer last year, we decided to go ahead with treatment & after 6 sessions of radiotherapy & 6 rounds of chemo she remains free of detectable cancer, due to go back next week for her 3 month check up so fingers crossed!

On top of that Jess one of my elderly cats was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, thankfully after several months of looking dodgy her T4 levels have been stable since December

Been a very emotional year