Life sucks ...

Dougal sounds a real character, sadly its those that you miss the most when they pass on, he sounds like he is picking up which is brilliant news, it could be the fact that he was dehydrated that made him feel unwell so wouldn't eat & now he has had the fluid he feels better, fingers crossed

keep thinking positive, I know when Rosie my springer was diagnosed with cancer last year & we were told she had 2/3 months, it was like being hit by a car but her we are 14 months later with a dog in remission :)
Excellent news about Rosie, Helen. It is worth persevering if they have a fighting chance.

Dougal does not look good this morning. He is still very subdued. He ate well yesterday at the vet's and managed a nibble of food yesterday evening when he came home. He put himself straight to bed in his radiator hammock and stayed there until about 3.30 this morning, when he came up for a drink (always have water for Tilly there). He then crept into Tilly's pyramid bed and stayed there until 8.00 this morning. Very quiet and subdued.

Checked his food dishes this morning. Hadn't touched anything. Rang Mary who said that as he had been without his steroids for a couple of days his appetite may not be stimulated. We are reducing his dose and he is now down to 1/2 tab every other day, but he had not had a tablet for a couple of days due to being in overnight. She said to give him the Prednisolone and wait to see if his appetite picks up.

He has just come downstairs now and I am breaking my heart for him, because the poor little lad has wet his bed.

I have a funny feeling that he doesn't want to fight anymore. I shall give him until tomorrow evening and then call Mary. I think my darling Dougal is dying. He isn't suffering as he is in no pain, but I think he wants to go. I shall give him a little time - just in case he starts to feel a bit better, but I think this may be the end of the line.
That's such a shame, they never seem to be with us long enough,do they. Hopefully he will pick up, but at least he knows he has a strong enough mum to do what's right for him and not let him carry on if he's suffering.

Not a nice time ever.
Thank you both. I hope I'm wrong, too Colin. I shall give him until tomorrow evening or Saturday morning. It's the bedwetting that has me worried as he has always been so clean, even when he lived wild.

I want Mary to come to us. All my cats die at home and I think that is what Dougal wants as when he realised he was home he was trying to bash his way out of his basket as I walked down the path with him.

Must go. He has just gone downstairs and I don't want him sneaking off.
Well, the rollercoaster of life with Dougal goes on.

The bedwetting incident upset me so much as I thought he was losing control of his bladder. Then, while sitting with him while Mum did our shopping, it struck me how hard the rain was battering at the window. It suddenly dawned on me that he might have had an accident because he was keeping his legs crossed to avoid going out in the rain!

Poor Mum got back with my shopping and I immediately got her to give me a lift round the corner to the pet store. Dashed in, bought a (very pink) litter tray and a bag of kitty litter.

Got home and set the tray up in a corner of the kitchen. About an hour later Dougal decided he needed a drink, so he got out of bed and headed for his water bowl. I showed him the litter tray and he went over to investigate, realised he had got his own en suite and - relief!!!!

He got up a short while ago and has been eating a bit of the prescription diet and a bit of rice pudding (that's probably not too good for him, but he has got SO thin). His eyes have opened up a bit more and he actually came to my hand for a fuss.

I am going to confine him to barracks for a while as he is rather wobbly on his legs and I don't want him to get hit by a car, considering the speed they go at down this little road.

Wondered why I was feeling so rubbish. Due to all the activity and worry about Dougal, I haven't taken my own medication for a couple of days. Now I know why I have it!

Thank you all for your support. It is greatly appreciated. He is not out of the woods yet, but I feel a little bit better now that he is showing a bit of interest in life again.
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He hasn't eaten since lunchtime but has drunk quite a bit and dug a big hole in his litter tray. I decided to open the catflap so that he doesn't think he is imprisoned and going back to the vet. He is very wobbly, so I am hoping that he will stay in the warm.

Didn't do much work today, so as I cannot sleep I shall stay up and try to catch up.
I had a brainwave in the wee small hours and gave him some Complan. He eventually drank a small saucerful, but getting him to actually try it is the difficult thing. I shall try syringe feeding him in the hope of dispelling the nausea he is obviously feeling, as many cats with kidney disease actually die of starvation because they refuse to eat - not on my watch kitty!
Vet's just called. Very disappointed as he was eating well when he left. I told her that I plan to feed him and she said give it a go over the weekend, but that he really needs to want to eat by himself and that if he doesn't it isn't very hopeful.

The thing is that he is interested, but when you actually put the food in front of him he squirms away from it.

We are not beaten yet. Half the battle is getting them to eat through the nausea and let the kidneys start to adjust to the new diet. If not, I will be strong (and cry all day and night).
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This will be the last post about Dougal on this thread. He was put to sleep at 12.50 this afternoon. RIP little lad.
Hi Trudi - I gave him his own thread to say goodbye, but realised no one would know that his second name was Alexander. I've always believed the scruffier the cat the smarter the name s/he needs, and he was scruffy though very beautiful when he first came to me.

I had been going to try to feed him over the weekend, but he didn't really want to try, and I just could not force him. Ironic that he beat the cancer but then succumbed to kidney problems. That really beat him and he just didn't want to go on.

I have been going through all of the photographs that I took when he was first diagnosed, and remembering just how brave and affectionate he was. I have been honoured.
Not sure if you will read this, but will post on both threads to make sure you see it. Thank you so much for letting me know about Dougal. You know that, sharing your love of wayward waifs and strays, I send you many hugs and much love.
Take care of yourself xxx
Took the dog for her booster jab only to notice a swelling on her side. Vet says it isn't a lipoma and looks cyst like. Trying not to worry; going to give her a piriton tomorrow thinking it might be an allergic reaction of some kind [although I'm sure the vet would have known if it was]. She said just to keep an eye on it for a while. She has something wrong with her every year round about now but at least, with it being a new sort of lump my insurance will cover it. First time I've insured a pet and first time I've had a dog or cat with so many problems.
Sadly we had to put Lady down earlier today - she had lost weight and appetite and she was too good a cat too let suffer.

19 years of love and warm toes - sleep well little one :(